Fix: Windows Cannot Connect To The Printer | Operation Failed With Error 0x000000c1 [SOLVED]

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Fix: Windows Cannot Connect To The Printer | Operation Failed With Error 0x000000c1 [SOLVED]

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00:00 Intro
00:16 Connection check
00:31 Restart the Print Spooler service.
02:50 Run the Printer Troubleshooter
04:42 Downlaod and install driver.
05:18 Delete a Registry Keys.
07:05 Add a local printer through Network.
08:07 Outro

Solution for below Step.

Step 1
connection check

Fist Check it
Run Windows Security
Check the printer connection
If you are using a shared printer on a network, ensure electrical ports, Power switches, routers, and any other connected

*Step 2
Restart the Print Spooler service

1. press the Windows key and type In the Services and click on Services into the search bar.
2. In the Services window, locate the Print Spooler service.
Right-click on Print Spooler and select Properties.
In the Properties window, click Stop.
This will stop the print queue process. Keep the Print Spooler Properties window open.

Now, press Windows key + E to open File Explorer.
Navigate to the following location:

Delete all the files in the Printers folder.
If you don’t see any files, you may need to show hidden files/folders.

Close the File Explorer window.
In the Print Spooler Properties window, click the Start button to restart the service.
Restart your computer once again and reinstall the necessary printer drivers at the next computer startup. See if the issue is resolved. Otherwise, try the next solution.

* Step 3
Run the Printer Troubleshooter

Press the Windows + I key to open Windows Settings.
Go to the System and click on Troubleshooter.
Click on the Other troubleshooter option.
Now, locate the Printer troubleshooter and press the Run button next to it.
If you are on Windows 10 computer, follow these steps.
Once the troubleshooter completes the scanning process then it asks you to Apply this Fix. Hopefully, running the Printer troubleshooter has resolved your error.

Step 4.
install driver Manually.
open any browser and search here the for your printer driver model.
and open the new tep and download the printer driver for your operating system 64 or 86 bite wish.
first, unzip the file and install the software driver
2. Locate the printer device
3. Right-click on the device driver name and select Update Driver Software.
4. Select the Search automatically for updated driver software option.
5. The system should automatically search for available drivers, though make sure that the Internet connection is OK.
6. Finally, restart Windows to finish up with the installation.

step 5
Delete a Registry Key

Press windows key + R.
Type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
For 32-bit systems –
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-x

For 64-bit systems
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows x64\Drivers\Version-x

If you are used To 64-bit systems click on Windows x64 or use 32-bit systems click on Windows x86.

This will display all the key values inside the registry. Here, select all the files, right-click anywhere inside it, and hit Delete.
Repeat the above process for all the key entries available here.
Once over, Restart your PC so as to save the changes made so far.

Step 6.
Add a local printer through Network.

1. press the Windows key and type In the Control Panel and click on Control Panel into the search bar.

2. Now select Devices and Printers\Add device \ Printer and Scanners \
Add device\
If not a single device is shown here, click “The printer that I want isn’t listed“.
Click on the Add Manually.
3. Select share a Printer by Name.
Afterward, mark the radio button left to “Add a local printer or network printer manual settings” followed by the Next button.

4. Next, enter the Network Path to the Printer (ie. \\ComputerName\SharedPrinterName) as the Port Name.
5. next click.
6. select whether you want to make this a default printer or not

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