VOCAL COACH REACTS to Forestella - Bad Romance

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0:00 Introduction
01:29 Reaction (No Interruption)
06:15 First Impression
09:02 Detailed Analysis (With Interruption)
13:36 Conclusion

Рекомендации по теме

Escucha mama, as i live, we are the champions, legend never die


when they came to dallas in texas i went their concert and this is my best decision making in mylife. i never forget


Gracias por reaccionar a mis amados #Forestella ellos son chicos muy trabajadores y profesionales que aman la música y cuando ganaron el concurso donde se formó The Phantom singer 2, prometieron hacer música brillante, inspiradora y sanadora para sus estrellas del bosque (Soopbyeols) y es por eso que dan todo en el escenario, son muy perfeccionistas pero también muy divertidos, antes de esta presentación en el camerino, estaban felices, riendose, haciendo bromas, sus compañeros artistan comentan en entrevistas que cuando les toca junto a ellos, junto a su camerino, siempre oyen risas, y escuchan como ellos se divierten y cuando les toca subir al escenario, wow hacen la magia!! Son impresionantes! Mientras ellos estan muy neviosos, y yo creo que es porque aman la música, aman cantar, aman hacer buena musica, aman cantar juntos y porque aman a sus fans Soopbyeols! Y aunque ellos tienen también carrera por separado, ellos aman ser Forestella ❤❤❤❤ y nosotros sus fans los amamos a ellos 🥰🥰 Te recomiendo escuchar su nueva canción Apocalypce es una canción inspiradora llena de esperanza y resiliencia, me encantó!! Ojala todo en el Libano mejore pronto! Saludos y amor desde México 🇲🇽🥰❤️


hahaha.. You must have to listen to Forestella's 'Shape of You'
Besides this, there are many high-quality cover songs


Dear teacher. Thanks for sharing your great Analysis and reactions♡Ko Woo-rim Deep voice is so captivating, heavenly, fantastic, and rich. It's my favorite Voice It's silk I've become a fan of his. He constantly adds depth to the songs by creating deep bass harmonies and just listening to it makes me smile 💜 He is currently serving in the South Korean military which has a conscription system and is a member of the Ministry of National Defense Military Band which only the most outstanding musicians can join. His absence will be greatly affected and I'm eagerly awaiting his return, as he is expected to return around May next year. Their performance seems to be a perfect combination that complements and maximizes their strengths and weaknesses, rather than a solo or a trio. The owner of the Best magical Bass


We like your fantastic reaction. many thanks.🥰🥰💗💗💗 👍👍👍👍😅😅😄


#Forestella ellos son magia, espero que a través de ti llegue su música y voces angelicales sanadoras allá donde estás, porque ellos son alimento para el alma una vez que los descubres te atrapan ❤❤ saludos desde chile 🇨🇱

#kowoorim (base tenor) #kanghyunho (contratenor soprano) #chomingyu (tenor leggero) #baedoohoon (baritono)


Hello, Dounia. Thank you 💕for your reaction to this amazing cover by Forestella ❤❤❤❤
I hope you stay safe and I wish peace for your country and the other countries in the region. ☮️🕊️


How are you, thank you for your reaction to forestella. Beautifully bass singer
Ko, woo-rim
Hollowin horror movies sound, vampire version.
Another songs, lazenca save us, mama, shape of you, sweet dreams, champions, we are the champion, The show must go on.
For your watching the reaction &analysis please .have a great day bye.😘☺️🎄🌟🫶👋👋


We understand the difficult situation in Lebanon. We hope that Forestella's song will bring them strength. Peace be with you...


Hermosas y profesionales reacciones a Forestella mi grupo favorito in the world 🎉 Hay mucho más! Y sus originales! Un mundo que tienes que conocer. Recién sacaron en trío Apocalypse, una obra maestra, sin el bajo que está en el servicio militar. Ellos en varios temas integran su voz como en su cover de Piano man también muy reciente. Síguelos, vale la pena desvelarse por ellos❤


My favorite Video!!!♡♡♡ Thank u for sharing


Hi Dounia, Thanks for coming early~~ It's dawn in Korea, but I woke up for a bit ⏰️ I'm so Happy to see the notification, so I'll leave a comment first and then wake up to watch the video. Have a WONDERFUL Day~🙏💯


Thank you for appreciating Forestella. They are incredibly talented and hard working. Please, react to more of their covers and their own songs such as Time in a bottle, Champions, Legends never dies, Shape of you, White night, Utopia

Btw, here at 4:09 and in your reaction video of "Je suis malade" at 2:36 is the same guy Kang Seung Yoon - really great singer too. He is the leader of kpop group Winner and also a solo singer and song writer. It would be cool if you also will do reaction to his music. He participated at the singing competition "King Of Mask Singer" twice and became winner. In his second appearance at the show he pulled off six consecutive wins and was named "The First 6-Time Idol Champion" and “The Youngest Champion” at the time.


Ele são realmente muito criativos, são geniais ❤
Saudações do Brasil, espero que a situação melhore logo por aí.


Gracias por la reacción ellos son increibles ❤❤❤


Eles são maravilhosos. Abraço do Brasil.


WOW You so lovely (^ ^)❤❤ anyway They are crazy ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


[killing voice - Song Sohee] Please react. She is a singer who sings Gyeonggi minyo, one of Korea's traditional songs. She also sings traditional songs, but because she is a young singer, she is also a singer who harmoniously connects traditional songs and popular music


Forestella is always the best!!!! 💓💞💜💙💚💛🧡❤💯💯💯💯👍👍👍💋💋💋💋
