How Are the Dead to Be Raised Up? - Watchtower Study Review December 2020

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Topics of discussion: the resurrection of the anointed class, resurrection of the great crowd, resurrection of Jesus, second chance theology

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Hi Mike, what do you make of 1 Cor 15:47-49 and the contrast between the heavenly body and the body of dust?


Another question..would you mind doing a video going thru Matt 24 verse by verse? Just want to see how you view these fully. Including some of the parallels in Luke 21 and Mark 13


Michael have you ever read the JW Shepherd book? the elder's manual it's also called


In a sense ? Gain benefits ? Adoption..made sons..children of God. Pray our Father... 🙏


Hi Michael, great video, we have learned a lot. But I have a question. where does the judgement fit in? if Christ returns then resurrects the dead then death is done away with, the judgement would have to be previous to death being done away with. I say this because some of those judged will be put to death again? Could you do a video on 1cor 15?


Hey Michael great work great video.. on the paragraph 16 it says (Millions of other Christians?).. who is the other Christians?... Who are the other millions and how many millions?..


Michael, I listened to your video and feel that I need to disagree with your teaching. I hope you don't mind me sharing my remarks about the resurrection hope.
In my opinion you make two important mistakes in the way you interpret what Paul says. Firstly, you say that Paul is speaking in 1 Cor. 15 about a physical body, while Paul is making it clear that the resurrection body is a spiritual body. Secondly, you claim that the person who dies is the physcial body. We as persons are not our physical bodies. See Revelation 6 and 20, the souls of the saints live in heaven but they are not physical bodies.
You claim that the 'soma' is always a physical body, this is not correct. According to Strongs Lexicon soma can also mean "a social, ethical, mystical body" like in the NT the church of Christ. Soma is the body, "used in a very wide application, literally or figuratively". Strongs calls the body "the instrument of the soul".
What Paul is doing in 2 Cor. 5 is telling the reader that we will not be found naked when we die and go to heaven, but we (our soul) will be clothed with our heavenly body. In 1 Cor. 15 he is doing the same, making it clear that we'll have heavenly bodies and not earthly, physical bodies. Paul could not have made it any clearer what he means, in making a distinction between the phsyical and the spiritual body. He describes the body after the resurrection as a spiritual body (soma psuchikon) and contrasts it with the natural, psychical body. He says that the natural body, which we received from our first father Adam, is not the body that we will receive in the resurrection, but we will receive a spiritual body just like our heavenly father Jesus has.
Jesus lives in heaven, not on earth, right? So where did the apostles hope to live when they die? It was not on earth. John says that we will be like Christ, but we don't know yet what that will be like. The disciples of Jesus have seen him after his resurrection, so why would John say "It has not yet been revealed what we shall be", and "for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2). Also, read how John describes Jesus as he is in heaven in Revelation 1. Does that sound like a physical body to you? Blessings.


Rev 19: 15 -16, Hebr 1:8 Jesus in His Throne is Almighty God, king of Kings, Lord of Lords
Rev 21: 5-10 ( john 4: 10-13, Hebrews 1:8), Rev 22 :13-16 ( john 14:3) . Jesus is Alpha & Omega / eternal God same as Father .
First born in Col 1:15 - 20 is not "first created" but about "supremacy", jude 1:24-25 - before all ages ( Eternal God/beyond time) ;
if first created will contradicted with it's context in 1:15 -17 ( All creation in & by Him/Jesus ; if a creature, Jesus cannot created Himself ).
Isaiah 9:6 eternal Father ( has own eternity) ; 1 john 4:1-3 This is how you can recognize the spirit of God : every spirit that acknowledge Jesus has come in flesh is from God. But if deny that, is from antichrist. Conclusion : Jesus is eternal God, same nature as Father.
