Time Is an Illusion

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Is time an illusion? And if so, why can our knowledge of the past seem so real? And are our memories of the past not evidence that time exists?

Rupert says there are two things about your own experience that are undeniably true: One, you have no experience of time. We can think about the past, but thinking about the past is not evidence of the past. To find evidence we have to go there and experience it.

Two, your knowledge of time is correlated with thought and the presumption that time causes thought is a presumption that cannot be substantiated in experience. Experience shows that the arrow of causation actually goes the other way — thinking creates the appearance of time.

I'm not trying to convince you that time doesn't exist. I'm showing you two facts of experience that suggests that time is not what we think it is. Consider deeply your experience of time, the past and the future, with reference to these two facts and be open as you ponder it. See where this consideration takes you and don't draw conclusions to soon.

And don't be too quick to say memory is evidence of the past. There are other possible interpretations of memory.

*This video is taken from one of Rupert's in-person retreats at Garrison Institute — 10 to 17 October, 2021. To view and book for upcoming retreats (many of which can be attended online via livestream) go to:


0:00 Is Time An Illusion?
0:54 Rupert’s Dream Analogy
2:40 Are Memories Proof Of The Past?
3:10 Does The Past Exist?
4:27 Do We Experience Time?
5:43 Can We Prove Time Exists?
6:09 Do Thoughts Create Time?
7:29 Can You Experience The Past?
8:29 Facts About Time
9:26 Time Is Not What We Think It Is
10:06 Does Memory Create Time?



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RETREATS (Weekend, 5-day, 7-day)
Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, either in-person and online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream.


IN-PERSON RETREATS SCHEDULE (Also Available to Join Online via Live Stream)


Rupert's webinars take place on Wednesday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert.



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The one and only time I took lsd, the one thing that stuck with me was the slowing of the experience of time. It seems that our brains or minds are tuned into time at a certain pace. It was amazing to me that the experience of time passing could be altered in such a way. This was years ago and it still sticks with me.


The only experience we’ve ever had was always in the now, it was never in a “past”. So true


Time is hilarious. It never existed! We all have just been chilling in the now, creating this "past" and "future" inside our heads then pretended they were real and took it seriously! Meanwhile, the only thing that ever existed was this moment, now, stretched through all eternity. Yet most people aren't even experiencing it because they are so in their head. You can't make this stuff


Rupert spira got all of his understanding of consciousness when he was having discussions with Jiddu krishnamurti and reading advait vedant philosophy of Hinduism.
Its good now that he is propagating it.🙏🕉


I wonder if we descend into time because it holds some kind of experiential & learning potential for the soul, then we seemingly get lost in the intricacy of time and space, but that's all ultimately part of the cosmic game & waking up to who we really are too!


"Eternity isn't endless time, but no time"
Eckhart Tolle


It's interesting that in deep sleep, our perception of time collapses... same goes for comas and surgery under anesthesia. Without thinking, we feel that no time has passed.


Did we suffer @ one time in the past? I don't know about you but, I did. However, time changed when in a moment of time I became conscious of not only my awareness but that of my loved ones suffering. The journey takes time & has many paths. On this Christmas holiday I wish you all a happy union with all life. Thanks Ruppert!


I find it almost overwhelming to realize that our ("separate self") experience of space-time as a flow and movement is actually an illusion and reality is really one whole static thing, so to speak. I just love how well Rupert Spira describes and articulates the subtle nuances of the human experience of reality.


All that exists is the Knowing of it, knowing is timeless. Its now.


This is definitely a difficult one for me as well. Then, if it is the case, one begins to wonder about the implications of such a thing. Then my mind ties itself into a pretzel and I realize I should probably just go do something else with my now before I give myself an aneurism.


IMHO, the "ego" thinks; the "being" rests peacefully in awareness. The ego loves pontificating, analyzing, and trying to understand. The being doesn't do any of those things. So, time is created by the ego, and is entirely manmade. (My 2¢.)


Some great pointers, as always.

Instead of trying to understand Rupert, try just to follow and explore in your own experience.

It is possible that way that reality will become clear and the need to understand or ability to doubt will be superseded.


Another great video, Rupert! 👍🏼
The dream analogy is quite relevant to explain how time moves at different speeds as perceived or experienced. Also deja vu tells us that time is not linear, sequential, in any case. If it was, we could never have ‘seen’ beforehand what we know as being something we have already experienced. So, time is an illusion.


I woke up in the middle of the night last night as I often do (to tinkle lol) and meditated, couldn't fall asleep, and epiphanies kept coming. Trying to remember them all.

I knew that what I wrote here is channeled, & that the epiphanies are given to me also. It's my spiritual team, but I'm not usually aware who they're from specifically. But last night I was told that the messages about time & about the 4th dimension are from Albert Einstein. Which awes me, but it makes perfect sense. Who better to give us this information but the great genius who posited spacetime? This is a continuation of his famous breakthrough discovery.

Other epiphanies from last night:

Time is a function or property or feature of the 4th dimension. Time is contained in the 4th dimension, as are other properties. Time can be manipulated, we can play with it when we go into the 4th dimension & operate from there. I realized how I was able to slow down time. I had practiced the game of pong, & worked at slowing down the puck, by intention. It began working. It was just a game, but the day I needed time to slow down, I guess I just unconsciously tapped into what I had been doing in the pong game. These things worked because they were just personal things, & small & insignificant in the scheme of things, I wasn't setting some huge goal. How was I able to slow down time? The answer came last night: The 4th dimension is what we can call elastic. Time can be stretched. In the 4th dimension, we can also ho back & forth in time. I really don't know even a tiny fraction of what's in the 4th dimension. I'm trying to find out if anyone else on earth does, scientists or guru's, or anyone.

Also, there are many dimensions, maybe dozens or hundreds, no idea the number. But art in different forms is a dimension, as is aesthetics. Love is referred to as a high frequency vibration as well as a high level emotion. But it is also a dimension. Knowing this makes sense especially for me. My father sometimes took me to lunch, & one day we met in a very bright restaurant with windows for walls. As soon as my father saw me enter, he stood up in the aisle, put his hands on his hips, & beamed at me. He enveloped me, bathed me, in love. It was so beautiful & powerful, everything fell away, disappeared, & we were in another realm. I now realize we entered a different dimension, that of love.

Being aware of entering & being in a higher dimension, does not in fact take us out of lower dimensions, though it can, I believe, when we vibrate high enough.


The thought that time only exists while thinking is mind blowing.


I just noticed that "Spira" & "spirit" have their first 4 letters in common. As they say, there are no coincidences. 😊😊❤❤❤


Time may not exist but man oh man PATIENCE certainly does :) great example of compassion


This is why the expression "The past, the present and future are all happening at once. It's just the "Now" anything else is redundant and a creation of this matrix


This would mean that we are a child, an adult, and an elder, all this just now. Does that mean our life is just a dream too? And who is the dreamer? I think the human brain is not capable of understanding this, at least mine not.
