16 Signs of REAL Demonic Possession

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In this eye-opening message, David Diga Hernandez uses the Scriptures to equip you in identifying 16 real signs of demonic possession and removing demonic power.







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00:00 - Introduction
00:38 - What is Biblical Demon Possession?
07:07 - Demons Return
10:19 - From Whom Do We Cast Out Demons?
16:45 - Watch This Before the Signs of Possession
18:53 - 16 Signs of Real Demonic Possession
19:44 - Signs Revealed in the Man Possessed by Legion (Mark 5:1-16)
30:34 - Signs Seen in the Fortune Teller (Acts 16:16-19)
35:25 - Demons Try to Destroy the Image of God (Mark 9:17)
37:44 - Sickness Can be the Result of Possession (Acts 10:38)
42:51 - Demonic Doctrines (1 Timothy 4:1)
48:14 - Signs Revealed by Saul's Possession (1 Samuel 16:14)
49:49 - How to Expel Demonic Power: The Basics Before the Battle
01:00:17 - The Power of the Presence
01:01:23 - Know the Word of God
01:06:20 - Live Holy
01:06:28 - With a Simple Word
01:14:33 - Q&A: How to Pray in a Group Setting for Those Who Need Breakthrough but Not Exorcism?
01:17:01 - Q&A: What to Do When Someone Says They Want to Be Free But also Clings to Their Bondage?
01:18:38 - Q&A: How Do You Respond to Leaders Who Teach Doctrines You Disagree With?
01:20:59 - Q&A: The spirit of Jezebel explained
01:23:13 - Q&A: Will the Holy Spirit Allow You to be Attacked by Demons?
01:25:49 - Q&A: Are All Demon-Possessed People Aware That They are Possessed?
01:26:24 - Q&A: Do You Have to Be with a Person to Cast a Demon Out of Them?
01:27:22 - Q&A: What Should I Do When it Feels Like the Enemy Has Victory in My Mind?
01:28:53 - Q&A: What Happens When a Born-Again Christian Goes Back to a Sinful Lifestyle?
01:30:40 - Q&A: What to Do When a Person Doesn't Want Jesus, Only Prayer for Deliverance?
01:32:59 - Q&A: Was it a Demonic Spirit Summoned in 1 Samuel 28:15?
01:37:13 - Receive God's Power
01:40:37 - You Can Get Involved

#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #DemonicPossession #Demonic #Demon #Demons #SpiritualWarfare #Spiritual #Supernatural
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My husband has descended deeper into darkness. He says horrible things to God. Please pray for him.


I am on a mission! I believe I am possessed and I am having horrible physical and emotional pain. In the name of Jesus Christian I denounce the evil from my soul. Amen


Signs of demonic possession:
1. Demonic beings are destructive, unable to be physically restrained.
2. Persistence - Demons always return to their original host/hostess.
3. Morbid thinking, Over-attraction to death/graves
4. Tormented beings - they hear voices telling them to do unrighteousness works
5. Works-based religiosity
6. Supernatural abilities/strength
7. Often, multiple voices come out of them.
8. Violence or barbaric behavior.
9. Can see the possession in their eyes.
10. Mental instability.
11. Practices self-harm or always sick.
12. They are VERY UNCOMFORTABLE in the manifest presence of God.
13. They're able to foretell the future (Acts 16:16-19) and flatter/compliment their victims
14. Have a tendency to place themselves under bondage or slavery to another. Addicted.
15. Obsession with the occult.
16. They have negative/evil influences in their lives. Demonic programs, demonic forces, etc.
17. Rebellious against authorities & God.
18. Suicidal tendencies, trying to destroy the physical body, in spite of the tendency of most folks toward self-preservation.


I’ve just received deliverance from a long standing issue (from the new age). Praise God, bless you, and thank you.


