The REAL Reason Dumbledore Never Became Minister for Magic (+WHAT IF He Did?)

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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’re discussing why Professor Albus Dumbledore, arguably the greatest Headmaster Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has ever seen, never assumed a much greater leadership role within the wizarding world as the British Minister for Magic.

As far as legendary wizards go in the world of Harry Potter, Professor Albus Dumbledore certainly tops the list—especially when considering the number of legendary witches and wizards who have wielded their power for good and not evil. For starters, he is likely only one of a few wizards in all of history who was essential in the downfall of not one, but TWO dark and powerful wizards, both of whom were leading deadly wizarding conflicts. His first conquest of good over evil came when he defeated the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald on the 2nd of November in 1945. In doing so, Dumbledore not only stopped Grindelwald from continuing to gain power with the intention of subjugating Muggles around the world, he also effectively ended the global wizarding war that had erupted thanks to Grindelwald’s prejudiced views. Then, in the 1990s, Dumbledore was also responsible for identifying the weakness of Voldemort—namely his multiple Horcruxes—which eventually led to Harry Potter’s ability to defeat the Dark Lord. While not many witches or wizards can attest to attaining the same or similar achievements, Dumbledore defeated those dark wizards while also TEACHING, for Albus was an accomplished professor at Hogwarts for years before finally becoming one of the school’s most admired Headmasters.

So, when taking all of Albus Dumbledore’s accolades into consideration, as well as his propensity for what is just and right, it seems rather odd that a wizard as powerful and good as Dumbledore, and who could clearly lead an organised establishment, was never the head of the magical governing body of Britain—the Ministry of Magic.





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He could never trust himself with power


I think that the biggest change would've been that, since Dumbledore wasn't looking for a Divination professor, than he never would've heard the prophecy, let alone Snape overhearing part of it and Voldemort being obsessed with the prophecy, never would've tried to kill Harry specifically, and would've concentrated on taking over even more. Without the distraction of the prophecy, the wizard civil war would've started much earlier and, I believe due to Voldemort's horcruxes, he would've eventually won.


What better way to guide and influence the future than by being a teacher and headmaster?
As head of the Ministry of MAGIC he would have influence for a limited amount of time if at all——As headmaster he is able to influence generations of people.


As minister he might have used something other than the dementors to guard Azkaban, as well as improved Wizarding relations between creates like giants, and werewolves.

This would have deprived Voldemort of some of his most powerful death-eaters and allies.

He might have even foiled Scaberz from bringing back the dark lord if it was him visiting Azkaban during that visit when Fudge gave Padfoot the newspaper. Maybe he could have saw the truth using his igilimens skill.


Dumbledore never became Minister for Magic because he didn't seek power and preferred to focus on protecting Hogwarts and fighting dark forces. If he did become Minister, he would have likely brought significant positive changes, promoting unity and justice in the wizarding world.


Honestly, Dumbledore has such high status due to him being for front for us as an audience. So, we hold his legacy so high from lack of knowledge about other great witches and wizards. But in regards to not becoming minister, he liked teaching and never had any inclination towards that role.


Albus Dumbledore was such a complex man.
He had a kindness to him, but I have also noticed how many highly smart people, like Albus was; tend to see through people, read them like books and that power make smart people tempted to manipulate others (whom they think are less intelligent).
So Albus wasn't probably aware of his darker traits until he met with Gellert and both dug deep in the use of their power to their advantage, masked with the (false) premise of "the greater good". Phrase probably picked by Dumbledore to make sure his true intentions of power and domination, were ambigious, arbitrary.
I think the death of Ariana (possibly and unintentionally, by his own wand) once more made Albus aware of the faults in his character, and he saw the consequences of actions of people seeking power, once met with opposition, can be catastrophic (the death of his sister).

Albus lost so much in his life, and when when one is met with so much loss, it can be very humbling.
Albus lost his dad, then his dreams of traveling the world with Elfias, then his mom, then his sister the his only love Gellert. These events were probably the reason why Albus was immensely wise, and that wisdom made him keep his ego on check.


