Dragon Age 2 Video Review

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IGN gives its video review of Dragon Age 2. The BioWare sequel to Origins definitely has better graphics, but is it a better epic fantasy game?

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y'all act like this was a bad game, this was still a good game, despite the rushed development by EA. Was it better than Origins? no. But it was still good.


if i had a nickel for every time someone says ign gives high scores, i would have a lot of nickels


Geez, people here are angry >>'''. I just finished this game last night, absolutely loved it. My first game was Inquisition which I fell in love with, so decided to get this game. Yeah it's smaller obviously, but I still loved the story, the characters, the world of Dragon Age. :)


Wow people utterly despise this game don't they ? Well I'm enjoying origins so I'll probably buy this as well.


I'm around a dozen hours in so far and I'm loving it. It's holding my attention same as DAO did.


I don't understand why people don't like this game I liked it not as much as origins but I still liked it


This game is great for people new to the Dragon Age franchise, not as deep as Origins no PRG is for that matter lol, but after playing this one then going back to play Origins you have a better grasp and understanding of many things funny how that works lol, Origins basically threw you in a deep depth of a back story it's a lot to consume as a first timer, Dragon Age II gives you a less morale compass and the bases around mage rebellion more than darkspawn, the combat system is much better in Dragon Age II I will say that much and the voice acting and characters are great, meeting Varric for the first time basically a fan favorite for everyone... I highly recommend all Dragon Age game including all the DLC can't wait till Dragon Age 4 soon !!!


Wow, I can almost hear the sound of money changing hands on this review. "Best in the series?". "Can't wait to play it again?" "Great writing?" What the hell has she been smoking and where can I get some? Need to dull the pain of this as well as ME3. Honestly? You're not fooling anyone.


this review lost a lot of credibility when she said da2 is better than the other games in the series 


Screw everyone who talks shit about this game. It's not "legendary" as origins was, but people saying it sucks... Grow up.


"There are several decisions that impact the story, but it doesn't affect it as much as i'd hoped."

What... did she play this game for 3 hours?  Are she fucking with us?  This review is likely why she doesn't work at ign anymore.


This is the type of game that isn't terrible, but It's perfectly okay to skip straight to the sequel.


After watching this video, I did not uninstall Dragon Age II. In fact, I installed it as a reserve when I am done playing Origins because I am a fan of Dragon Age in general.


I loved the story in DA1 and the combat in DA2... maybe they'll find a middle ground in part 3


When this game first came out I was really disappointed in the fact that you couldn't be a different race with multiple beginnings and that it all took place in one city.

Playing inquisition though made me go back and replay this and I have to say it's actually a super great game, better than inquisition at least. The character development is top notch and there is a lot of choices that actually feel hard and meaningful. All dialog has a nice cutscene (not this inquisition/mmo style) crap.

Don't get me wrong I like inquisition, but I like Origins and 2 way more.  The best thing I can say about inquisition, is that it had me come back to this game and I'm glad I did.


@Tombking2 what twists!? DAO: the game starts, he needs an army, he does these quests that take FOREVER, he has an army, he wins, the end. DA2: he leaves his home, he goes on these epic quests that involve going to the deep roads kicking an acient legends ass then getting rich, stopping a qunari invasion, and starting a mage uprising. now we're waiting for DA3. and dont diss varric, he is way cooler than any of the DAO characters by far


"Wow reused dungeons, worst game eva!!", you know at least bioware was decent enough to NOT WASTE OUR TIME with pointless large dungeons that just serve to lengthen the game. DA2 is alot better game than many rpgs on the market.


the combat was repetitive and simplistic once the cosmetic appeal wore off, the writing was cliche and lacked internal logic, your agency was non-existent which was a jarring contrast with the first. The stripped down mechanics are a liability rather than an asset in RPG games. Oh and the romances where embarrassing. As a stand alone 6/10 as a succesor to DA:o 4/10.


I really liked this game, the story was truly amazing. Although it wasn't as good as DAO it is still a great game....9/10 from me


I sincerly hope that the 3rd game will look a lot like origine and not like the second one. If it does so, it could easely be game of the year.
