How To Escape Tutorial HELL

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In this video I describe how to escape tutorial hell!

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- Tutorial Hell

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Be ready when you finally escape tutorial hell.

StackOverflow hell is next


Well said Tim!

I personally don’t frown upon ‘tutorial hell’ because we all go through tutorials for life, some just don’t notice.

I personally watch a lot of tutorials because I believe a person should always be learning how other people are working on their projects. Like the famous saying, there are 99 ways to skin the cat, there are 99 ways to code anything you can think of. Showing a willingness to learn and watch tutorials actually builds great professional skills of listening, direction following, open mindedness just to name a few.

Embrace tutorial hell if you are there, don’t push it away!

(Yes, ChatGPT/Co-pilot/Bing Chat/Bard are/is tutorial hell, but if you can explain what is happening, don’t be scared to use it! It’s a tool!)


Just broke out of hell…now I’m headed to stackoverflow 😅


another tip could be following the tutorial and coding what you know and if you dont know, dont code the program exactly the same as the youtuber, change the code here and there, this helped me alot get out of tutorial hell, i am by no means a good programmer but i can proudly say that i am out of tutorial hell, and can build small things on my own


The main issue with this technique is at that point it relies more on dedication will and iq ect.

G. Michael Hopf said it best. "Hard times create strong men"

Strong Men = Good Times
Good Times = Weak Men
Weak Men = Hard Times.


What's the point with the quick evolution of chatgpt lol. Most of us may be doomed
