Top 3 Autoimmune Mistakes Making You Sicker

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The Top 3 Autoimmune Mistakes Making You Sicker
Are you struggling with autoimmune issues and not seeing improvements? Chances are, you’re making one (or all) of these 3 major mistakes that could be fueling inflammation and worsening your condition. In this episode, we’ll break down:
✔️ Why gluten is a major autoimmune trigger
✔️ How gut health issues (SIBO, leaky gut, dysbiosis) make symptoms worse
✔️ The hidden toxins (mold, metals, pesticides) that damage your immune system
Most conventional doctors focus on medications like steroids or immunosuppressants, but the real solution lies in fixing gut health, removing triggers, and supporting the immune system naturally.
📢 What has helped you manage your autoimmune condition? Let’s discuss in the comments!
#AutoimmuneDisease #GutHealth #ChronicInflammation #FunctionalMedicine #LeakyGut #Hypothyroidism #Hashimotos
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Are you struggling with autoimmune issues and not seeing improvements? Chances are, you’re making one (or all) of these 3 major mistakes that could be fueling inflammation and worsening your condition. In this episode, we’ll break down:
✔️ Why gluten is a major autoimmune trigger
✔️ How gut health issues (SIBO, leaky gut, dysbiosis) make symptoms worse
✔️ The hidden toxins (mold, metals, pesticides) that damage your immune system
Most conventional doctors focus on medications like steroids or immunosuppressants, but the real solution lies in fixing gut health, removing triggers, and supporting the immune system naturally.
📢 What has helped you manage your autoimmune condition? Let’s discuss in the comments!
#AutoimmuneDisease #GutHealth #ChronicInflammation #FunctionalMedicine #LeakyGut #Hypothyroidism #Hashimotos
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Some of the products featured in our videos may earn us affiliate commissions. Rest assured, we only endorse products that we personally use and trust.
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