The worst of tyrannies are always the ones that are done in the victim's "best interests". Dumpledore strikes me as one who has learned this truth, and much as Gandolf rejected the One Ring when Frodo offered (begged) it to him, Dumpledore rejected being placed in positions of power over the magical community.


Dumbledore didn’t take the job because he already had a taste of power in his youth and he saw it corrupt his best friend so he vowed never to hold as much power again . He even tried to steer a young Voldemort away from dark magic by warning him about theft.


Dumbledore never trusted himself with power while seemingly missing the fact that his connections and influence gave him tremendous power, which he used responsibly.


what was Fudge's role before becoming MoM? I know Crouch was in the running for the role before junior got busted, but I've often wondered what Crouch did since he was effectively a bronze medal for the role.


I’d like to see a 7 part fan fiction of this. Where Dumbledore assumes power, starts off with all the best intentions, defeats Voldemort and becomes a tyrant.
Explore how this effects Snape - did he follow Dumbledore to the ministry or stay and become the headmaster?
How does the effect Hagrid- does he still work at hogwarts or did he become the deatheater we all feared he was?
Sirius- does he rot in Azkaban?
Lupin - can he find real work?

5 books dedicated to hunting and defending Voldemort, watch Dumbledore become more ruthless in his quest. Then 2 books explore the aftermath where everyone is unsure at first then realizes Dumbledore must be stopped.
Julis Caesar never gave up his power. I’m thinking this could be along similar story beats.

Collaborate with the SuperCarlin Brothers on this one!


I think Dumbledore didn't want to be a Minister because he liked to be undercover, and as a Minister he wouldn't be able to do that. He would also be subjected to much more criticism. He was the head of the Wizengamot and the International Confederation of Warlocks, which gave him much more power than if he were a minister. Additionally, as Headmaster, he had a more direct influence on the upbringing of new generations of wizards than as Minister.


He may have been less corrupt than Fudge, at least.


I trust Dumbledores knowledge of himself and his abilities as a seer. He is just too powerful a wizard and since he has a status as a hero for defeating Grindelwald, he could easily become a tyrant. A good tyrant not an evil one but a tyrant non the less. Even if your aims are for the good of many to be able to force it upon all is not a good idea.


Professor Minerva McGonagall would be Headmistress . She also knows so deeply the whole issue in details and much more.


They say not wanting power is a sign you are worthy of it. To see through the glitz and the glamour it wears to hide the poisonous influence it has over people takes a degree of wisdom too few in positions of authority possess. But wisdom is always earned. And Albus Dumbledore paid a terrible tragic price to obtain this particular bit of truth.


Albus Dumbledore forgot the truth about power. That temporary as power may be, you can never truly understand it without applying it.
I believe Lord Acton’s famous quote, ”Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, is incorrect. I don’t think that power in and of itself is the corrupting influence. Instead it should have been, ”Power tends to be attractive to the corruptible.” This describes Dumbledore very accurately.


Dumbledor's statement about those best suited to power directly echoes similar statements made by Socrates in The Republic by Plato. In it, Socrates says that leadership or rule is best wielded by those who don't desire it but are willing to take it up when it's needed, but also set it aside when it's no longer required. This goes hand in hand with other notable quotes like "those who possess power fear to lose it", " power corrupts: absolute power corrupts absolutely", "[the] arrogant individual, whose power of authority and fear of losing it has gone to his head, has difficulty remembering he was once a man" and "Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it."


So obviously the book gives the explanation as to why he never became Minister. As for the "What if he did" part, he for sure would have made things better. The problem is, he didn't have the time. We already know that Fudge sent daily owls to get advice from him, not sure if he answered that advice all the time though. But he spent most of his time figuring out Voldemort still. Just going by the books when Harry gets into the picture, Dumbledore spends most of his time watching Harry, helping him grow and then finding out how Voldemort is doing what he's doing. Doesn't leave him much time to sit around at the Ministry and trying to run the British section of the wizarding world.

The idea that he didn't trust himself with that power is kinda dumb. He obviously kept learning magic throughout his life so he didn't avoid THAT kind of power, and he became Headmaster, so he didn't avoid the power of being in charge of hundreds of students learning magic.
