Vocal Coach & Songwriter React to Bad Romance - Forestella (Live Performance) | Reaction & Analysis

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Watch first-time reactions and expert analysis with Guinness World Record-breaking vocal coach, Richard Fink IV, and Billboard #1 songwriter, Johnny Cummings.

00:00 Introduction
02:50 Starting the Bad Romance cover
04:32 Initial reaction to Forestella’s version
07:04 Forestalla’s singing skills
08:17 Forestella’s song arrangements and genre
11:33 Starting to get to know their voices - please help!
12:44 Final thoughts on Forestella’s cover

✒️ Written by: Lady Gaga & RedOne

#forestella #badromance #reaction #ladygaga #react #vocalcoach #vocalcoachreacts #songwriting #thevocalgym #songanalysis
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one member of the group sings this....Aladdin OST "Speechless" in 8 languages (Male) l 남자가 8개국어로 알라딘 "Speechless"를? l by 조민규 (Forestella)


Hi, So they come under the genre crossover. They don't sing one genre, they love to experiment. From left to right they are.. Ko Woorim, he is a classically trained basso profundo. Kang Hyungho, he is a rock singer with a soprano range, he had no formal training before joining Forestella. Next is Cho Mingyu, he is a classically trained leggero tenor and then finally, Bae Doohoon, he is a musical actor/pop vocalist who is a tenor but can be a baritone if needed. (in Korea they say their surnames first). They were formed in a singing competition where they had to learn to harmonize with each other. Their harmonies are one of their strongest assets. also cover wise I would suggest Hijo de la Luna or Nella Fantasia.


반가워요, Richard와 Johnny!
Richard의 말처럼 포레스텔라는 라이브로 스튜디오 하모니를 만드는 그룹 맞아요.^^
콘서트로 현장에서 여러번 봤지만 볼때마다 놀랐답니다.
극강의 저음과 고음을 들을 수 있는 'Inner Universe'와 반전이 놀라운 'Time In A Bottle', 보컬코치 분들도 놀라는 'Scarborough Fair'를 두분과 함께 들을 생각을 하니 벌써부터 설레네요.
두분의 반응이 어떨지 정말 기대됩니다. ^^
구독도 했으니 자주 올께요.


Ko Woorim : basso profundo, masters degree in voice, trained opera singer, youngest, 29 in July
Kang HyungHo aka rocker PITTA: self-trained tenor soprano, degree in chemical engineering, former research chemist 36
Cho MinGyu: leggiero tenor, masters degree in voice, trained and experienced opera singer, group’s leader 33
Bae Doohoon: Bachelor of Arts, musical theatre, majoring in acting, baritenor …but versatile voice 38 in July.


저는 한국에 살고 있고 포레스텔라의 콘서트에 두번 갔어요. 스튜디오 녹음 음악 보다 더 완벽한 라이브였어요. ^^


FORESTELLA'S music is CROSSOVER. They take this term very seriously and simply cannot be categorized, none of their songs are the same as any previous one. You will find everything here, from classic belcanto to jazz to epic rock. Their extremely flexible voices and highly accomplished singing techniques allow them to adapt to any genre. And they do it perfectly! Accordingly, they constantly change genres and mix various styles with vocal techniques from different genres and, sometimes more or less pronounced, classical singing. So far they have mainly covered legendary songs and are extremely creative. Forestella's origins are classical, and they still often work with music directors today. Always respecting the original, the always very high quality arrangements are adapted to their voices/ranges and the incredible harmonies (that are their trademark). Thanks to their very special Forestella sound, each of these cover versions becomes a new TOP in its own right. Btw. FORESTELLA has a LOT of originals, but unfortunately most of them are not very well known here in western, because they are Korean and are more classically.


Forestella 리액션 감사합니다.
구독, 좋아요~~ 꾹 눌렀어요.💜💜💜


저는 forestella의 노래 중 inner universe를 가장 좋아합니다 forestella가 가장 하고 싶었던 음악이라고 스스로 말한적도 있죠 꼭 한번 들어보세요 노래를 art의 영역까지 끌어올린 곡입니다


Okay, so from L to R:
- Ko Woo-rim (youngest, classically trained Bass)
- Kang Hyung-ho (Teprano/Tenor Soprano, Rock)
- Cho Min-gyu (leader, classically trained Tenor)
- Bae Doo-hoon (oldest, musical actor)

But now there are only 3 of them only for awhile cuz Woorim is on military service starting from yesterday. They'll be together again on 2025.

I really love how they put their own style in each of the songs they're covering without making it weird. Its refreshing to hear. Sometimes i even prefer their version instead of the original one lol.
Please react to their other covers such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Time In a Bottle, Je Suis Malade, Shape Of You, Despacito, Nella Fantasia, Hijo De La Luna.


