Moral Relativism is Wrong.......How to Prove Moral Absolutes.

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Is there a basis for objective moral values? What about moral relativism? Is there any evidence for moral absolutes? In this video Speakbigtruth shares why moral relativism is unaffirmable and self defeating.
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Morality is derived from the facts of nature and logic. It's scary how many people don't have a clue.. I've been kicked out of groups for arguing for the objectivity of moral values.
__and note_ I'm not and no how will ever be a Christian. That's how absolute moral values are. I don't have to be to know right from wrong. This guy say's there will be sequels to this vid. Watch him try to tie the whole subject to a Christian god. You already see a hint in that direction with him claiming morality doesn't come from nature.


He does a very good straw man argument, it must be said.


If moral relativism does not exist then why are there so many religions and religious denominations? What does this channel's author think of, say, Roman Catholicism or Greek/Russian Orthodoxy versus that of his own sect, presumably Protestant?


I can't tell if this video is trolling or serious.


Your argument is flawed on multiple fronts. Here are just two. For one, a purported moral relativist who makes a claim of an absolute moral duty is simply not a moral relativist. For a moral relativist is one who asserts that there is no objective morality. So one who claims that another has a moral duty to believe that morality is subjective is, by definition, simply not a moral relativist. So your first argument actually does not address moral relativism at all. All it shows is that some people use words without understanding what they mean. But, even assuming arguendo that what precedes is false, you mistakenly assume that all prescriptive statements are moral statements. That's simply not true. Consider what it means for an act to be instrumentally rational. An act is instrumentally rational if, given a current state of evidence, engaging therein provides a likelihood of bringing about some stated objective. So, for example, if my objective is to not get wet (viz., I've decided that I ought not get wet), then I ought use an umbrella, or, better yet, I ought not go outside. So a moral relativist can make a prescriptive statement without making a moral claim. In your example, it can very well be that a moral relativist might say that one ought to believe that morality is subjective if one's goal is, in fact, to be a moral relativist (viz., one has decided that one ought to be a moral relativist). For, if one did not so do, then one would not be a moral relativist. In this light, your argument is actually the one that is self-defeating. How ironic. 😂


"There are no moral absolutes" is a meta-ethical, rather than ethical claim, and is therefore descriptive rather than prescriptive. Saying "the sky is blue" does not mean "you ought to believe that the sky is blue" for example, so is claims cannot be translated into ought claims in this way.


Moral absolutes exist. And if someone disagrees with you, punch them in the nose and they'll quickly change their mind


"There are no moral absolutes" is a meta-ethical, rather than ethical claim, and is therefore descriptive rather than prescriptive. Saying "the sky is blue" does not mean "you ought to believe that the sky is blue" for example, so is claims cannot be translated into ought claims in this way.


moral relativism vs. moral absolutism

the very nature of you claiming something is wrong ...makes you a relativist by default ..checkmate


Your video just proved moral relativism.


IF you don't want to fool yourself, THEN you SHOULD NOT believe in moral absolutes. But if you don't mind fooling yourself, go right ahead.


morals don't exist period, all you are expressing is a thought, a meme, a joke


Well when you define “morality” to only mean “prescriptive absolute oughts” (I.e. strawmanning it) it’s not hard to play dishonest games like this. What a shame. I actually expect more thoughtful awareness regarding the term “morality” from religious folk.
