Science, doubt, debunking, and miracles, angels and demons

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Science is about disproving things which are falsifiable. Science is designed to find error, by experimentation, and evolves gradually as more bad ideas are disproven.

Science is about doubt. A hypothesis is thought up by a scientist, and a way to disprove it, and if falsifiable, he sets about attempting to disprove his own idea. Philosophy is about seeking truth, rather than error.

However, science is able to put forward hypotheses about things such as individual claimed miracles, or answered prayers, and attempt to debunk them.

Many falsifiable medical or other miracles have been put under the microscope, and not debunked by the scientific method, as yet, and that is all science can do, it cannot prove positive, only debunk, and fail to debunk what is believed falsifiable.

Saints tend to be declared due to medical miracles. Exorcists tend only to do their hidden art when there are cases of what might be deemed dark or evil miracles that doctors, etc, it is claimed, can't debunk as yet. Personal experiences of God or The Gods answering prayers are often why most people have a religious life.

Science's job is to doubt and debunk, even as that is not inconsistent with religious life, as most top scientists in history have belonged to a religion in some form or other.
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