Dennis Martin - A Great Smoky Mountains Mystery

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The disappearance of Dennis Martin is surrounded by much rumor, speculation, and myth. Getting to the facts of the case can be a difficult task. Over the years this case has evolved and continues to do so to this very day. This video attempts to cover the timeline of this case from 1969 to the present day (2021).


Special Thanks To:
Micah Hanks
Justin Perleoni
Josh Branson
Check out their podcasts below!

Special Thanks to Fxllxng for Audio Production


The Dennis Lloyd Martin Disappearance Case File - National Park Service FOIA

The Micah Hanks Program Interview with Michael Bouchard

Terribly Vexed Interview with Dwight McCarter

Forever Searching by Michael C Bouchard
Missing 411 - The Eastern United States by David Paulides

Online Articles

Newspaper Articles
The Tennessean - July 27, 1969
The Item - July 21, 1969
The Tennessean - January 24, 1973
Johnson City Press - September 11, 1969
Johnson City Press - June 28, 1969
Kingsport Times-News - July 20, 1969
The Greenville News - June 19, 1969
The Charlotte Observer - September 13, 1969
The Town Talk - June 17, 1969
The Tribune - June 18, 1969
Johnson City Press - June 23, 1969
Kingsport Times - July 22, 1969
Asheville Citizen-Times - July 17, 1969
Johnson City Press - June 17, 1969
Johnson City Press - July 15, 1969
The Bradenton Herald - July 21, 1969
Kingsport Times - July 28, 1969
Johnson City Press - June 20, 1969
The Daily News-Journal - June 23, 1969
Johnson City Press - June 18, 1969
The Tennessean - July 31, 1970
The Daily News - August 14, 1970
Democrat & Chronicle - March 20, 1972
Petoskey News-Review - December 19, 1977


Russell Field Shelter by Brian Stansberry
Рекомендации по теме

My 7 year old went missing for about 45 minutes on a family day out about 25 years ago. He ran around a clump of bushes and just vanished! My wife went to call the police, while I ran shouting his name. Luckily another family had found him crying almost three quarters of a mile away. I was surprised how far he had gone alone in such a short time.


Forty-two years ago our daughter (aged 4) ran off in a large discount department store. We searched frantically and had incredible help from store staff. My wife was close to collapse. We found her waiting for us in the parking lot standing by our vehicle. It was one half hour in hell - I feel so sorry for the Martin family - I can't imagine how hard it has been for them.


I was born and raised in Roan Mountain Tennessee on Simerly Creek (Named after my family) where the mountain is shared with North Carolina. I can walk to North Carolina in a couple minutes. The mountains up here are extremely dense and the talk of men living in the mountains that haven’t had a lot of interaction with society is very real. I’ve met a couple and some can’t speak English and some live in single room shack with dirt floors and no windows. I know that East Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia have quite interesting stories. East Tennessee is known to be a paranormal hotspot as well.


His mom was one of my preschool teachers and one of the sweetest ladies I've met. I didn't learn about her son, until my mom told my about it as a teenager. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I admire her for being able to work with kids close to the same age as her son when he went missing. Maybe it brought her some comfort or happiness to be around children.


When I lived in the Ozarks as a 11 yr old my friend and I got lost walking my land and came across a shack deep in the forest with a man and woman sitting out front. No water, electric, no road anywhere nearby, no cars etc just a small garden and an outhouse and a small 1 room type shack. Luckily they weren't bad people and just pointed us in the right direction and we hiked off and made it home just fine.


Bill Martin had seen his son near a bush or small tree seconds before he went missing. When Martin turned his head for a brief few seconds, his son had completely vanished. Later, after being awake non-stop for days and insane with grief, Martin had to be restrained from digging under the plant in a fruitless search for his son. I hope never to have such a horrible thing happen to me or anyone I love.


I went to church with his Grandfather Clyde, at Temple Baptist Church in Fountain City, knoxville. Clyde was a good man, strong and faithful. This event was a living hell for the family. Pray for a solution to this mystery for the sake of his family.


I have a little nephew who's 6. He's very smart, talkative, and sweet. The idea of him wandering off and dying in the wilderness is gut wrenching. The Martin family has my deepest sympathy. I personally think the child got turned around while playing, started to look for his family on a wrong path, and perished from exposure due to the strong thunderstorm that went through the area that afternoon. The area where the "dead crow" was smelled should have been more thoroughly searched. Regardless, it's all so very tragic. Poor Dennis, RIP.


The only thing I can say with complete confidence is that I have lived in rural areas around Tennessee for almost 40 years. Born and raised. I've been hunting my entire life. There are some very, very strange families in the sticks. Some that may be incest. They live in their own backwoods world. Them being involved in this case is a completely different story. I have no idea. But, they are without a doubt out there.


I'll never forget seeing this boy's poster at a local restaurant in the county he went missing. I was on vacation with my family and appox 8-9yrs old. The following year my family on vaction again stopped at the same restaurant. I saw another poster next to his. It was a 2yr old girl who also went missing. They had a jar collecting donations at the cashier counter. I put my change in.


This story is a classic when it comes to mysteries, but it’s also one of the most heartbreaking true tales of how horribly a family can be ripped apart simply from the higher ups not being forthcoming. Whatever happened to Dennis Martin and other children like him should never be withheld from the parents.


I've heard way more gruesome and gory cases than this one, yet it still haunts me the most for some reason.
Whatever happened to this child, I hope he didn't suffer.


This is why I always gave my young kids whistles to wear around their necks when we were camping.


I agree w/you 102%!!! When the Park Ranger "smelled decomp", cadaver dogs should have been brought in IMMEDIATELY!


Once I was at a campground, and my dog (an American Staffordshire) went exploring. I was approached by a young man who thought I was alone, and when he got close, he attacked and pinned me agains my truck. I had a strong bond with my dog, and he must have known I was in trouble, even though I froze and couldn't scream. Within seconds he charged from out of nowhere, running straight toward us. When the young man saw Otis closing in, he gasped, then he also froze. Let's just say my dog Otis saved the day, and maybe having a good sized dog friend (or even more) along on hikes is a good idea.


No matter how many years ago someone disappears, its important to keep their memory alive. ❤


We lived in Alcoa in 69. I was 10 years old. We spent a lot of weekends in Cades Cove. I remember when this boy disappeared and the search for him. He was so young. I felt so bad for him being lost in those big mountains. I prayed and prayed for him to be found. Coming across this story brings back a lot of sad memories from those days.


This case has always hit me in a certain way. It’s a bizarre case for sure but its also because the child looks like such a sweet and meek child. There’s just something about him. Maybe he subconsciously reminds me of a relation.
His poor parents must have died inside on that day.
Whatever the case..
Bless his soul...


The photo of Dennis is so heartbreaking, he has such a lovely smile, poor little mite, how scared must he have been. I feel so sad for all concerned. May god rot whoever hurt him.


If you’ve ever gotten lost in the woods you know how scary it is. Not knowing which way to go it’s very easy to imagine traveling a long distance in the wrong direction. When I got lost in the Maine woods I also saw a pack of coyotes which had me completely freaked out and panicking. I picked up a big stick and just looked up at the sun remembering which direction I had seen it from the cabin. With that knowledge I was able to get out of the woods. A truly scary event I tell you.
