Runescape: Living Wyverns Guide

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Each week there will be a new High Level Mob being added to Runescape. This week's monsters to slay are wyverns, and this video guides you through how to kill them effectively giving you more of a chance to claim the level 85 wyvern crossbow, which has a damage-over-time passive effect and accompanying bolts.

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Thanks for the day 1 guide Justice, I thought about meleeing them, but decided to wait to try it for when I actually got a task.

Working on Raptor assignments atm for armour, figure I'll get a task for them soon.


Another method I've been using that seems fairly effective (20-30 minute trips with 50-70 kills), is using mage with the ability rotation of Basic > Impact > Basic/Thresh > Deep Impact > Basic/Thresh > asphyxiate. The stuns keep the wyvern from damaging you, allowing you to use soulsplit effectively. In addition to soulsplit, you should use the penance aura + Blood barrage + Dark form.

Also: Drednips are amazing here if you didnt already get that :P
Edit: Note that these are not worth killing at the moment unless you chance upon a crossbow. The drops are utter shite.


Theres a method that has been posted on reddit where basically dont require food at all. Using a shield and shield abilities


I think supreme overload salves would also work here. Has the effect of supreme ovl+ Prayer renewal+ antipoison+ anti wyrm breath in one inv slot.


This guide really helped me get more kills per trip, and with very low risk as well. Thanks!
I definitely like the concept of this mob, but I wished that magic was actually the best way to kill them. They're drops should also be buffed.


Great Guide. However, I feel In their current form they aren't worth doing. Regular drops are terrible, really terrible and the bow is obtainable off task. Which means it'll crash quick and these will be dead content soon. In my opinion all unique drops from slayer lvl required monsters should be only obtainable on task (like edimuu/rune dragons).


My setup: full malevolent, aos, deathtouch bracelet, ring of death, torva boots, dw drygores.
Just use vampyrism scrimshaw and you can soul split them not sure why you're praying magic in the first place since they will only hit with melee when md


I suggest using a replenishment potion at beginning of when u have no Adrenalin a lot of times they are hitting you so much u cant build up Adrenalin to use asphyxiate.


Very nice first day of release guide! So much things being added to P2P, when i get membership again in 5 to 6 months i'll have so much to catch up too :D


You can use magic at close range and use protect melee on. As a noob I got a lot more kills then when I was wearing my Elder rune and wielding a sword. So I prefer magic right now till I find something better. 😅


nice guide it works really well (at least for my) ty dude


Plagues end quest is required for making wyrmfire pots too I am also high level I haven't done these yet


Personally use mage with tectonic and prayer flick them. Without a wait like you do when using melee and trying to keep warm after kills.


Love the new slayer creatures, just hope the future once are just as hard to kill and maybe a bit more rewarding than these ;)


anti-poison ++ make you take half damage from the wyverns poison.


If you don't have access to Wyrmfire potions, do you need a dragonfire shield? or elemental shield?


by the way when getting an elite spawned finish your kill. If multiple players attack a single wyvern, nobody will get the drop.


I don't have priff unlocked and I got living wyverns task. Am I screwed?


These things are really not that hard, i just stayed for a full hour. I do recommend that you do them on task only, if you melee, otherwise it takes too long to kill them and you just freeze your nuts off and get dem headspins. Also you should utilize a shield throughout the kill. I start by resonancing and then preping as it spawns, should be able to get a 2-3k heal off the bat.


that crazy raptor gave me this task as my 2nd slayer and i wont get his armour any time soon 14tasks left i wish i could change the task i rather had 1000tuska over wyverns, my first experience in the cave i used antipoison and magic mele def on and used arma sword with lv70 armour and lv85 superior tetsu legs and slay mask and i killed 1 then i lost 100k on death to recover items 2nd try i had antifire and poison this time normal antifire from barb train i expected to get hit at half but i healed 1400 10times and first time i had sharks that heal 2100, i had no clue that i need to light a fire this seems to hard and slayer monster masks from treasure hunter didnt change my task or else i had his armour in no time.My advice kill dark beasts great money and easy to kill and faster with demon horn necklace to recover pray you get 9k gp some time and rune items to alch is even better than tuska and i killed 166 tuska for first raptor task.
