Entering The New Year MAGNETIC & Attractive

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New Year New Level Up ✨

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"A woman who embraces her femininity is a woman who knows her power" ❤️

Tags: feminine energy, light feminine energy, divine feminine, women in masculine energy, relationship, relationship polarity, attraction, masculine energy, feminine energy tips, feminine energy for dating, how to get a man to chase you, how to get back into your feminine energy

Thank you for sharing your time and energy with me ❤️
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Next year, I'm gonna be even more obsessed with myself, putting myself on a pedestal, investing my money, time, energy, effort into me. I'm the only right investment

Edit : i bought so many skincare, body care and hair care and i love it! I love my routine of taking care of my beauty. I love being able to love and honor me a lifetime! Thank you so much God! I love you. It is a time consuming task but it is worth it as all my energy, time, effort and money are directed to me. Loving and honoring myself a lifetime


I am quitting my job to become a digital nomad in Thailand and Bali. Thank you for your wisdom 💕✨️


Omg this is so true so my dad was definitely in his healthy masculine and he always told me the benefits of how my mom’s presence in his life was soo important that he’ll buy her gold jewelry and all when he travels and he only married her…. In my culture it’s normal for a man to marry more than one wife. All his brothers that didn’t make it out of the village had so many wives to the point that they started spreading news like my mom is the pants of the house and he’s afraid to add a wife, but growing up and seeing how he never had that in mind made me realize how it’s not always the case. And also my dad was a millionaire and he left his village and country and moved to the US😂 till we later came back and still lived such a good life


Hey Awwlexis!! This is my first comment on YouTube ever. Your videos are magical. I finally took myself on a solo date for the first time in 30 years and I absolutely loved myself for doing that. Thank you so much ❤


Thank you! I’ve been blocking myself from starting my business and literally so confused about why I wasn’t working since there were ZERO obstacles. It has absolutely been my self-consciousness. So funny because I always thought it was a good thing to be conscious of myself.


When you describe self-conscious speech and negative self-talk as “junk food for the brain…” Yes!! Such a great way to put it.


"I love this video so much! Watching it over breakfast on this dreamy Sunday morning. ❤ Just after International Women's Day!"


Alexis, I just want to say thank you. You’ve help me and many others workin on ourselves as WOMEN but in CHRIST. Continue in your purpose because it is blessing others, which is why God is blessing you. Love you all ladies. Stay Gracious ❤


There are definitely good masculine energy men around! It’s your limiting beliefs blocking yourself from meeting them! Reframe that believe my girls ❤


The first 2 times I went to work at a coffee shop i was so nervous and fidgeting the whole time but when I left I walked completely different! I love my solo time but having it outside my house is really uplifting


Purrr Alexis, you keep me so grounded / you’re like the bigger sister I’ve always wanted


Hi Alexis. I broke up with my boyfriend two weeks ago. Your videos have been helping me get through this painful time. Thank you for the words you speak. I hope you never forget how many women you are helping 🤍


Thanks for this🩵✨ just thought at around 39 minutes when you gave the example of sprinkling in and changing up patterns, how a video about sprinkling in dark feminine energy as a more natural light feminine would be really insightful, maybe with some examples and made up situations of how to apply it (I know you have similar videos already but just thought I’d say) 💗⭐️


it’s only been a few months since i discovered your channel and its had such a huge positive impact on me. i feel fortunate and i am ready to take on this new year with a whole new me. thank you alexis!


I let go of control… who says I have to do it all and do it well? It can be all over the place I can literally do it right now…..
This is my personal inner work for procrastination which is lead by perfectionist thoughts. Thank you Alexis, I’ll always come back to this


All the best to You Alexis and to the beautiful Community you create here! Might the feminine power be with You All! :)


Had such an anxious day, was stressed and couldn’t sleep but instantly calmed down playing this while cozy and clean in my bed. Thank you


I love this! Thanks for sharing and taking up space Alexis! What you just shared was just what I needed. I found myself slipping into the old identity because I was facing a challenge and felt the need to carry that challenge around with me because I felt that I needed to be “authentic” but God said nope and here you are with this message sharing it as a confirmation. We are not our circumstances our identity is Christ. God bless and cheers to success in 2025!


Happy new year queens.. I'm so excited for this new chapter of me! Keep going forward. Keep feeling the emotions. Keep releasing emotions


I saw that video, he was such a gentleman, the way he spoke about her, shut the interviewer down, he (THE interview/his content) has a very "What do women bring to the table-, in a Nasty/condescending way" and he let him know, Look I'm not on that wave, I know what she brings and I chose her because of that🙌🏾
