Learning from Forestella 'Bad Romance': 1st Listen + Takeaways | #LearnFromYourFaves

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Forestella 'Bad Romance' Performance (From Immortal Songs 2) is a lesson in song choice, blend, & audio frequencies + Plus this is my first time hearing them. Too fun! What's next? | #LearnFromYourFaves with Liza Quin

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Forestella is amazing! Please listen to more by them, “Shape of you”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Je suis malade”, “Hijo de la Luna”, “Save our lives”, you will blown away by their talent and versatility! At the end of “Shape of you”, they have 4 parts going on at the same time, in 3 different languages, it is a stroke of genius!


Thank you for your reaction Forestella. 'Bad Romance' is also a fairly successful stage, but it is a little lacking to feel their quartet. Check out their cover song 'Champions' or their new original song 'UTOPIA'. You won't be disappointed. I'm looking forward to your reaction. 🥰💕💕💕


Thank you for your detailed reaction!
This is Forestella, a crossover group from Korea. They are the winner group in the Phantom Singer 2; an audition show to form a crossover quartet like il Divo from Korea. However as they have their own unique style, they won't be Korean il Divo, they will be the Forestella of the world!
Forestella has sung great covers like Bohemian Rhapsody, We are the Champions, Hijo de la Luna, Heal the World, the Sound of Silence, My Favorite Things, Champions (mash-up of Champs league theme and Champions by Jo SuMi), Nella Fantasia, Scarborough Fair..etc etc. At the Phantom Singer All Stars they sang Time in a bottle, Je suis Malade as well. Shape of You in English, Spanish and African Zulu is fantastic indeed.
You can even see them dancing singing Smooth Criminal as well! And they broke the record of their own with EXO's MAMA winning 6 trophies for King of Kings in a row in Immortal Songs. Check their magnificent performances of Bad Romance and Lazenca Save us in King of Kings and Unwritten Legend too.

Forestella is a quartet of Ko WooRim (classical bass, intense abyss-deep low tone), Kang HyungHo (ex-research chemist, rock vocalist with soprano head voice falsetto), Cho MinGyu (classical leggiero tenor, light boyish crystal clear tone) and Bae DooHoon (musical actor, 159th King of the Masked Singers, emotion convincer good at R&B, Pop). Each has distinct tone and style of singing, different charm. But all of them are famous as practice-freaks. They meet almost everyday to practice together. In a radio program the leader (Cho MinGyu) revealed it would be around 20 days they didn't meet in the year. Bae DooHoon also said they don't meet 1~2 days in a month. I think this explains how their perfection can be possible.
Don't miss their m/v for Save our lives! It's full of wonders. Each of them is representing an element in the m/v. They sang Fake Love of BTS and their song Save our lives at MAMA. Their new original song Utopia is a must check.
Now I see they are creating a genre called Forestella. They showed "What crossover is" with Save our lives and showing "What Forestella does" with Utopia!


Thank you for your interest to FORESTELLA. Yes, you are right, 2 members are classically trained - tenor-leggiero and basso profundo. There is also an (angelic) soprano/tenor and a baritone/tenor, who cover the rock/pop area but also master the classic techniques perfectly. This constellation of outstanding talents and scills makes them unbeatable. Each of their new interpretations is TOP and there are many of them. "Bad Romance" may be one of their most popular songs, but it's not one of their best. In other songs they show their abilities better.


I highly recommend their version of "Hijo de la Luna", "Bohemian Rhapsody" or "Je suis Malade". Always surprisingly different and excellent.


The best Korean quartet crossover kings of harmony . They are multigenres and sing in several languages . Please next song Bohemian rhapsody . Thank you for react .❤


The Bass singer (Ko WooRim) and the Gaga sound alike (Cho Mingyu) are both Classically trained. The guy on the right side is Bae Dae-Hoon who is trained in Theatre. The singer doing the high notes is Kang Hyung-Ho. He was a Research Chemist who sang part time in a ROCK band, before he joined Forestella. Worth seeing their Bohemian Rhapsody, Shape of You, Hijo de La Luna and work up to Je Suis malade. 😭😭 This song was mainly Ko WooRim and Cho Mingyu's. But they rotate focal singer/singers. Je suis Malade is Bae Doo-Hoon's forte. Hijo de La Luna is Kang Hyung Hos. And Cho Mingyu and Bae Doo Hoon are often the glue that holds the vocals together. They are not English speakers per se, so learn (or have learned) songs phonetically. They do have language skills (especially Cho Mingyu and Ko Woo Rim) but to be so perfect in their pronunciation is spectacular. Argentinians have said Cho Mingyu's dialect is perfection. "Shape of you, will let you see their playful language and vocal skills


🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗 👍👍👍👍😅😅 we like your true reaction. very thanks.🙏💜👍👍💕💕🥰


Enjoyed your reaction and analysis! Hope you react to more from this incredible classical crossover quartet, nicknamed the Kings of Harmonies, especially "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Je Suis Malade."


