Tim Stratton Is Actually Reformed?!

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been a arminian for ten years the LORD opened my eyes to the doctrines of grace now what i once called demonic at one point i call divine truth. Im a calvinist


Thanks, James, Tim hates the meaning of the term Election even the word Grace means "UNDESERVED" and if we're allowed to make a choice then it's no longer Grace


Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? (Romans 9:19-20 KJV)


It sounds to me like his belief is a lot like that of Arminius.


Dang. That was a "micdrop" video!

As I said on the previous video, I think Unconditional Election disproves Middle Knowledge or at least demonstrates that if God possesses it, He did not use it in the decree(s) of individual election to Salvation., thus MK becomes virtually irrelevant.

(Romans 9:10-16)


As a Calvinist with Molinist leanings, I often find that Tim is punching above his weight when it comes to theological debate. Sometimes Tim argues in a way that is so simple that it almost looks like he is new to Molinism. Calvinists can affirm mere-Molinism and still be a 5-point Calvinist, or at least close to being completely 5-point. This topic almost seems like a waste of energy and time and I would rather see these guys tag-team another religion/cult/progressive Christian movement. It would be much more beneficial if these guys tackled Bethel's theology, or Steven Furtick for instance, and not each other.


they cant have best of both worlds. They are double minded being carried away by every wind of doctrine. Ive been reading the articles of the synod of dort its an awesome read.


the debate was painful, Tim seems like a nice brother but not a very good debater, started talking about Thanos when the thesis was is molinism biblical, I nearly feel of my chair the second time he did it.


People use the term Reformed to mean different things at different times. Human language just works that way. I barked STOP IT at my dog for barking at the squirrels running along the bark on the tree. Sometimes people use the term Reformed to basically mean the five points of Calvinism. Sometimes people use the term Reformed to basically mean the basic tenets of the Protestant Reformation.


It's always amazing to me how consistently people who reject God's freedom to predestine and elect call Him a "moral monster". Most also say that if Reformed Theology were true they would refuse to worship Him.


Stratton is low fruit. NWU made a mistake with accepting his PHD proposal. I know few people there, somehow his desseration is lost in the database so I can't interact with it. Bignon got it somehow, mabey he got the book? Don't know, but he shreaded it with a full response. NWU is not what it used to be. Stil good Profs there but in twighligt of their careers.


Edit: “I celebrate 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 Reformation Day every year”


Everyone wants to be Reformed until it’s time to do Reformed things.


I think Uncle Jimmy puts Cousin Timmy in his place on this one.


Not everything that came out of the reformation was Calvinism, though, was it? How did Calvinism and Reformed theology become synonymous? Or are they? What's the difference? Isn't Calvinism just one manifestation of reformed theology. Does "reformed theology" mean "the theology that came out of the reformation, " or does it have a different meaning?


Dr. White, this is one areas we will never agree, but I look forward to the debate :)


Perhaps those disputing such issues would better use their time sharing the gospel with the lost, and helping the poor, and providing health care and prayers for the sick. This debate is interesting the first, second, and maybe the third time, but after that, it becomes like children in the marketplace complaining because they played their flutes, and people refuse to dance to their tunes. Jesus mocked such as these.
