Flight Training with Student Pilot w/ Stick & Rudder Basics | 2nd Flight Lesson

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. We're back for another flight lesson with Sienna. She's a student pilot working on her private pilot certificate. She's excited for flight training, and we've been flying regularly. Technically, she can't even solo yet, but she is excited about pursuing a career in aviation.

On this flight lesson we've already broken the ice with a discovery flight, and a first lesson. Now we get deeper into the intricacies of controlling the aircraft, a Cessna 172. This is arguably the most essential part of flight training, as these initial lessons will stick with a pilot for the rest of their flying life.

After we take off from Homer Airport, we immediately get into a discussion about coordination. Essentially, we need to connect our hands and feet to our mind. Our feet should be moving a lot more than people realize, keeping the aircraft coordinated.

We take this through all different types of turns. Coordinating at all times is very essential. This is what we call "Stick and Rudder" flying. It should be a part of all initial flight training, no matter what airplane is flown.

Part of Stick and Rudder is stalls as well. We begin to cover that as well, showing and listening to the signs of a stall. And talking about how to overcome those stalls, which is the most important part.

Eventually, because we've been turning so much, we do steep turns. Steep turns accentuate all of the things we did in the other turns.





0:00 Welcome
0:13 Intro
0:55 Coming Up
2:18 Take Off
5:21 Coordinated Turns
6:48 Level Flight and Trim
12:14 Online Ground School
13:52 Constant Rate Turns
17:26 Coordination Exercise
20:00 Steep Turn Demonstration
23:30 Stall Demo
25:47 Normal Landing
28:08 Sign Off
28:36 End Credits

#flighttraining #studentpilot #cessna172
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What did I learn? So, all the times I have been flying with a flight instructor or even watching flight training videos, I have never seen a demonstration of removing an ear muff and listings to the wings whistle when approaching a stall. Loved it, keep up the great work Chris!!


she is so calm, I look forward to seeing her first solo


She's doing great! When I was her age I was learning how to drive stick shift on a truck lol. Of all the fears of flying my fear is the radios to be honest. ATC speaks fast with lots of shorthand words


Coordination is everything! So much easier to trim to the left, because that’s where the propeller is leading you. So much more resistance to The Right… Because you were compensating against the propeller.


Just took my discovery flight today (at age 50). I am planning on getting my PPL and it's really cool to see what my first couple real flights will go like. I am jealous of your scenery!


What a great teacher, I loved learning about trim. Can't wait for my discovery flight!


I just passed my PPL checkride at the end of this past September, and haven't really flown a lot since, due to trying to save up money and pay off debt until I start my IFR training, but I love watching your videos because they keep me proficient at least on the knowledge of flying the airplane even when I'm not flying, and these lessons are bringing me back to my first few lessons a year ago. Even post checkride, It's important to keep hammering in the basics and your videos are helping me with that so thank you 😀


I have an ATP and have enjoyed flying for 40 years. Nothing was as rewarding as teaching.


I’m 3 lessons in, 3 hours logged…
I liked:
1) more rudder at first then ease off
2) more right rudder is necessary due to left turning tendency
3) earmuff off to hear stall

Love your videos.


Great instructional techniques! Former AF instructor, CFI/II, MEI. I always appreciate seeing good instruction. Found a few tricks to add to my arsenal👍


What did I learn?

Standard rate turn, always work the trim wheel, learn your sight pictures.

Love your channel man! Your student looks like a natural too, can't wait to see her knock out the pattern and grease her 1st landing!

Keep em coming! Cheers!


This is the best training content I have ever seen. I dabbled in flight training many years ago with a family friend. He taught me some of the basics of flight training. He showed me the basics very similar to this instruction video. I'm 58 and retired now. I plan to finish my lifetime passion of flying solo one day in the very near future.


Excellent communication and positive reinforcements. Very expertly handled. Comfortable and confident. Top notch instructor.


1 thing I found interesting was that I never knew that the whistle was the air separating from the wing. That is actually very interesting.


Great to see young people, especially girls showing an interest in flying...keep up the good training...beautiful state to learn...


I'm 63 years old and would like to do my PPL, but with age comes lack of confidence and wonder if I would be able to do it.... especially the radio coms. Great experience watching your your lessons. God bless


Stunning office you have there. I'm in the UK at the solo circuit bashing stage of my PPL. I have often dipped into your videos to refresh on whatever I happen to be working on at the time. Having another FI talk about a topic (sometimes in a different way) just adds to my comprehension. My home airfield is in the middle of the South Downs National Park near the south coast. It feels an absolute privilege to be able to see the exceptional views we are lucky enough to have here. Love your work, and thank you.


You've got a good instructor and a girl so quiet. She's taking everything in what you tell her you're a good call pilot structure and you're being patient with her and guided and showed her the right way. To fly a airplane and keep the nose down and keep it level and don't pick up your speed too far. I will have the control of the plane❤


So for your student, I just finished my BFR with 18 yrs and 945 hours. My instructor had me in slow flight at 60 kts in a Piper Dakota. We pulled the power to idle, maintained 500 fpm descent and then pulled up and left bank (like an aw shucks moment in the final turn). Just to feel the fall off from 3000 ft. You never stop learning. Thanks for the work you do.
