Quicksort vs Mergesort in 35 Seconds
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Sort 200 different colors in under 30 seconds #shorts
Quick sort and Merge sort are used. We see that quicksort takes fewer operations here, but some of that could be how I counted the operations. Quicksort is known for being the fastest though.
Quicksort work by selecting a pivot value and putting everything less than (or equal to) that pivot to the left of it in the array, and everything greater than the pivot to the right of it.
Merge sort works by recursively splitting the list until it has two lists with only one element in them, and then merging them together in the correct order.
Both of these are n log n time. My quicksort implementation doesn't use extra storage, my merge sort implementation does make slices of the list when it is splitting.
This was done using python & pygame
All code
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
The inspiration for this code was this github repo
I used this algorithm to turn a wavelength into an RGB color
Thumbnail Background image (Thunderstorm) by FelixMittermeier
Quick sort and Merge sort are used. We see that quicksort takes fewer operations here, but some of that could be how I counted the operations. Quicksort is known for being the fastest though.
Quicksort work by selecting a pivot value and putting everything less than (or equal to) that pivot to the left of it in the array, and everything greater than the pivot to the right of it.
Merge sort works by recursively splitting the list until it has two lists with only one element in them, and then merging them together in the correct order.
Both of these are n log n time. My quicksort implementation doesn't use extra storage, my merge sort implementation does make slices of the list when it is splitting.
This was done using python & pygame
All code
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
The inspiration for this code was this github repo
I used this algorithm to turn a wavelength into an RGB color
Thumbnail Background image (Thunderstorm) by FelixMittermeier