Simple AA Battery Homopolar Electric Motor

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@MegaHurts RMT
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Use a coil wire gage large enough to keep its shape when you bend it.
Many shape designs can be used as long as current can flow from the positive terminal of the battery to the magnet(s) sticking to the negative terminal of the battery.
If magnets don't stick to the battery, use a different battery that they do stick to. Otherwise this motor won't work!
To change the direction the wire rotates around the battery flip the magnet face to the other side (polarity) that mate's with the negative post of the battery.
The bottom part of the wire needs to be adjusted so it makes contact with the magnet(s), but doesn't cause too much friction.
Too much friction may keep wire from being able to rotate and just drain the power from the battery.
Any insulation Coating on the wire must be removed at the places where wire contacts the battery and the magnet(s).
Some batteries will need the positive post dented down to create a depression that will keep the wire from falling off the positive post/ like shown in this videos first run attempt.
Homopolar electric motors operates on the Lorenz force interaction between the permanent magnets field that permeates the battery and the electromagnetic field created by the current flowing in the wire.
Pretty cool science experiment anyone can build.
NOTE: These motors will drain a AA Battery pretty quick as there is very little resistance in this design. If yours seems like it wants to rotate but slowly or stops after a few rotations, you probably need to get a fresh battery.
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Over 180 original videos on my YouTube channel and a dozen or so playlists on many topics like:
Comedy / Foosball / Because We Got Bored Dangerous Experiments / Cool Western USA Travel Spots / My Projects and Experiments / 3D Pen & Printer Creations / FPV KWAD (Freestyle drone) builds-reviews-flying / My Guitar Music / Scratch Built RC Jetboats / Squirrels and More....
Use a coil wire gage large enough to keep its shape when you bend it.
Many shape designs can be used as long as current can flow from the positive terminal of the battery to the magnet(s) sticking to the negative terminal of the battery.
If magnets don't stick to the battery, use a different battery that they do stick to. Otherwise this motor won't work!
To change the direction the wire rotates around the battery flip the magnet face to the other side (polarity) that mate's with the negative post of the battery.
The bottom part of the wire needs to be adjusted so it makes contact with the magnet(s), but doesn't cause too much friction.
Too much friction may keep wire from being able to rotate and just drain the power from the battery.
Any insulation Coating on the wire must be removed at the places where wire contacts the battery and the magnet(s).
Some batteries will need the positive post dented down to create a depression that will keep the wire from falling off the positive post/ like shown in this videos first run attempt.
Homopolar electric motors operates on the Lorenz force interaction between the permanent magnets field that permeates the battery and the electromagnetic field created by the current flowing in the wire.
Pretty cool science experiment anyone can build.
NOTE: These motors will drain a AA Battery pretty quick as there is very little resistance in this design. If yours seems like it wants to rotate but slowly or stops after a few rotations, you probably need to get a fresh battery.
Thanks for watching, and reading this, You're an Awesome Person.