What Is Actually Written In The Dead Sea Scrolls?

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A time capsule that was lost for 1800 years, the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls changed much of what we thought we knew about the Bible, and it was all discovered by accident, when a shepherd threw a rock into a cave. Nobody really knew what the scrolls were at first, so they changed hands a number of times over the course of seven years before an archaeologist got ahold of them, and discovered their true significance.

So, what's actually written in the Dead Sea Scrolls? Watch to find out.

#DeadSeaScrolls #History #Bible

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What were your thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls?


"The most important archaeological discovery of all time...our understanding of the bible completely changed." Not a word said in this video gives an example of a changed view of the bible.


I Love How he was a shepherd Looking for his Lost Sheep. A whole reference to Jesus


It’s like a time capsule for the people who lived during those times.


Dr. Barbara Thiering has written 3 books on the DSS. The research and the documentations of her books are impressive. jESUS OF THE ACOPALYPSE, jESUS tHE mAN and The Riddles of The Dead Sea Scrolls are excellent books for anyone interested. Dr. Thiering was an expert on the DSS.


I love how we find these insanely old scrolls in a cave forgotten about but then we know every person it was bought and sold by…. How?


Seems to me that most Grunge YT posts have to do with "The sad life" of pop musicians. Can we now expect to see something like: "The sad fate of Pharaoh's house band"?


It contained the book of Isaiah that predicted Christ’s sacrifice.


Pretty damn lucky to find those intact


It wouldn't say the name of Jesus of it's the old Testament. The prophecy was fulfilled in the New Testament.


The only way to know what the scrolls say is to remove them from all the people who want them to say what they want them to say and hand them over to independent analysts. Until then, what they say is debatable.


So what was written in them? There's very little specific said here


The writings of these scrolls and the subsequent discovery thousand of years later is, I am sure, important to a secular archeologists. As interesting as these scrolls may be, they are NOT part of the Christian Bible. Per the Bible's very clear instructions we are not to add a single letter or take away a single letter from God's world or tamper with its contents other than translate it into other languages . Extreme caution is taken to ensure that the exact meaning of each word and the placement thereof within a verse, passage and chapter is not in error. If the Dead Scrolls were meant to be included into the Bible they would have been in there. We are living in an age where we can pick and choose a variety Christian Books on apologetics etc etc as well as a wide selection of bibles. To sum up what I am trying to say here is: BINGO! You hit the nail on the head when you said that there is no mention of Jesus in these scrolls. I'd put it's contents down to mystical clap-trap. Friends of ours have cobbled together their own version of what is accepted as God's word to us. I don't mind telling you that I was utterly bewildered to hear the mention of the Greek God Zeus. I could mention a few other startling proclamations but she was our host so I steered our conversation into another direction . Read your bible first and foremost people test the spirits so that you can distinguish the fake from the real-deal


Imagine translating the scrolls to find out they used lol and lmfao. Now that would have been worth 250k.imho


They dont mention Jesus by name but there are Messianic Prophecy in them which tell us about the coming Messiah, and man do they sound like Jesus. Also, check out Isaiah 53 which was written 5-700 years before Jesus was born. The more we learn and find, the more the Bible is confirmed to be true. Its the truth ppl, you have a loving Father who wants a relationship with you. A Father that will always be there, that loves you more than youll ever know.


I’m glad you just started in the 21st century to understand your own book. Do you mind comparing what’s written in those scrolls with what is in the current day bible? I bet many changes introduced by men who only care about their interests.


I'm sure there's a "Honey Do" list in there somewhere.


Jesus name is not mentioned, but there are prophecies about his coming like Isaiah 53, and Jesus is written in the papyrus epistles dating back to 2nd to 3rd century C.E 😉👍🏼🙏🏻✝️👑


The narrator should wear tighter shirts


One of the biggest misconceptions within the Christian world is that Jesus founded Christianity but rather it was St. Paul
