Ted Ed videos be like...

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This is a draft! I made this months ago but never got art to finish it. I figured I may as well upload it for fun.
Ted Ed videos be like...
Can You Solve the Candice Riddle? (TedEd Parody)
Can you solve the ultimate TED-Ed riddle?
Educational Videos Be Like
Can you solve the wizard standoff riddle? - Dan Finkel
Ted 2😂 #shorts
Can you solve the secret assassin society riddle? - Alex Rosenthal
History's 'worst' nun - Theresa A. Yugar
TED Ed videos just hits different 😭💯🔥💯🔥🗿 #animation #roblox #shorts #relatable #teded...
Can you solve the unstoppable blob riddle? - Dan Finkel
Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle? - Dan Finkel
Why is being scared so fun? - Margee Kerr
Debunking the myths of OCD - Natascha M. Santos
What is “normal” and what is “different”? - Yana Buhrer Tavanier
What Earth in 2050 could look like - Shannon Odell
Can you solve the basketball riddle? - Dan Katz
How to defeat a dragon with math - Garth Sundem
Can you solve the bridge riddle? - Alex Gendler
What do dumplings look like around the world?- Miranda Brown
How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena
What’s the smartest age? - Shannon Odell
A brie(f) history of cheese - Paul Kindstedt
Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler
Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler