Skyrim Legendary Difficulty Will Change How You Play

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Playing Skyrim on Legendary was actually more fun than I could have imagined, I ended up dying a lot less than I thought I would but still had fun nonetheless
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My gripe with Legendary difficulty is that it's like most other games where you simply do less damage and the enemy does more. To me that doesn't make the game harder, just makes it more tedious. I like games where when you increase the difficulty the ai actually gets better, or they have more moves or something other than just simply making the enemies spongy.


Summons and companions are critically important. You'll find that if someone can soak the damage for you early game, you'll eventually get strong enough to handle enemies on your own.


I was hesitating to comment but then I noticed you weren’t very popular, the video was very well made and I didn’t notice that you are still starting out, great video bro I wasn’t trying to be rude it’s just you have a very well made video style and definitely deserve more ❤


As someone who usually starts the game on Expert, even then, I can testify the giant spider in Bleak Falls Barrow is no joke. That thing kills me more often than the Draugr at the end.


The thing I simply LOVE about the legendary difficulty is that you do feel the combat mechanics. Nearly all of them. This difficulty just makes you noticin' that one lethal hit, like when you think to yourself "Oh well, that's gonna be fatal". And then you start using that one "useless" mechanic, which is sword/weapon bash or some magic combinations if you play as a mage. It really IS nearly useless when playing on lower difficulties, so the Legendary definitely adds more immersion


I did my Platinum Trophy playthrough on ps4 on legendary difficulty as a battlemage and it was a blast. Getting better gear didn't just feel like a "huh some new kit" like on lower difficulties. It was really rewarding.


Dude legendary difficulty is a torture in skyrim. I went to labyrinthian with uthgerd. Fought a draugr that was using unarmed shout. it was midnight and the draugr unarmed both of us. Swords went flying somewhere in the dark, uthgerd started fighting with her fists and i started using conjuration(skeleton) with my bow. took 30+ mins to defeat that draugr. At the end I was able to find my sword but not uthgerd's so i got her dwarven greatsword that i found later.


I remember my first playthrough on Legendary. I got my ass kicked so much, I had no choice but to learn and use all the tools available. I had never cooked before, or bothered crafting many poisons and potions before Legendary. Really changed the game.


I really appreciate that you don't pause and spam food while fighting. It's such a boring way to play, and so many people do it. Using healing spells in combat is much more engaging and fun, both to play and to watch.
Also, levelling up shield skills is really handy for high difficulty. You can interrupt enemy attacks, and if you time it right, it really helps with getting through fights.


The one thing the setting really helps is disencourage stealth sniper builds. When all those barely working one-hit kills turn into 4 hits or more, you definitely do not feel all that powerful anymore. On legendary, stuff like good old Shield and Sword becomes so much better that the stealth archer is kind of laughably bad in comparison.


This was cool to see. I'm an insane Legendary Difficulty enjoyer and have started my new playthrough a week ago, Dark Elf in the image of Azura. The pain of being one shot never goes away there's always something out there even if it hasn't met you yet. Sabre Cats..


The most fun part of legendary difficulty imo is you end up naturally getting more clever in the way you play the game. You meticulously map out areas your fighting in, use traps in dragur dungeons to kill them, using doors to cut off hordes of enemies and fight them one at a time. Legendary is how the game is meant to be played, you min max everything to ensure everything is perfect for your next fight or boss battle.


People on novice kill bandits with a random iron sword barely damaged, people on legendary spend 3 hours grinding the plants they need to make a potion THEN spend another 3 hours fighting them just so they can get like 68 gold and some fur armor


Wildcat is an amazing combat mod. Makes it more difficult but even. Even adept difficulty doesn't get easy till maybe late 20s to mid 30s. I would also recommend a second channel for play-throughs, I like your delivery


this actually looks a lot more fun than it sounded like it would be, I’ll probably try it sometime


0:35 Summons, companions, alchemy, enchantments, smithing, gear, playing as a warrior...


Love your narration style and the way you leave the Skyrim music in. It’s so comforting 😊


Dang, can't believe you only have 3k subs this is really good quality, in everything the audio, visual, editing, flow, nothing feels dragged out or stalled to lengthen the video, im impressed.


This is SO well made! Loved every second of it and was convinced it was from a massive channel. Well done and keep it up!


I’m too much of a baby to play legendary, but it was really fun to watch! Your commentary was awesome! Thanks for the video! It was refreshing after a lot of what I’ve been watching from Skyrim has gotten repetitive :)
