Is THIS the Holy Grail of VAN COOLING? My Brutally HONEST Review of ECOFLOW Wave 2 AC for VAN LIFE!

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In today's video, I'm diving deep into the ECOFLOW WAVE 2 Portable Air Conditioner! Is this the holy grail for van lifers seeking an AC solution on the road? Join me as I uncover the details about its size, power draw, efficiency, and most importantly, if it's worth investing in for your nomadic lifestyle. I'll lay it all out on the table, sharing my unfiltered thoughts to help you make an informed decision.

✅EcoFlow Wave 2 Portable AC Unit
✅MIDEA 5,000 BTU Easy Cool Small Window AC Unit
✅ Portable Power Stations
✅Bluetti Power Stations
✅Dual Fuel and Gas Generators


✅Gouku 12 V RV Truck Camper Van Air Conditioner- SHIPS DIRECTLY FROM AMAZON
✅Treeligo 12V Air Conditioner Backpack Mini Split
✅Treeligo DC 12 Volt RV Truck Air Conditioner
✅Aspligo- DC 12V Conditioner- Electric Parking Split A/C
✅10000mAh Rechargeable Portable, 8-Inch Battery Operated Clip on Fan

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*AMAZON LINKS - Items I Recommend:*
➡️Power Stations
➡️12V Batteries
➡️Portable Solar Panels
➡️Hard Solar Panels
➡️Gas and Dual Fuel Generators
➡️Air Conditioner Units
➡️Pop Up Tents

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I used to hear stories told a long time ago.
They were about something called integrity.
It's difficult to recognize, because it's been such a long time, but I think I just saw some.


Thank you for Truly considering us in your reviews. This is just one thing we love you for. Thanks Bob


You're the only YouTuber I do trust the reviews. Thank you, for taking massive amount of time & effort on the reviews.


Not even a nomad but I greatly enjoy your videos!


You're the only person on YouTube I've seen give honest reviews for stuff you get for free. It means a lot to us!


It seems that my little swamp-cooler works better than that huge heat producing box. Thank you for your honesty Bob.


These honest reviews are Important for the manufacturers to hear, they need to know how a device like this needs to function for the people who are using it.


Thank you for your honesty

The company that really listens to your critiques and manages to provide a product that really meets our needs will make an absolute killing


I’ve been a trucker for nearly 30 years, living on the road. I’m also about to downsize from my small Wolf Pup travel trailer to just living out of my pickup truck.

My point is that I bought a Stanley/Lasko high velocity blower fan several years ago, and I carry it around everywhere on the road. It’s just a fan but has been the absolute best thing to keep air circulating comfortably. I’ve been stuck in Miami, FL with a broken AC in the peak of summer heat and was quite comfortable. It only cost about $50 on Amazon.
It used ac current, so I plug it into my little 300 watt inverter and never have any issues with it.


Bob, you are the man! We love your brutally honest reviews and commentary! Keep the info and videos coming.


What an incredibly gorgeous mountain range behind you!!! WOW!!!


I found that a small window ac is about the best thing for me, I have a Haier 5000 btu unit that draws about 600 watts at max and an average of 250-400 watts for most of the day and partway into the night. It only cost about $100 new and about an hour and $30ish to mount it so it exhausts to the outside, there are a lot of resources online about how to do this. I did this shortly after you did a video with a fellow in a small travel trailer with a dog, he was really into the solar oven thing too but I forgot his name :( super interesting fellow though. Anyways, 800 watts of solar with a 200 amp-hour lithium battery runs my little ac fine with no problems whatsoever! All the panels and battery, wiring, controller, and the AC was pretty close to the price of just this unit.


I use a mini swamp cooler I got from Home Depot. Takes 3 gal of water per day, and uses only 60 watts. Works great.


I've lived in Montana for 63 years
I was recently forced out of being able to rent as some people from Idaho bought the home I rent.
I am on disability second pacemaker defibrillator...
They raise the rent so high that I only have $93. A month left to pay my power phone Van insurance, dog food.
I am so thankful I have my van.
It is a 1997 Chevrolet Express with a high top.
I bought the eco-flow Wave 2
For myself for my 63rd birthday May 11th.
It took me a long time to save for it,
Now I will save for the battery.
I do have a 200 watt solar panel on top of my van, that I used to run my 12 volt fridge/ freezer chest, and it keeps my phone and my tablet charged.
Thank you so much for the review, I love every one of your videos.
Bob if you get to Montana you let me know 😀


I have a converted E250 Ford van. No high top. I don’t like to be hot…so air conditioning was very important to me. I removed the back window and replaced it with a thick piece of wood paneling…painted white. I cut out a square hole for my 5000 BTU A/C and installed it there. It works great and probably doesn’t use as many watts as that Eco Flo A/C unit. Plus I don’t have to worry about lugging it around or taking up too much space. It certainly would not be any worse of an eye sore as that EcoFlow model either. It’s installed in the back window out of the way of the interior and works great!


Thanks for being honest to the folks that NEED good and honest reviews.


Appreciate your honesty Bob. We need more of that everywhere.


Very accurate review. I have one in my 2022 Ram Promaster 1500. I got it and used it last year. It does not have a permanent spot in the van so I kept it on the floor next to my pantry and at night lifted it onto the passenger seat for venting out the passenger window. It is HEAVY!! I'm 67 and not weak, but having to move it from the floor to the seat every day was IRRITATING! But I couldn't live without it. I used it primarily at night so I could get good sleep. I live in San Diego County in the hot inland area. During the day I would drive down to the coast by the beach & find a tree to park under. At night I have obligations inland so the air conditioner was essential at night. Worth it? NO. HEAVY, huge power draw (thank goodness for shore power). Takes up a LOT of space. I felt I was a slave to it. No other options, though. I wish there were. I would sell it but I truly do need it. So, this year I will break my back moving it back and forth from the floor to the seat again. Oh ... and the hoses are a pain and are NOT built to be expanded & collapsed daily. I'm beginning to see cracks in them and will be getting out the duct tape soon. Edited: One other thing not mentioned in the video ... you have to collect the condensate. That's the water that builds up. There is a drain and hose that comes with the unit but you have to have some way to catch that water or it ends up all over the floor. It produces about a gallon over night depending on the humidity where you are.


When it gets that warm out, I think it's time to move north or up in the mountains. A short drive up in the mountains makes a huge difference when you gain altitude. If desperate you can always wet a cloth and put it on your neck and head, and wet your hair and put a fan on, it works.
Good honest review as always. Thank you, Bob.


I've looked all over at different ideas for AC. I've also experimented and come up with more elaborate ideas. I'm in an Ext Express. At the end of the day, spending more on a battery system and just getting a window unit seems the best option. I went to the junk yard and bought a spare rear driver's side door with a window (I wanted to experiment and my original didn't have a window cutout). Rear doors are way easier to remove than side barn doors as they have bolts. Side doors are pinned on and a real pain. I saw on Endgame's channel here on youtube that he built a sort of hidaway for his window unit install that made everything look more "stealth" or at least presentable. I'll be copying that for my build and I'm near certain that will be one of the easiest and best looking build's for this purpose. The reason for boxing it in that way is that sometimes I work in more affluent areas with HOA and, as you may know, they look for any reason to fine or kick people out. That sort of install keeps it looking more like a service vehicle.
