Code Crime: Yandere Dev

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I don't like explicitly bullying developers, but this is pretty embarrassing and, in my opinion, genuinely deserved.

YD's Code: Unfortunately the code was taken down from Github!

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Some people have pointed out that ~8:10 is incorrect, and I wanted to say that yeah, it is- these if statements won't run each check individually because each case is a return. I was chiefly trying to explain how those if chains work fundamentally, and forgot to mention that the specific case shown isn't going to work the same way because of the aforementioned returns. Sorry about the slip up! If I can get a chunk of the code again, I'll try to do another version that's scripted and so on so I can avoid those sorts of in-the-moment errors.
Again, sorry 'bout that! Continue at your viewing leisure :) PS: Still not entirely sure why they're if chains instead of else if chains? Weird.


the only game where a debunk page is made by the same developer who hasn't finished the game


He wrote all of this debunk page instead of working on the game.


An old adage comes to mind: "A good blacksmith never blames his tools for a dull sword."


6:51 - When he Ctrl+F if, the scroll bar went entirely yellow


I'm going to say this from someone else's experience: yandev take a lot of models for the internet, which in it's self isn't bad. The problem is, those models are about 500x more detailed than they need to be! This is because most are not supposed to be used for games.

This means, at one point, the biggest model polygon wise was A TOOTH BRUSH.


It's kinda cool how he compiled all the rightful criticisms against his game in one neat list so if you ever wonder why people bully yandev you can go and check it out and be on your way.


YandereDev adding pointless features every update on top of immensely unmaintainable code is probably why the game will never come out.


Dude i just found you but several days ago and i came to the exact same conclusion, people are kind of bashing him for the wrong reason. They're right to bash him, his code is shit but everybody just says "if else hihi". The thing i miss the most about his code is single responsibility. Does that file really need to be 8K+ lines long?


Lmao my software design teacher would be so mad to see how he coded.... Insanely low cohesion and high coupling, singleton pattern for a whole game??? Also no modularisation is shown :/ such a joke


I have no idea how to code but this was very informative so thank you.


Hey, at least he finished the website.


The debunk page essentially says: I am insecure about all of these accusations so must compile a list of them. He could have just ignored them and looked way better, but this is just funny how stupid this is now.



Not using "else" there is fine because of "return", because if it hits a return it leaves the entire method. Basically, using "else" and not using "else" there achieve the same result because the code inside the block is a return statement.

Not defending yanderedev, but it's possible that he did that because the code editor told him it's the same.


that website background and font color is definitely a true crime


As a person learning C# and is currently on Day 2, I would like to give thanks to YandereDev for showing me what NOT to do.
It's really been helpful, not even joking, I'm seriously learning about how to avoid bad code.


Jesus Christ. Replacing "if else" statements with a bunch of switch statements doesn't really solve anything. In fact, depending on the compiler, they end up being converted to the same thing. The real problem here deals with the design patterns being used -- they are poorly implemented.


A lot of people say "he should have used a switch here" but there are higher level constructs, such as delegates and FSMs, that a game dev could (should!) be using to create variable behavior. Why not give each student their own update method instead of saying if(Student.Id == 97) then {...} else if(Student.Id == 98) then {...}? Why not put student personality types into a LUT taking personality type to behavior and have the student update method dispatch on that? It's kiddie BASIC coder madness in there.


This was an informative, well-versed analysis my friend. It's such a glaring coding failure with near-infinite "else if" lines that even someone completely unfamiliar with programming would understand. And you're precisely correct that genuinely every single "debunked" answer he gives is at best suspect, and at worst deliberately misleading.

His answer to "Yanderedev is rude to his fans!" question is a beautiful example of this. He states that he has 600 fan interactions per month (serious, the exact number he gives) and so his rude examples are outliers. It's simply not an excuse - a developer being deliberately malicious, for example outright refusing to credit an artist even after being asked multiple times, is morally wrong. Even if it happens once in one thousand, it's still morally wrong.

He'd have been better off simply admitting that much of his code is amateur and optimized, and simply admitted that he responded to fans maliciously due to being overly emotional. But on second thought, he wouldn't be such an entertaining lolcow if he actually took responsibility lol


There's something inherently wrong about doing things this way, not just related to code. Personally whenever I'm tasked with doing something tedious and repetitive, at some point I start to question the validity of my approach and start thinking about ways in which I could be doing the task faster and more efficiently. I can't fathom sitting there hours on end writing code like that and not at some point realizing this is a huge waste of my time and that I should look into alternative ways of writing it.

It's like lumberjacks using handsaws and when being offered chainsaws they'd go "no, our way of doing this is perfectly fine and fuck you for suggesting otherwise"
