I Meditated 2 Hours Daily For 2.5 Years - Honest Reflections.

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Deep meditation practice probably isn't what you think it is. In this video I recount my experience with meditation over the past 2.5 years to give you a sense of what you may expect. Everyone is different, although my hope is that this may inspire you in some way.


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At 22 I started living in a yoga ashram 5 years while flying as stewardess almost 10 years, I did my sadhana every day flying or not, ( 1 hr yoga and 1 hr meditation) and sometimes I made other meditations as well at another time of the day, amazing things started to happen good in my life, Icontinued with this during almost 18 years more, very strong practice and later with a soft way to practice, not at 4 am any longer but sometimes at 6 am, or during the day, during my strong practice I married and had children, 2, I divorced after 10 years of marriage and later married again & went to live in Europe & it was my yogic discipline that brought me together with my true love after the painful divorce! Still karma had to be paid! 😩 but it happened as well, now we are 20 years together and still we are happy😃, now I am 63🤗🥰


going on 2yrs myself now... I would say the most significant thing for me is it quieted my inner dialog, and has helped me really really understand the meaning behind the phrase "it's really not about you" ☺


Bro, I had a break down when I finally got my apartment and finally got time to sit and meditate. Prayer and meditation is soul food


I was an avid meditator20 years ago and completely healed my depression. Life got in the way and I gave up a ten year practice. I fell into extreme social anxiety. I restarted two months ago and am doing two to three hours per day. My social anxiety is literally down 70%. I also go to a counselor for a year which has helped as well. Meditation brings all my other life practices together like yoga, breath work and qi gong. Yes I am facing the inner issues but that is part of the healing and I enjoy that I am again working through life traumas. I also recommend daily QiGong, yoga and weight lifting. The way it’s going I will be over a ten year social anxiety in the next few months. Meditation is man’s last freedom!


Sam, can I just tell you how grateful I am that you have these vids posted for youngsters to see and get inspired from? This is the sort of content that should appear in all social media reels; not toxic influencers talking about how to land more women in bed or other trifles. This is the stuff that allows for a shift of earthly consciousness, one person at a time. I thank you wholeheartedly and request you keep creating more content for the welfare of humanity. Namaste!


Trauma can be a beautiful window to reality, the trick is finding the door to walk threw. Thank you for sharing


Just came back from my 1st 10-day course. Your persistence is inspirational. Thanks for sharing 🙏


I really like the commentary on the dark side of meditation, which is something many opinions miss. Very balanced, keep up the great inner work! :)


I love your deep reflection on meditation. Thank you for sharing.

I myself have been meditating every day for 2 years (4 yrs total). Initially started out to cope with my high levels of stress - the idea that we are creators of our reality is so powerful.

The dead weight in my chest lifted. I became less existential.

I started following my intuition, and paid for my first ever meditation course with Isha. However my intuition lead me to places I simply would not enter. Perhaps I did not have enough fortitude to follow through with this.

I benefited so much from the practices. I would recover from situations in much shorter time. But the greatest benefits did not come after 3 hours of meditation every day.

I agree so much about rooting our experiences in every day life and building habits. Yes, meditate. But don’t spend hours on the mat because you wont have a life to come back to.


Mooji talks about 'mind attack' during meditation, it is a common occurrence. always good to have someone experienced to share your experience so that they can guide you.


People generally quit meditation when they reach a point when all you are getting out of meditation is " CHURNING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AGAIN AND AGAIN, DAY AFTER DAY WITH NO PRACTICAL SOLUTION " And it generally comes after 4-5 month of practice


Thanks for the video.
I have been meditating for 3 years now. I started with 10 minutes but now I can do 2-hour sessions. 3 weeks ago I had meditation sessions that broke me. I had even sworn that I'd never meditate again. But thankfully I'm back again and that wave of anger and frustration has subsided.


just started for like 20 days ago, i only meditate 5 min a day to actually make it a real habit and then after 30 days i will up it to 10 min a day.


Vipassana ... seeing Shri S N Goenka Ji in your video suddenly gave a burst of happiness to me ...


you're letting go. that is a good thing. only achievable after years of meditation. you are liberating yourself from piles of emotions that have weighed down your unconscious. after a while, you won't even have much left. i even look deeper for them, hoping to find more to let go. i always love the sensation of liberation after feeling the emotions (wherever or whichever period of my life they may have come from) as fully as possible and then letting them go even though that will often involve crying, shouting and twitching like hell. there was a time i felt these emotions would never run out and that I was stuck in some vicious cycle. it wasn't true. they are eventually let go and don't affect me anymore. i can objectively look at them because I've dealt with them, paid them the attention that was long overdue. but it's important not to be addicted to feeling these, too. then that's when it really gets dark.


This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. I Love your honesty in all your videos. I finished my first Vipassana course 3 weeks ago. It was completely life changing! All the pain, all the stuff I'd been holding on to my whole life, the grief, the loss, the grudges and anger. It's gone. I kind of felt like clean on the inside some how. Like sparkling clean. I had a really hard childhood as I am sure many of us have had (well I hope not) I forgive my family and also understand now why they are the way they are and why they do and did those things. I have so much Love for them now. I won't ever have a close relationship with them but I've let go of the pain and the grudges.

Saying that though it is now a case of sticking to the 2 hours a day which I am finding tough and how to deal with conflict in day to day life. I do not want the stuff I let go of to be replaced my new stuff. I have really struggled conflict with today and in the past week. I have been ignoring things with someone I have had issues with and trying to feel compassion for them. I guess I am trying to force things instead of just observing the sensations. You also have to deal with issues though and I have been ignoring them and by me ignoring them the feelings just kind of mounted up today. I have also been trying to just observe the feelings that come up. This is fine to do most of the time in sitting meditation (it doesn't always feel nice but thats the point of just observing and not reacting to the craving and aversion) It is more difficult to do this during day to day activities. Do you have any advice on this? It's cool if you don't or are not here for Q&A I can ask the people I did the course with. Just thought I'd ask while I'm here.

Again thanks for another awesome video.


Regardless I can already hear that level of meditation in his soul


Noticing the little things yes like chirps and smells and rustles
And life feels more present and i feel lighter.
I like the high of meditation
But one thing i noticed is that its no answer.——although —— i found Meditation on Gods word/wisdom( kjv bible) life is clear


So great to see/hear just how far you've come in such a short time. I love hearing about your experiences. Keep sharing this :) <3


imo -- you're very right to come to the conclusion that through meditation you will not find a way to eradicate your suffering. A) it make take a lifetime of work to do so and B) just like the fullness of the external world is absolutely important! Also reflecting on and choosing healthy habits etc along with a good meditation practice. Lastly, C) a little bit of just brain chemistry is important to examine... and so western medicine can be of help too.. (along with diet and supplements etc too) but for example, I find myself spiral into uncontrollable depression when I am off of my ssri, but I can thrive with it and feels like it allows for meditation and those healthy habits with exercise especially to really help.
