Do Your First 3 Day Juice Fast and Watch What Happens

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Are you curious about what happens to your body when you do a juice fast?

In this video, I'll talk about the benefits of juice fasting and why you need to do this 3-day Juice Fast.


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Dr. Blake Livingood is a licensed Chiropractor in North Carolina and Florida, he founded a clinic in North Carolina but no longer sees patients. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in 2009. Dr. Livingood uses “doctor” or “Dr.” solely in relation to his degree. This video is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a reason to self-diagnose or as a substitute for diagnosis, medical exam, treatment, prescription, or cure. It also does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Livingood. You should not make any changes to your health regimen or diet before consulting a qualified health provider. Questions regarding your personal health conditions should be directed to your physician or other qualified health providers.
Рекомендации по теме

Did a 30 day about 10 years ago and felt like a super human. Finally getting back to doing this more frequently and change my diet for good


Thank you so much for this video! I plan on starting a juice cleanse this Monday. I'll see how it goes. I am very hopeful and excited.


😅”fall of the wagon and got ran over by the wagon”…..that’s me! I fell off, it ran me over, backed up and ran me over again! I need this.


Thank you so much for this information:) I’m on day 3 of my 30 day juice cleanse and I feel great!


Excellent content and informative! New subscriber! ❤🎉❤


I've been doing health, fitness and nutrition for almost a decade but it's the first time I've decided to try a juicing fast. Came across this and it's great how informative it is in a short video. But what I loved the most about it is how it shows your human side and laughing at our own selves when you made spelling mistakes hehe I giggled as well and that's what made the knowledge retain even more. Thanks Doc!
New subscriber 😁


I want to thank you for all the help I have gotten from your teaching and videos. I was almost 270 lbs on 5 pills I already am down to1 medicine and lost 20 lbs following what you said in the book of yours. It is the first time I have seen the scale move and I am so happy, I do the green drink with collagen and take your cider pills. I dont have cravings for all the sugar etc. Havent had a fat cake since starting and dont want it. I feel so much better with just that amount off. And I talked with the doctor about the statin drug and he said he would give me 3 months off of it then do blood work and if its the same or lower he wont have me go back on it. So I am trying real hard to lose more weight. he said not to use the red rice yeast because you cant be sure of the amounts your getting. I told him I thought the statin was what was making my legs so weak and neuropathy even though I am not diabetic. My sugar is normal, BP normal all the ekg, ultra sound etc. shows no issues. You have finally got through to me I have to take care of myself. I have lost all of my family from heart and diabetic problems. So late is better than never. God Bless you.


I have never done a juice cleanse. I am looking forward to trying this out.


Wow, what an excellent explanation! Thank you!! :)


Day 13 of 100 here 🙋🏿‍♀️. Feeling great.


Thank you so much for all this information. Great video! I am going to try the 3-Day Juice Fast.


I'm on day 21 I did 11 days of water fast then 10 on juice


Pulp, , , , what do you do with that after juicing? I don't want to waste it


So there is something from California I should believe?


Do you add all the fruits and veggies or just one of them to make the green juice?


Greetings great video and information! For ppl who are active, do you also suggest this in conjunction with protein powder? Like is protein necessary and can it be involved when detoxing?


I do the green juice but I dont add the broccoli or kale


Dr Livingood,
Years ago I started juicing by following juicing vegetables on Facebook. In the past year, I started buying my juice cleanse from pulp & press. The juices taste great & some of them have probiotics in the juice. I get way better results when I make my own, what might be the reason for this?


Hey Doc, I would like to try the 3 day cleanse. Is it safe to do this while on blood pressure and anxiety medication?


Thank you so much for your videos! I've learned so much! I'm on eliquis (blood thinner) and want to do a juice fast. What are your thoughts?
