reacting to 1 star reviews of my favorite books 😫⁉️

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• instagram: @finyabaser

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Hello there! My name ist Finya, I am 22 years old and from Germany and I love books. I grew up reading fantasy – which I still love to do – but I also love to read classics, romance and literary fiction. I also make music, journal, do book rebinds, dance and watch a ton of movies.
Рекомендации по теме

The gall to say Dostoyevsky shouldn't be translated


Have you ever read “The Priory Of The Orange Tree” ? I feel like you might enjoy the world of it


I'm just gonna dump some of the best books I've read in a decade; there aren't many.

Riddley Walker*, Russell Hoban
Satan in Goray, Isaac B. Singer
Master and Margarita, Bulgakov
Watt, Samuel Beckett
Mort à cédit (Death on Credit, or Death on The Installment Plan) and
D'un castle l'autre (Castle to Castle), Louis-Ferdinand Céline


Great mistake people make is equating the author of a novel with its protagonist. Dostoevsky was not a coward. He survived brutal forced labor in a prison camp in Siberia for many years. I think that person needs to read a biography of Dostoyevsky who was among the bravest of men. Fiña, you seem genuinely mature for a 22 year old; I don't detect any pretense there. And your name is wholly appropriately accurately descriptive. 😅😊
