Top 10 Ways to Live LONGER: Metabolic Health Wins, Again!

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Here's the top ways to extend your lifespan.

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-------------Health and Sleep Tools!-----------------------

-----------------------------------------Show Notes--------------------------------------

0:00 Intro
0:50 Avoid smoking.
1:13 Reduce high blood pressure.
1:45 Lose excess body fat.
2:20 Lower your glucose.
3:14 Avoid using illicit drugs.
3:35 Avoid consuming alcohol.
4:09 High LDL cholesterol is a marker of poor metabolic health.
6:00 Worldwide, high fasting glucose is the number one risk factor.
6:30 Worldwide, excess body fat and smoking are 2nd and 3rd.
6:40 Iron deficiency is 4th worldwide.
6:50 High blood pressure, alcohol use, unsafe workplaces are 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th .
7:00 Ambient particulate matter/pollution are 8 th .
7:30 Drug use and kidney dysfunction are 9 th and 10 th .
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I have been living all the healthy habits for a few years now with amazing results for my age. I'm 70, keep my weight under 120, exercise every day including strenghting my muscles. I eat only two healthy meals a day, fast weekly, and avoid processed food and sugar, but I do break one of those rules. I've been drinking two glasses of red wine daily for most of my life. I suppose that is the only sugar I put in my body. My blood glucose is always low.


I don't wish to shorten my life nor prolong it. I just want to have no pain or sickness through my lifespan. I want to stay healthy without extending years if that makes sense.


Thanks Mike. All this aligns perfectly with what I've learned from your podcast over the years.


Apparently seed oils are worse than smoking.


As usual they don’t even include the elephant in the room. VO2 max, muscle endurance, muscle strength and muscle mass all independently are stronger factors than any on that list.


We beat around the bush and constantly try to find some impossible compromise. Glucose, no matter how complex the carb, is the killer. How many fit plant eaters are getting cancer? Tons. Switch to lipid metabolism; make your own glucose. Run your brain on ketones. It's a purgatory, and it's so much longer and more difficult than the keto community acknowledges. But if you can become fat adapted and still maintain micronutrient levels, you'll eventually reach a point where you don't feel flat and weak all the time like you do at first on keto. Glucose gives and takes, and it's just not worth it. It is the number one cause of death in the world, bar none.


I am an obese man drinking lots of beer and doing drugs during my work as a miner in Lahor. My chances are slim...


"Your episodes never fail to educate. Keep up the amazing work!


Here's a ChatGPT summary:

- A new study by the American Heart Association in the journal Circulation highlights 20 leading risk factors for premature death.
- Smoking is identified as the number one cause of years of life lost (YLL).
- High blood pressure is the second leading risk factor, increasing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and erectile dysfunction.
- Losing body fat is the third leading risk factor, with high body fat linked to poor quality of life.
- Impaired metabolic health or elevated fasting glucose is the fourth leading risk factor.
- LDL cholesterol is less critical than glucose levels, ranking seventh on the list.
- Illicit drug use is the fifth leading cause of YLL.
- Alcohol use is the sixth leading cause, with negative effects on sleep and weight.
- Globally, high fasting glucose is the top risk factor for premature death.
- Iron deficiency ranks fourth globally, particularly in underdeveloped countries.
- Ambient particulate matter exposure and pollution are significant risk factors in densely populated areas.
- Obesity prevalence has increased across all ages, correlating with a decline in movement and fitness.
- The study emphasizes the importance of quitting smoking, reducing blood pressure, losing body fat, and improving metabolic health to extend life.
- The report suggests that lifestyle changes, such as time-restricted eating, prioritizing protein, and increasing physical activity, can help address these risk factors.
- Main message: Improving metabolic health, reducing risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure, and obesity, and focusing on lifestyle changes are key to living longer and preventing premature death.


#1 is arguing with people on Reddit. #2 is arguing with people on Nextdoor.


Thanks Mike. Idc what the wef says behind your back, you're good people....


Don't want to live longer but healthy until it's my time to go!


#1 Praying that WW3 won't ever start 😢


My dad has been on statins for 30 years and he's at the gym right now. I'm 65 and he'll probably outlive me.


Cut bad carbs and fast to lower blood pressure


It seems strange that smoking is number 1 in the USA, but number 3 in the world. The USA has a much lower smoking rate than the world average.


Be born with great genetics, there's a reason the older people on my Dad's side of the family are still alive even though they lived very different lifestyles. Living an active life is a different story, even if some live long some may do 50x more during their life.


100 years brother. My father smoked and he had everything your dad did and more, triple bypass, cancer bladder and melanoma, diabetes. Spent the last 17 years of his life going to doctors said he was a lab rat. No thanks


Please advise!
I’m very pro carnivore, especially for obese patients with fatigue, but the doctor I work with keeps talking about the necessity of decreasing meat intake since that’s what people in blue zones do to live to 100.
How do I convince her that very obese people should be on carnivore?
Thank you!


I think there's no need to worry about cholesterol at all. Most of the doctors (probably all but I don't like using absolutes) I follow seem to agree with this. I can easily provide names.
