5 Strange Missing People Mysteries You Need To Hear

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I'm addicted to these missing people mysteries. So eerie how many people vanish.


That first story hit me in the heart. Truly heartbreaking


Sanjiv definitely unalived himself. A lot of unaliving ppl will get super excited and almost euphoric when they have made their decision and their plan is complete. They are very peaceful and happy knowing their struggle will soon be over, so they do some fun things or things they always wanted to do. He didn't have a return ticket for a reason... he wasn't planning to return.


As someone who lived the life Aidan did as a teen, early 20’s and had drug addiction for 18 years. I can tell you that no one would give 2 shits if you were escaping that life. Everyone knows rehab doesn’t work… no one would ever be angry if someone was going off to rehab, or off the streets. That’s ridiculous, never heard of such a thing. 😆


I can only imagine the huge void and heartache it would cause having a loved one missing.


I highly doubt that Jacob willingly up and left judging by the items he left behind items that he most likely would have taken with him if he was planning on going somewhere else


Jacob’s friend that disappeared also, at the same time as Jacob …👀👀


Thanks for all the work that you put in to these stories! They really help me shut off for a bit but then freak me out when I really think about them hahah


It’s crazy that so many people can’t remember Sanjiv, giving that he seemed pretty tall and stood out enough to be easily seen on CCTV.


Missing people stories/cases are always the most intriguing to me. Heartbreaking, scary and sad, but intriguing considering how common it actually is.

Also as a side note, imagine paying a “psychic” to go into somewhere belonging to someone and saying they’re getting bad energy in a missing persons case. That’s like someone hiring me to go to a crime scene and say “yeah, feels like someone died” while there’s a dead body in front of me


omg thank you for putting Antonio Vela's case in here! We're still all worried about him <3


Antonio's roommate is telling the truth, and has never been the same since his brother has gone missing. I know for a fact because I was at the house that afternoon. The Vela family know his roommate and their son had been like brothers from childhood. He is like a son to them too.


Tye Knotts... Why don't you ever actually *show* the CCTV footage when it's related to someone's disappearance? All you ever show is a stylized still picture! Please show some good-quality video from the surveillance cameras in these stories! It might help loved-ones find their missing friends or family members!


These cases are very sad, not knowing where a beloved family member is must be the worst feeling ever.
Hoping they get answers one day.


So nonsensical having to wait for 72 hours before you search for someone


Obviously bryan was robbed and killed and the person or persons that did it used his car to rob commit a robbery and abandoned the car


I found a 2 week old Sausage Egg McMuffin in a fridge and attached it to my head as a hat and drive around waring it


It was probably just someone that looked like Jacob and not Jacob himself that was caught on CCTV


First one is obvious. Went for one last blast, od'd, fixer vanished the body to avoid jail time.


I think I am drawn to missing persons cases because I can't imagine anything worse, in my opinion. Even if your loved one is passed away, even if the details are gruesome, at you know what happened and where your loved one is. I know that I would torture myself with ever more disturbing and harrowing thoughts of what might be happening, I fear I would have a mental break. I pray for every missing person and their families that I hear or read about and I pray that I am never in their shoes. Thank you for bringing these lesser known cases to light, at least I have not heard of most of them. I also really appreciate it when creators include contact information for law enforcement. Is it HIGHLY LIKELY that these cases will be solved from a YouTube video? Probably not, HOWEVER, it is not impossible and has happened in, to my knowledge, several cases. These people deserve to have every opportunity for their cases to be solved, as you said, no matter their life at the time or certain factors that may have played a part in their disappearance.