I am a Born Again Christian and filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray in tongues. Many years ago when I was young, I ran away from God for a period of my life. I fell into a sinful lifestyle.
There was a moment when I was actually committing a sin, that the very second I did so, I felt a demon enter my physical body and jump directly down my esophagus. Previous to that period I had been very spiritually sensitive, and I still was sensitive. I could literally FEEL it jump in and go straight downward.
It was horrible and I knew I was going to have some kind of trouble. And this thing would not leave.
Later I began to develop severe bladder problems.
Even though I returned to God after some time, I still could not make this thing leave, until one day many years later I was going through a very intense intercession and I FINALLY felt it leave my body. It had remained for decades.
Christians CAN ABSOLUTELY have demonic oppression. God has taught me how to be a spiritual warrior, and He gives me intercessions and exorcisms to do, and I have done them for other Christians as well as myself.
Demons cannot possess the SPIRIT of a Christian, a demon can never enter where the Holy Spirit dwells, but they CAN absolutely, entering through SIN, OPPRESS the physical body or soul of a Christian.
Our souls are not our spirits. Our souls are our minds, emotions, wills, hearts, personalities.
In exactly the same way that a sickness can jump on the body of a Christian - sickness isn't natural, it's a product of Hell. Physical sickness is ALWAYS an attack, it is NEVER natural. Every time a Christian gets sick it's not necessarily because they sinned, it can be simply an attack that we are meant to defeat, but I have had to intercede for MANY Christians being attacked with not only physical sickness, but emotional and mental issues as well. The spiritual warfare in the Holy Spirit always makes demonic spirits leave but sometimes the intercessions are VERY intense before they will go and sometimes requires fasting.
Demons can never possess our spirits, but our souls and bodies can be compromised through sin, and as a Christian myself, I have experienced it and known many others who have as well.
We open a door through sin that allows us to be attacked, and this is why some Christians run from God for years - through sin and rebellion they end up with issues that are demonically rooted.
There can be spirits of ANGER, DEPRESSION, HATE, LUST, and more, as well as sicknesses of every kind - the list is long - and the MANIFESTATION EVIDENCE of that spirit is the emotional, physical, and/or mental symptoms, whether it's a Christian or not.
I have been repeatedly attacked by spirits of depression throughout my Christian life, not because of sin, but because the demon was sent on an assignment to stop me. Had I not fought in the Holy Spirit to force the demons to stop attacking me, they would have remained.
WE are the ones that must do the warfare, and the Holy Spirit is the Power behind the work we do. If we do not spiritually fight, if we do not do the warfare through Him, and using the Word of God and our authority in Jesus Name, commanding those spirits to LEAVE, then those spirits keep right on attacking. That's why we were GIVEN the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - to equip us to FIGHT.
The Word is our Sword and the Holy Spirit is the Power. We were equipped not just to pray and intercede for sinners but for Christians and ourselves as well. Too many Christians just don't KNOW spiritual truths about demonic matters and so they remain BOUND after coming under attack. They don't know how to fight back and many don't even believe demons can attack them. But they can and DO, for different reasons, sometimes through sin but not always. If sickness is not spiritually rooted, WHY are we told to PRAY for the sick in the Word and why does praying work when it does? There are so many forms of attack, but thank God we have been given Holy Spirit Power and authority in the Name of Jesus.
I would encourage any Christians here if you don't know about these matters to read the books of Kenneth Hagin about spiritual warfare. They helped me immensely in learning how to become a spiritual warrior.
There are many things I would never have been set free of had I not chosen to do the battles myself using the Gift of the Holy Spirit that God gave me. We HAVE to do the work or we can be defeated.
I have walked the path of an intercessor for 40 years and these are the things God revealed to me.
Scripture says "My people die for lack of knowledge." That is true. I pray for Divine wisdom and knowledge for the Body of Christ in these matters in Jesus Name.


I am on a mission ❤

Even if I may stumble from time to time I will never give up. For God is with me.


Pray for me please I work in the mental health field as a nurse….for God to use me and give me boldness and discernment. 🙏🏻


Thank you so much for I’m realizing that The Holy Spirit has been leading me through my own battle with demonic forces! Thank you for being attentive to The Spirit and teaching FRUIT🙌🏼🕊🙏🏼👑🤗❤️


Amen as a child of light and a soldier in the Army Of God I'm on a mission to expell the darkness in this world around me. Thank you Jesus for bringing me to this knowledge 🙏 bless your Holy Name! Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏


You're talking to me man of God🙏🙏I have seen the symptoms of breast cancer since the beginning of this year but anxiety and fear was going to kill me, I thank God who is always with me and the Holy Spirit is always reminding me that I'm not sick and I must go through this if I trust in the word of God, , , I have come to the level of surrendering all to God and leaning on His word by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, , so my mind is focused on the word of God not symptoms and fear


I was touched by Jesus in church he walk up to me and put his had on my heart I watched him come from the cross to were I was standing it was the most beautiful think I have ever have happen to me praise God


This is a POWERFUL Word through a MIGHTY MAN OF GOD!! Took me 3 days of watching this over to note down and resonate with all the super seeds you're talents and gifting were releasing upon believers. So many Truth bombs that the dark world would rather keep hidden. Thank-you Pastor I want you to know that God has reached me here in New Zealand through you! Lord Father in heaven bless this man of God with Your finest provisions and Glory over his ministry and his entire bloodline before him and from him in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏 God bless


The key word is EMPTY. If you are saved your "house" is not empty. You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and He lives in you. Your house is not empty, therefore demons cannot enter. Thank you Bro David for addressing and correcting the horrible "demon possessed Christian" false doctrine.


I'm on a mission to bring Jesus into the hearts of my family and heal them from all evil.


Hi bro.David, im in an spiritual battle this time.my marriage life is broken a few months ago, i left my husband because i know that he possessed by demons.i am a christian and im serving the Lord.i seperated now to Him and i lifted all to God.for now im focused to God and study his word..im so blessed with ur message.God bless and more power to ur channel.


I stumbled over your video by accident. I was not a Christian but I always feel there is someone watching over me and guiding me. Now I know it is God. When I started watching, I did not even know that you are a Catholic. My husband was a Catholic, but now he becomes a stranger to me. I suspected Narcissitic personality Disorder with demon’s influence. Living with him is extremely miserable and exhausting. I am totally alone and abandoned by my family and friends. Now I know it is his doing. Pastor Hernandez, your video inspired me. Your open mindedness, wisdom and untraditional thinking are so refreshing and moved me to no end. I hope you will always stay that way, free from being influenced by our environment, people around us and our government. I have a long way to go to feel and agree with everything you said in your summons. But I appreciate your advice on that God does not pressure or rush us. I know eventually I will be able to obey God, but I believe God will give me the room and space and let me reach that place when I am good and ready. Thank you again, paster Hernandez and may God bless you, especially in growing and strengthening your special talents!


I need deliverence from suicidal spirit fear anxiety panic attacks, please pray for me. I am being so tormented please pray for me


We're on a mission from God, and it's no joke!🙏👍❤️


I am on a mission. Equipped by His Word and empowered by the Spirit.


Best spiritual teaching I’ve ever heard in my life! Thank God for this man!!
