Rebutting Genesis Apologetics - 5th of 7 Alleged Myths Pt II

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Here is a link to the whole playlist:
I am addressing this pseudoscience apologetics video, "Debunking the Seven Myths about the Bible, Genesis, and Noah's Flood":
Here is my 8-part playlist disproving Noah's flood.
Here is the article rebutting the failures of Hydroplate theory.
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I’m a zoo keeper. My zoo has about 4000 individual animals representing about 400 species. We have 350 staff dedicated solely to the care of the animals. Feeding, cleaning, enrichment, health care, etc.. Our daily routine is a massive undertaking that we barely complete everyday and end up near dead tired when it’s all said and done. Our staff in the kitchen process a ton of leaves, vegetables, and meat everyday. They start at 5am sorting baskets of various food stuffs so it all can get sent out to the various sections by noon. There is no way 8 people took care of all those animals without having %80 of them die off. Let alone even considering the destructive nature of most animal species. The nighttime holding dens of our Asian Elephants are reinforced steel with bars thicker than my thigh. Anything less and they would smash it like paper. How about primates that plot and plan everyday on how they can outsmart you and escape. The majority of animals also like to naw on wood. They would reduce that “ship” to saw dust in months.


The fact that they had to get professional equipment, get insurance for rain damage, reinforce their attraction with concrete and steel and couldn't even have a petting zoo on board despite an AC system would have woken up ANY rational person to the fact that this Ark could not have been built by Stone Age people if it can't even be built comfortably without modern technology. Why did he have to get all those people? If Noah could do it why couldn't he just build it based on the specifications of the Bible? Because the instructions in the Bible were written by Stone Age primitives who had no idea how boats worked or how many animals there really were. The dishonesty of creationists astounds me.


I love these wise cracks! "We can't even call it a 'vessel' because that would imply it could hold a liquid and Noah's ark doesn't hold any water." That got a chuckle out of me.😂 I had to be careful not to laugh too loudly because my family hates religious jokes and get mad at me if I laugh at them.


The Ark Encounter managed to totally disprove Noah's Ark. Thanks Ken.


Another thing that wasn't mentioned here is that you can't just have "food", as if it's a generic videogame resource, you need to have specific stuff for specific animals to eat. For an entire year. And remember, even if we were to agree with the ridiculous notion that pre-Fall animals never ate meat, that was way, waaaay after the Fall, so all those predator "kinds" would have to eat meat. Where would you get fresh meat during a year in a confined space? Even handwaving _that_ particular problem away with Noah preserving literal metric tons of meat beforehand, or supplementing it with cooked grain or eggs (which, yeah, good luck doing all that with a crew of fewer than 10 people), what about all the other animals with unique diets? Did they bring eucalyptus leaves for koalas, or did koalas mega-evolve after the flood was over? But that doesn't make sense, since there is fossil evidence (and remember, all fossils originated in the Global Flood), that were already adapted to the eucalyptus diet. So how would they store fresh eucalyptus leaves for a year? What would the fruit bats eat? Or anteaters? What would all the fish-eating animals eat? Did Noah and his family also spend time fishing, or did they just release these animals into the churning cauldron that the world was so that they could fish and return back?

And during the entire year, not one animal died on this cramped ship, at least not without leaving kids behind? No illnesses, old age, no accidents, nothing?

My point is, the only ways to salvage any of this story are to either accept it for what it clearly is — a fable — or to invoke continuous miracles, at which point you just give up any semblance of scientific examination.


Building a life sized replica of the ark from the Genesis is like building a life sized version of the Gingerbread House from Hansel and Gretal. It can be done but you would look silly for doing it. Yet only in America can bible thumpers don't only get away with it but somehow manage to keep the enterprise afloat (pun intended).


Noah also had no electricity, so the only way for him and his crew to see what they are doing was to use old oil lamps with open fire (or torches, which is even worse). Combination of Methane - also known as mine gas - that all the livestock produced and open fire would lead to one great explosion long before the rain even started.


"We really can't even call it a vessel because that word implies a container for liquids and Noah's ark doesn't hold water"

I see what you did there🙌🏽


Aron, I wish I had taken the chance to meet you when you spoke at the Ark Protest 2018. I was a believer back then (and worked for AiG), but now you are my hero.


I could never get around the question of why an omnipotent being would use such an unwieldy and problematic method to punish humans instead of just unaliving all the evil people and leaving the rest of it alone.


The absolute worst is the bulbous bow. Totally possible when you're building a steel ship, impossible to make out of wood. It's an affect of modern shipbuilding and design.


I’ve read books by Dr. Seuss that made more sense than the flood story — and they rhymed.


I'm no shipbuilder but even I understand that the whole purpose of a bow on a ship is to make it easier for that ship to part the waters as it moves forwards. Since the ark had no means of propulsion and no means of steering it would at no point had any forward momentum and would just drift in whatever direction and whatever orientation the wind and tide dictated. Putting a bow onto Ken Ham's interpretation serves no purpose other than to attempt to convince the believers that the ark is feasible.


"...and the Ark doesn't hold water" It's these little quips I come here for. :D


Imagine you are told the story of Noah in School, when you are 6 years old. Your Teacher tries to convince you of this Fable. She insists that it really happened. No wonder Christianity is dying on it's Arse. Even a child can tell this is just a Myth. Sadly, for those who are desperate to live forever, it seems they will swallow anything. And they will pay handsomely to hear more. Cheers Aron. Your work is worthwhile. Never give up. Appreciate your work man.


About half of the cattle (800 or so) died on the maiden voyage of the M/V Becrux. The ensuing report discusses how 30cm deep fecal slurries in their pen, which coated the cattle with a layer, was a contributing factor in their demise.


It's ironic because Answers in Genesis itself is a tiny opening through which a handful of poor bastards is trying to shovel a lethal amount of shit.


I tried explaining to my mother why Noah's Ark wouldn't work, I barely got started before she was trying to yell over me saying, "we'll have to agree to disagree!" I think she's allergic to facts.


That movie with Russell Crowe about Noah should have been a 10 hour movie of them shoveling shit out of that space that was 20" wide for ventilation. Or maybe Evan Almighty should have been Evan's Almighty shit shoveling miracle lmao! I freaking love the new music to end these past 2 episodes 🤘💀🤘


The best thing I ever did as a young earth creationist was to become a park ranger at a geology national park. That creation shit fell apart real quick when faced with objective science
