The Deep Warp & Other CREEPY Mysteries | Warhammer 40K Lore

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It's finally spooky season my friends and you know what that means, it's a perfect opportunity to part 4 of our continueing look into the grim dark mysteries of Warhammer 40k's Lore.
Mysteries covered in Part 4. The Xenos species known as the Umbra. The mysterious disappearance of Arkhan land ( inventor of the space marine land raider). Is The Deep warp real? And what is written on the Grey knights Relic " the Terminus Decree"

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Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
2:12 The Umbra
7:58 The Deep Warp Theory
12:04 The Disappearance of Arkhan Land
15:58 The Terminus Decree
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I think the Deep Warp theory is solid. I mean, we already know that the warp is a lot more than just the chaos realms (Gork and Mork are warp gods, but aren’t in the chaos realms) so I feel like it would make way more sense that the warp is bigger than what humanity realize


Partial Spoilers
When it comes to the Terminus Decree, based on The End and the Death, there are passages that imply that if the Emperor dies, he would ascend to godhood and this ascension would consume humanity in the same manner as the Birth of Slaanesh. Thus, if all is lost, the Decree would be activated Big E's mortal body would finally expire and he would ascend to godhood at the cost of most of mankind. From there, Emp's godhood would have certain advantages and disadvantages for humanity, and the war would continue but again, it's a last resort.


The crazy thing about the deep warp is because people think it might be there, when you go into the warp, it *will* be there because every idea is embodied in the Warp.


The Umbra sounds similar to a fragmented C'tan, but obviously isn't since they're warp based. Makes sense that an Old One would act similar to a C'tan.


I like to think that the Terminus decree is instructions for a ritual that would close the eye of Terror but also cut all of humanity off from the warp meaning no more faster than light space travel for anyone who doesn't have a webway. I like to think that that was the emperor's plan in the first place create the webway and then seal the warp so that the chaos Gods could never affect Humanity again.


I like the idea that the warp is truly like a massive body of water, infinite and amorphous and the gods and realms of chaos that we know are just eddies and whirlpools on the surface. Ripples from a trillion trillion little souls splashing into the surface. The gods are mere fish gobbling up the swarms of little bugs disturbing the surface. And there's always a bigger fish.


The Shape of The Nightmare To Come heavily featured the Deep Warp. It was home to things like ancient Eldar war machines that were more chaos creature than machine, and things too old and powerful to be called daemons. One even became another Chaos God. There were also "hellsubs"; hideously corrupted Imperial Blackships that accidentally dove into the Deep Warp and got given the business by the creatures that live there. And at the very bottom and center was the Nex; an entity that is such an atrocity of existence that even saying it's name causes you to spit up blood and turn the paper you wrote it on into spiders.


This actually makes me think Kairos experienced the deep warp or something on that level when Tzeentch threw him into the Well. And the reason the other GDs didnt come back was because they were consumed by the entities and energies that lie within. Kairos made it out barely and was essentially cursed and we still don't know what he witnessed in there. Oh and to top this off.. Tzeentch somewhat believes that's not actually Kairos.

Edit: for the part behind Tzeentch thinking Kairos is an imposter, you'd have to do some digging through lore videos and lore pages as I can't find where I heard or saw it, if anyone can find out if it's true or not that's be great as I don't wanna consider myself crazy just yet.


Ya know I actually hadn’t heard of the Deep Warp theory before. But now it’s an irrevocable part of my head cannon hehe. There’s something compelling about the idea of those deepest, darkest realms that are so distant yet so close, so inhospitable yet so unavoidable. They’re always down there beneath the impenetrable black. They wait with deathless patience for the next battered soul to drift silently into their embrace. I imagine a place so inaccessible that only the most intrepid explorers equipped with ancient technology lost to time could ever hope to gain even the slightest glimpse of it. A place unlike the warp we know. A bleak and cold and silent place so far removed as to be almost completely untouched by the material realm. The perturbations from the shallow warp above do not reach its depths. The turbulence and chaos in the sea of souls gives way to stillness and quiet. Gods do not tread here for this is not their domain. But it is here where all that is of the warp will inevitably descend. It is the entropy of all things, a realm of figments. It is the oblivion that comes before life and after death. It is where the final thoughts of conscious beings and the carcass of their memories go to be at last forgotten. But even here, even in this emptiest of blackness you are not alone. You’ve seen the corpses of dead gods. You’ve drifted past the twisted remains of ancient, sunken void ships. But there is something else, something you can’t see. You can’t exactly describe it or explain how you know it’s there. Perhaps it is the figments of what once was your being slowly drifting apart. Perhaps it is the last disturbance mustered by a soul in the void beginning to imagine true oblivion. But something is here. Something unknowable to mortal minds. And it’s getting closer.


My head canon has always been that the warp does have pocket dimensions/realms where the gods can manifest and have entire kingdoms with solid matter and constructed things. And between the gods' realms are pockets created by the imaginings and dreams and nightmares of living beings. Somerealms last forever and grow. Some last only as long as a single person's dreams.

Warp travel is just skimming along the upper "pond scum" that accumulates at the surface. Deep deep down is where the oldest and most unimaginable things exist.


My head canon is that the terminus decree contains a super intelligent AI based on the emperor’s psychology. It explains why it could be so ridiculously powerful, basically a reconstructed STC, but only able to be used as a last resort.


That account by that madman actually made me start a bit as the clues slotted themselves together and suddenly hit me with the fact that he somehow learnt this from a friggin *Keeper of Secrets*, like holy moly, the planet that guy was on was so close to being doomed!


Speaking of the deep warp. Actually, warp has three layers. The lowest level of the lowest layer actually is the place where Imperial void ships used to travel. And chaos gods exist in the third layer.

But there are some descriptions that there is some eldritch realm beyond the warp. It was described as void or absolute void.
Magnus had a glimpse about this place and even Chaos gods could not comprehend the true scale of this place.
Yes, it was a place where the true form of the god Ynnead existed.


As for The Terminus Decree, I heard a theory that it is an instruction on how to create a new Emperor. What I mean is that there is a ritual described where ancient shamans combined their souls to create the Emperor and the Gray Knights would repeat it.


I love the idea of "deep warp." I presonally would love to see a story about ship getting accidentally being knocked into it.


the umbra being a single old one's soul broken into pieces is just the coolest concept and the main reason i think the orks are the same. one old one soul divided between billions of individuals so he could not only fight but also pretty much ensure he would survive the war in heaven.


the fact that the terminus decree may be a crucial part of the golden throne and still no custodian knows about it or its content is honestly rather unsettling


the Umbra seem a lot like the things that trapped and teleported the Retributor Astartes in the Astartes short film.


It would be great to have a deep sea exploration submarine type novel of the deep warp. Even if it doesn't answer much, 40k plus submarine bottle plots and tropes would be really fun I think.


So if the well of eternity could be a gateway to the deep warp, is that greater daemon (kairos) that tzeentch threw into it saw the deep warp and is now completely crazy?
