Strange Stories of Disappearances in the Great Smoky Mountains. The Dennis Martin Story.

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The pacific coast trail has a lot of disappearances and sightings also. love watching these type of shows. thank you!!!


So well written. Man, I really can't stop clicking on these videos and listening to them, lol


Wow, this is so scary. As much as I Love the beauty of the mountains I'd never travel them alone. I'd be sticking with my group like glue! thanks for this story Donnie. Your friend, Louise


You are a wonderful story teller. Your voice is comforting and easy to listen to your stories.


My family has been in this area for well, I’m an Overhill Cherokee descendant and every time I’m in the woods I feel watched!


I remember the Dennis Martin case really well I live about 35 miles south west of Knoxville I was 16 in 69 and his disappearance was so sad I kept hoping he would be found


Born an raised here in clay county Nc I live over on shooting creek my family goes generations bk here I heard stories about wild men here I've heard things in these mountains I can't explain


I never go out in these Appalachian mountains without my gun and my dogs. There are many creatures that dwell in the deep forest. David Paulides is well looking into with the Missing 411 books, it’s all about the unexplained cases. As always Donny, great video.


I love your voice, felt like i wa sitting around a camp fire with you and others in the pitch black, excellent channel


I cant explain but there is haunts on Horton Ridge in Russell co. Va.Saw orbs of light where there were no electricity in the holler.In just a moment they were in my yard.Bout make a man irrational if he weren't a believer.They never hurt nothing but my 1 year old new something was around us.I rebuked them and they kept they're distance.Things in these mountains we dont know for sure.


Thank you for sharing David Paulides' work and adding your own information. There's no telling what all is living in the Smoky Mountains!


GREAT show, Donnie! I have an Uncle Don from Appalachia area, which is where my family is originally from. The story about Dennis Martin was so tragic, and I firmly believe those Green Berets were called in, after Dennis went missing, to hunt down the "wild men" creatures! Dennis, if he'd lived, would be my age now....


When I was 12-13 or so, we had a kid who probably spawned a wild man story or two, his grandmother, who occasionally he would come to see, was dirt poor, had a railroad shack, nothing else, barely stayed alive, so he took off for the mountains young, never attended school that I know of, he was the kid parents mistakenly told their kids to avoid, which, kids being kids, meant the opposite. He was 2 or 3 years older, taller and stronger than me and never spoke a word that I know of but he never hurt a soul. I was out drowning worms one day and there he was, we nodded and he just watched for a while, then went back into the woods. I saw him several more times afterward and one day tossed him a spare pocket knife I had...the look on his face was shock, he opened it, closed it, offered it back and when I shook my head and showed him my other one, he sort of smiled, pocketed it and went on his way. I heard stories about him roaming the hills and valleys but never anything bad, I just knew he could disappear into the woods like smoke. I doubt he had a long life but I'd say it was a good one. RIP Smitty, wherever you are.


These are my favorite stories you have shared. Never gets old. You have the perfect voice for narrating these amazing stories. God bless 👣


I use to hike by myself. Not anymore. In the wilderness you can get lost easily if you get off the trail.


Great video and Great Stories on these missing people.


I've heard the story about poor little Dennis before, but never in this context. It really hit me hard to hear his age because he and I would have been the same age and I would have been terrified to be lost at that age! Thank you for sharing this information Donnie. I have never heard of the others that have gone missing. The Smokies are amazingly beautiful, yet as you say incredibly vast and many areas unexplored. Thank you for helping keep these folks stories alive!


This is a great video. Thank you. I've been in those woods and suddenly begin to feel as if someone or something is watching me. Times like that, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Thank you for bringing this to us. ❤️


Thank you Donny I just love your history story telling videos, I am from Ontario Canada and as a child we would drive to Florida and my favourite place was Tennessee, thought it would be the perfect place to live .. going through the Smokey mountains I could see log houses with smoke coming out of the chimneys every once in a while in a valley and it seemed there was no roads to even get to the homes. Yes Tennessee fascinated me that was many many decades ago, and I still think I would like to live in the Appalachians Nice people amazing food and the blue grass musicians are world class. Wonderful piece of the world. P.S. love your voice, accent and you are a master of story telling


Another good one Mr Donnie👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾thank you!!
