The Lesser-Known Last Judgment

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Death, judgment, heaven, and hell—the four last things—are popular enough topics among Christians discussing the end times; but there’s more to these things than just our own personal end. In this video​,​ Fr. Mike explains how, as the Catechism teaches, in the Last Judgment “the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation” will be made known to us (CCC 1040). All the good and evil you and I have done will also become known. Fr. Mike’s perspective on this reality is both fascinating and humbling.

Fr. Mike is also a presenter in these faith formation programs from Ascension:



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these videos are very helpful to me. I am for the first time in my 28 years of life becoming a religious person. my family has always been Baptist I have looked into it and decided the Catholic Church is best for me. I have never been to a church service, this Sunday will be my first time attending I am excited. thank you father mike for all your wisdom


I'm not catholic, but I am Christian. I'm working on my relationship with christ. I wish I had found this channel long ago. I really love how he preaches the law and the gospel. Thank you so much.


I feel like we need to be reminded of this message all. the. time.


Father Mike; I am 80, old and very sick. And afraid. Please pray for me.


When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me...


The Last Judgement is the one part of the faith that gets me nervous for myself and other people I know


I pray for Humility and Faith and for Christ to help me to fully trust in His love and mercy for my family and the world.


Fr Mike, Watching your talks makes being catholic so cool! praise GOD!


Father Mike I really like your videos they’re very inspirational. My mom and my grandparents were Roman Catholics and here in a couple weeks I will be starting by holy communion classes and I can’t wait I am 53 years old and I hope it’s not too late. You give me a lot of courage thank you


Get to confession, get right with our Lord and no worries about the end times. Christ will take care of His children. Get away from any and all forms of sin and let God take over your life. Great presentation..


Wow this description of the Final Judgement is so beautiful and I am really looking forward to it 😍 Yet at the same time it makes me reflect on my shortcomings. O may the sweet Lord Jesus help me to live my life fully to honour the great story of God..


This is so beautiful. It looked liked you were almost starting to tear up at the end, thinking of that great moment when God shows us how each of our lives have fit in to His glorious plan. Father Mike, thank you for teaching this and bringing souls closer to God.


I keep watching these videos and praise God for them and for Fr Mike. But I am constantly reminded of my sinfulness and that no matter how hard I try I will never be in a state of grace for long, without falling into mortal sin. I feel like my efforts are in vain even though I'm trying. I know I must not be or feel alone in this. Could you all pray for people like me that we may be completely free of (mortal) sin and live life in God's grace? (Confession is kind of difficult to get to where I live so I only manage to go once a year). Thank you for your prayers.


Please pray for me I️ have a huge audition for band in like an hour and I’m terrified and just pray that I️ can relax enough to leave with a performance I’m proud of. Thank you all and god bless ❤️❤️


as a person who fights intense scrupulosity, all of this kind of scares me, i can't help it. i hope i'll manage to work it out for myself eventually.


Thank you Father. You sharing this insight of particular and final Judgement, will remind me that every small good act I do will be useful or part of God's final story. Hope we do our part as God wants us to always. Can't wait to find out the final judgment too God bless you!


I got goosebumps from listening to this . I don't know why but when you said that it will all be revieled to us, Father, I just imagined stepping back and looking at a giant tapestry of which my life was a single stirng. Such an awesome video! Thank you so much for making these Father Mike !!


This is probably the scariest thing I've ever listened to. What then is the point of confession, penance and absolution if one's sins are to be hashed up and rehashed and why suffer purgatory? I converted late in life - pretty close to my sell by date. Most of my friends and guides are cradle-catholics and when I ask questions they can't answer they brush me off with "oh you haven't been a catholic long enough." as if I'm to grow in knowledge by osmosis . So I find your video's Fr Mike, and those of Fr Barron, greatly empowering. And many of the people commenting on various statements and queries have given me much food for thought. I love everything about my "new faith". But I will need time to reflect on all this judgement stuff - 70 years is a long time to accumulate a whole heap of rubbish.


What some fail to realize is that despite all the fun and laughter that Father Mike displays, he's still getting his message across and the sole purpose of doing so too. True he's humorous and so wonderful to listen too, but keep in mind that he's a dedicated and ordained priest out of choice, and that too many who don't realize just what that takes. Clearly if not biased or blind one is able to see that he's guided by the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit is in Father Mike. One cannot be doing what he does if it wasn't trust me... Never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit or underplay it 'cause it's a gift of God one that's free but one paid for dearly as well., and that's WHO working through father Mike!

Another amazing and inspiring video video father Mike, God bless and keep you always doing what you do so well.. So looking forward to each and everyone of them.


OMG !! Thanks, Fr. Mike for always explaining the bible the right way, and I am not even a Catholic. God bless you always !! Hello from Conroe, Texas !!