This was done for a TV show that specialises in rewamping evergreen hits and it is actually a contest, where invited performers get 1 week (!) to choose a song for the topic/theme and rehearse it. Forestella is now keeping the record of most consecutive wins on this show that really packs a lot of BIG stars in Korea. So the song choice may depend on what the topic of the evening is. They have a bunch of classical renditions, I think not enough people analyize L'Immensita from them, while it is absolutely a breathtaking perfromance. Most folks will recommend bohemian rhapsody or hijo de la luna -- but every reactor out there does them, so I woul go for the rarer ones. L'immensita, Time in a Bottle, or Scarborough Fair. I'd also recommend to check out the leader of the group, Cho Mingyu, who is a lyric tenor, performing Be My Love for his audition to the talent program this band won, called Phantom Singer. The facial expressions of the jury when they hear his tone. Priceless. In a competition where literally all but 1 contestants were classically trained singers (so very tight competition). (That 1 non-trained competitor was Kang Hyungo, the now countertenor of Forestella, who was a chemical engineer and an absolutely amateur singer at the time of his audition... and look at him now. wow)


Hi Liza, thank you so much for your great reaction.. trust me you didn't see 50% of what these guys can offer, as you will be blown away by the richness and personality of each of their voices, by the way, 2 of this group are classically trained, one is a theatrical singer and the last one was a chemist who loved to sing... I would highly recommend "Bohemian Rhapsody", " Je suis Malade", "Scarborough Fair", "Champions", "if I live", "snail", "sweet dreams", "Hijo de la luna", "time in a bottle", "the sound of silence", "My favorite things" and many many more.


Enjoyed this one! Best quartet I've ever heard! My favs from Forestella are Scarbourgh Fair, Nella Fantasia, JeSuis Malade and last but not least Bohemien Rhapsodsy!


Good day. Thank you so much for reacting to Forestella. They are fabulous. Please react to them singing (The) Champions. It has a more classical feel to it and is such a powerful song. Their renditions of Queen's We are the Champions and Bohemian Rhapsody as well as Scarborough Fair are also a joy to watch.


Hi~ Welcome to the world of FORESTELLA! For those who do not know about FORESTELLA, I'd love to tell you about this group briefly. They've met at a TV audition program called "Phantom Singer 2" which finds the best male cross-over quartet in South Korea in 2017 for the first time. These 4 guys were included(survived) in the final 12 singers among hundreds of applicants. And, the program PD divided those 12 amazing singers into 3 groups as the singers want. And, guess what? They (FORESTELLA = Forest + Stella(star)) won this contest!!!

When they sing on the stage, they normally set their positions like this. The first one from the left side is Ko Woo-Rim (bass, a grad-schooler in vocal music), the second one is Kang Hyeong-Ho (soprano, ex-research chemist), the third one is Cho Min-Kyu (tenor, M.A. degree in vocal music) and the fourth one is Bae Doo-Hoon (baritone, musical actor) There're many amazing songs they've covered. I wanna recommend "just a few" songs in the below. If you live in outside of S.Korea, some videos might not be seen, though. Stay safe and have a great one, everybody! 😆

<< Contest Songs >>

<< Solo Songs >>

<< Group Songs >>


Hijo de la Luna, Scarborough Fair, Nella Fantasia etc etc are amazing. The baritone shines in different songs, while the bass, tenor and counter tenor have solo bits in most songs.


I recommend "je suis malade" for the next song, thanks!


Thank you so much for your reaction to forestella ❤️🙏 I recommend to check next 'je suis malade'✨


Well I wouldn’t call it a “recommendation” (completely up to you) but I went & saw these guys live. Everything they do is flawless but the one that threw me off the wall was one of the solos (the soprano Pitta) when he actually pulled out the Phantom of the Opera. I couldn’t decide whether to be in awe or burst out laughing…realizing immediately of course that he was gong to have to sing both (Christine/Phantom’s) parts.


아름답고 똑똑한 리자 여왕님 잘 보고 갑니다~ 💕 💜 💏 💙 💚 😍 💕 💜 💏 💙 💚 😍


Yes, you are right on point with your analysis of their performance - they sort of implemented Hallowe’en theme to the song and made a unique arrangement accordingly :) Very theatrical. Thank you very much for your warm and insightful reaction 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙏🙏🙏
