Dominions 5 Basic Nation Analysis - EA Fomoria

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Fomoria is in my opinion one of the strongest - and also most FUN - nations in the Early Age. With solid infantry, powerful elf elites, giant sacreds, and extremely strong Air/Death mages, Fomoria boasts a lineup that can function at a high level against any opposition and at almost any phase of the game. The cost of their high-powered troops and mages might be an issue at times, but since Fomoria isn't bless-dependent they can afford to have solid income scales while still achieving good expansion, and as they hit research goals their toolkit expands tremendously towards a devastatingly powerful lategame based off immortal Death summons, recruitable supercombatants, and highly effective battlefield enchantments.

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I'm surprised Fomoria doesn't have a dominion effect which spreads plague among invaders given their lore.


Fomoria has a somewhat roundabout and pricey but still viable option for getting holy 3 on the field once they hit the mid-to-late game:

Take a Water 2 caster (get super lucky with randoms or the queen hero...or empower once, because you ARE going to have water income and not really all that much else to use it on). Forge a water bracelet. Go underwater. Summon Bishop Fish, forge shambler skin armor.


One of the first games of Dom 5 I ever played had a full scales imprisoned Fomoria. My friend who I was playing with (also a newb, but less of a total newb than me) said they'd be a problem, but mictlan (who was the fourth and final player) would be a bigger issue.
After a long an hard war, we managed to take mitclan down to 3 provinces and we were knocking at their gates... then the purge began.
Suddenly, mitclan had their capital invaded, and formoria had declared war on me and my friend too.
Then the hordes... oh god the hordes!
Each battle was a loss after loss... so many high cost units and spells.
I learned a lesson that day, never understatement a full scale build that has had time to get gud'


About Slingers being bad, I would agree unless you are facing a nation with no helm or armor or if you can cast Fire arrow (which is not Fomoria's case). Sling have 2 attacks a round so you get 2 8 ap attack which is fairly ok.


Ah yes, the hat haters nation. Very solid. Great video too btw!


Holy 3: Just summon bishop fish and give them an amulet of the fish.


I started playing all the way back in Dominions 3, with Abyssia. My first MP game, though, was with Fomoria - 1v1 blitz against Vanheim. Went about as well as you can imagine.


So with boar costing 200 points now, which would be best pretender?


Great video! Aiming to start practicing Dominions 5, prob with Fomoria as a beginner nation to learn the game. Would you consider doing an Abysia Nation analysis series?

I was also wondering if you are considering a spells guide or spell analysis series where you discuss the different paths/schools of magic and highlight several spells?


This is stright up my fav faction. Clicked so fuckn fast.


With Morrigans being undead, blessing them is not really a concern. At least not if your bless is regeneration.


Btw, Tuatha is pronounced "Too-ah-hah"! Just something I recently learned. Irish is a weird language xD


Thank you for this. I had long thought Formoria to be somewhat weak, because they never seem to do good in the MP games I see on Youtube. You convinced me I was mistaken :)
While my heart will always belong to mod nations and random!nations, I might give them a go


Amazing, my friend is learning Fomoria this is gonna help him a lot.

I'd like to request a MA Nazca Analysis, although I feel like I understand the nation fairly well and I'm doing fine with it, I think my pretender and my bless aren't optimal, I have a tendency to be unable to let go scales and trash a little my bless. So I'd like to hear your opinion on them and what you think are good pretenders for them. You mention Nazca in your Ashdod video (I mainly play EA Hinnom, so Ashdod sounds like a logical must-try haha), so I assume you are knowledgeable on the topic. Thx, amazing vids btw, really helpful =)


I haven't played them so I don't know how they fair Recruitment points wise but could it be possible to go down into Turmoil for the event chance bonus, and then get some magic or some more dominion, or would it be too costly RP wise ?


Oddly enough, the Nemedians don't live as Sidhe.


do the morrigans get your regen bless? i figured it wouldnt affect them as undead


Where did you learn how Spell singing worked exactly?


I summoned many morrigans but in abattle they got killed really easy by enemy priest casting some anti undead spells. Which sucked they seemed great but after that it wasn't worth it.


what is the hotkey to spot afflictions? Never saw that before but looks super useful