Anyone else--who knows what is coming--already have goosebumps down their spine? 🤭


INFO: My understanding was each of them was formed and put together in a show called "Phantom Singer". Later they showcased their talent on this show your watching called "Immortal songs" on KBS channel. Its a show in which 6 singers go against each other with the audience deciding who the final winner will be, 1 against 2, then winner of that will go against 3 and on it goes to 6. The one at the end of the night gets a trophy. Forestella have at least won a round, they have not lost a round. They have won about 7 trophies thou. They are a mix of opera, classical, pop and sing from english, french, spanish, korean, not sure about others. It is my understanding they design the musicality of the peices themselves. Someone else can correct me if i was wrong there. My favourite is shape of you, but they have also sang so many other peices but scarborough fair was also a timeless peice for me as well. I have seen alot of reactors show forestella peices it wouldnt appear that any got a copyright strike as it gives attention to the KBS show as well. But hey the country its airing in could be different.


Forestella was formed through a Jtbc tv show called phantom singers. Cho Min gyu did very well at each stage and so had the advantage of picking his partners as they moved to, duet, trio, and quartet stages. He chose well. They arranged their own songs then and they were all excellent. Since they have gone famous now, they may be getting additional help. But the forestella members play a big role in arrangement, song writing and stage performance. Between the 4 of them they can handle just about anything. They are a crossover group with so much versatility, technically sound, and unafraid to take risks.
You have so much to discover. Enjoy the journey!

Lots of great suggestions in the comments. I would like to add ‘Inner universe’ sung in Russian to the list.


Although I think 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was their best live performance, I highly recommend their cover of 'Time in a Bottle'. Of course, the original song is also moving, but even in a cover that could seem boring at first glance, you can feel a different strange emotion and resonance from the original song... 'Sweet Dreams', 'Legends Never Die', 'Despacito', and 'Smooth Criminal' are also great. However, I can't recommend songs like 'Je Suis Malade' or 'Maldita Sea Mi Suerte' because I cry every time I listen to them.


Forestella the best, they sing all genres and in any languages ❤ I recommend you Bohemian Rapsody, Je suis malade, Nella fantasia, Hijo de la luna, Angel, Time in a bottle, Scarborough Fair...


Hello, the one with the loud voice is Pitta and if you want to see him alone, you should see him perform the Phantom of the Opera... greetings from Chile 🇨🇱!!!


Their cover of Queens Bohemian Rhapsody is soooo good! You really get to hear the different voices at their best.


Forestella Bed Romance Thank you for your reaction💞💞💞💞💞
Forestella 'Time in a Bottle' is my favorite cover song.
Next time, I want you to react to this song.😊😉🙏


Omg omg thank you so much for this. So forestella is a crossover group made from a competition. Each came from diff backgrounds and they experiment with multiple genres. I CANT WAIT FOR MORE FORESTELLA PERSONALLY MY TOP FAV CURRENTLY IS WHITE NIGHT along with their cover of Shape of you by Ed Sheeran and Despacito by Louis fonsi. It would be amazing if you could react to Time in a bottle renditioned by them. They added a whole twist thts AMAZING

bass - Woorim
Sop - Hyungho
Tenor - Minkyu
Baritone/tenor - doohoon


Muito obrigada por mais uma reação ao grupo FORESTELLA.

Woorim - baixo
Hyung Ho ( Pitta) - contratenor,
falsete, rock, soprano
Mingyu - tenor lírico e lider do grupo
Doohoon - baritono, pop, rock, tenor.

Eles criam sempre os arranjos e as harmonias e escolhem quem cantará em determinado momento em cada musica, transformando todoas as músicas que cantam em algo ainda mais magnífico. Eles cantam em varios idiomas também então algumas vezes eles introduzem idiomas as músicas que cantam além de outros instrumentos.

Deixarei aqui algumas opções e os idiomas aos quais eles estarão cantando, fantásticas as quais vocês podem ouvir:

Time In A Bottle

Shape Of You
cantam em inglês, espanhol e zulu lingua africana

Je Suis Malade
cantam em francês

Hijo de La Luna

Legends Never Die

em alemão, inglês, latim e coreano

inglês e latim

Composição original feita pelo Hyung Ho ( ou Pitta), um dos membros do grupo, os outros ajudaram a compor os arranjos e harmonias.
Eles sempre cantam músicas de outros artistas onde trabalham suas harmonias e arranjos, reorganizando a suas vozes em um material já pronto.
Nesta musica eles puderam trabalhar 100%. Criando arranjos e harmonias magníficas e utilizando varios elementos diferentes alem de todo o seu potencial vocal.

Snow Globe

Aqui deixei um solo de Hyung Ho o Pitta ao qual você disse que gostou da voz, cantando sozinho a música do Fantasma da Opera.

Fantasma da Opera por Kang Hyung - Pitta

Acredito q vocês possam se deliciar com um pouco mais de FORESTELLA, e analisar o material deles.😊
beijo do Brasil.


Спасибо большое что отреагировали на Форестеллу снова❤
