Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

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My recommended top 5 programming languages to learn in 2020.

Not gonna lie. This video came out much longer than I anticipated due to the bit of research & overview that occurs from 1:21 to 7:26, so here's my table of contents for those who would like to jump around.

0:00 Intro
1:21 What programming languages build what?
2:55 What programming languages make the most money?
5:00 What programming languages are the most popular?
7:49 Top programming languages for lateral moves
12:13 Top programming languages for new coders
17:33 Recap & Outro


I document and share my experiences on topics including computer science & software engineering. Subscribe, so you don't miss a thing!

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I was confused in begining cause the title says 2020 but his beard says 2019


Its impressive that you learned progeamming even tho you could easly be a Model


1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. Swift
5. C#
6. Go


I've been coding since 1975, have a master's from Oxford, still teach software engineering.... Scala is absolutely beautiful: stripped-down syntax (so it looks like a dynamically typed language, but isn't) offering FP and OOP. Java: excellent first language. Compile-time type checking and good OO.

Learning good habits from the start means never needing to unlearn anything. (Hint on detailed design: it's all about nailing down the pre- and post-conditions of every function or method.) And of course, the other secret for superior coding is coffee...

Languages change: in the 1980s I coded business systems in RPGII and BASIC (a little), plus RPGIII and RPG/IV (a lot), while my favourite academic language was Pascal. Most people won't recognise those names now. Whatever you learn now will probably be gone in a few decades... Luckily, continuing to learn new stuff is part of the fun.

Great advice in this video.


I’m a high school junior and this is my first year coding. I joined a class with students that had been coding for 2 years learning Python. At first, I was really struggling with it... but overtime I started to rise in the ranks. The 3rd year class was dedicated solely to learning Java. Because of the syntax of Python, the other students really struggled with declaring data types and using OOP. By skipping the shortcuts and hammering down on data types and their interactions, I improved a lot faster than them. So, I’m really glad I started with Java rather than Python, so I agree with your beginning top 3. Also, you really inspired me to keep with coding at the beginning when it got frustrating. I love watching your videos so much.


The first language which I choose was Python. I get intermediate of this language but from the beginning, I wanted to learn Java. I started learning java at january in this year and week ago I just finished my first project which helped optimize the process of adding records to our company database. Python taught me the basics of programming thinking, but java taught me how and when to use them.


thanks for schoolin me bro, i literally watch and take notes before work and on weekends, planning to start a degree in 2021, after how far i see that i can get self teaching the rest of this year. Thanks bro!


Just found your page! Love your videos. I studied electronics engineering in college so I learned C first. Quickly realized I wanted to go into software engineering (which is my field now) so I started learning web dev (html, css, JavaScript). Went into an internship where I had to learn full stack using Go, Python, SQL, and React. Now I’m mostly using JavaScript/TypeScript, Go, Python, and SQL. This is a great video!


How I started out 7 years ago was,
1. C - along with C, I also started learning some very useful algorithms, search trees, sorting etc
2. some Markup languages (HTTP/CSS)
3. Java - It was pretty hard understanding OOP at first coming from C, never realised there was a different style of programming until I started reading my trusty old Java Essentials book. Learnt OOP really well, and more on Data Structures.
4. C++ - Having now learnt Java and C, this was pretty damn easy to go through
5. JavaScript - I felt like I did learn many programming concepts from the previous 4 languages and am ready for a powerful front-end language, and also because I wanted to learn other popular frameworks now.
6. Angular, React, Node.js - a little bit of the 3, I was not as interested in these frameworks though as such I just studied until intermediate of the 3.
7. R - 7 years later, now I am in college doing data science, from here on I started picking up languages related to the field
8. Python - This was piece of cake after the experience with other languages, plus I already knew python a little bit as I did go over it a little bit over the years, probably Python 2 i think.
9. SQL / MySQL - obviously
10. -- well this is where I am today, and I am looking to study even more and get more advanced of the languages I have learnt and mostly just focus on Algorithms, Project Building, Data Structures, etc.
The reason I wanted to put out this list was, for anyone who is also really interested in programming and starting up, I believe this was a pretty good path, but you have to be really dedicated, especially if you are starting with C. Good luck !


Scripting language:
* JavaScript - it's everywhere, you will encounter it, so you might as well have at least a basic competency at it, and it's always good to be able to throw together at least a simple web UI.
* Python - the glue that holds everything together. No matter what you specialize in, odds are something in your entire project will use it for something; build/release scripts, clis, orchestration etc.

* Java - it's not going anywhere. High enterprise demand. Also android.
* Go - Small, easy-sih to learn, (IMO far easier to learn than C++), hot, supply hasn't caught up to demand, and there's all the awesome CNCF tools out there written in go. It seems to fast becoming the de-facto cloud native language.

Safe bet / games dev/ high performance:
* C++


I started on Java in school. It was all I knew for the 1st year or so. Eventually, 3rd year I switched to Python which was a weird transition at first. I love Python and certainly prefer coding in it. While I won't miss coding in Java if I never go back to it, I am actually of the mindset that it was a very good first programming language to learn. Getting more technical, understanding a statically typed language first makes it easier to understand what should be done when using a dynamically-typed language such as Python, which is a skill Python alone can't teach.

Overall though, this is a very good list that I actually fully agree with.


currently learning go, so far so good and it’s fun!


Hey, I’m 17 just done with high school, we learn Pascal, found this channel, really happy I did because I’m really not sure where I wanna go with IT, still unsure, mostly because I’m not really educated on what all the IT jobs entail, but this channel makes me feel a little less lost, thx✨🤙🏽


Great video! So great, I liked it before I even watched it !


I started out with Javascript and moved into React Hooks so I could make projects in the PERN stack. I want to continue learning Python but would also like to get into Java. Learning is just so fun!


For the longest time I loved Java, but as soon as I started getting into unity I feel in love with C# and I ended up using .NET on my internship so it was good having the background. Learning TypeScript to make Azure DevOps extensions has been cool, but don't know if I enjoy it as much as C#. C++ is cool too...


I jump straight into flutter after learning oop in c++. I would say mobile development was a bit easier to imagine in flutter than in java as a beginner. Good for making mvp


I start my programming courses in the fall, for c#. Would learning Swift (through playgrounds or something similar for ‘fun’) or python hurt my learning skills? I’m worried about developing bad habits since I’ll be teaching myself outside the structure of a classroom.


I completely agree with you on the C++ part. I see lots of people saying "avoid C and C++ as a starting language" and to be honest, I never understood why. It teaches you fundamentals, logic, almost everything you have to pickup to be able to understand code. As I'd say.. Programming languages work like this.. The same logic, different syntax.


Don’t laugh, but because I’ve been at this so long, I’m starting to carve out a small niche for myself converting code in ancient languages like BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, DIBOL, and machine language aka assembler to modern languages and the most frequent request now is Python. Note the capitalization of older languages. Back in the day they were acronyms. Older programmers, not having the hardware and storage available that people have today often operated at the bit level for efficiency. Going from that frame of ind to the “oh whatever” world of Python can be unnerving.

Next week I’m bidding on an old trust banking system written in C as the bank is having more and more problems finding C programmers.
