Merge Sort vs. Quick Sort

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Merge sort algorithm racing against quick sort algorithm to sort 240 points. The points were randomly shuffled using the Fisher-Yates algorithm.
The radii of the points go from 10 to 250 pixels out from the center, and the theta angle in degrees is set as their index in the sorted list * 1.5 This results in a 360 degree spiral, when the points are sorted.
Both of these are divide and conquer algorithms that sort in N lg(n) time.
The radii of the points go from 10 to 250 pixels out from the center, and the theta angle in degrees is set as their index in the sorted list * 1.5 This results in a 360 degree spiral, when the points are sorted.
Both of these are divide and conquer algorithms that sort in N lg(n) time.
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