Is WFG Legit? My experience of Deception, Gas Lighting, Emotional Manipulation (#wfg #antimlm #mlm)

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Is WFG Legit?


And No.

While at first what I thought was just team specific to Team Inspiration - when I took a step back the same tactics my upline has employed with me - WFG is also employing.

ignoring me and the very real evidence that allowed me and 2 of my friends to get our $$ back.

Listen to my story - then you decide. IS WFG Legit?

If you are a current, past or maybe WFG agent - please listen.
Then please consider being heard publicly so we can be part of the change in this industry for the better.

I help the financially unsure, confused, overwhelmed find a fun path 2 financial freedom & become their own banker.
Step 1 to Financial Freedom👇🏽


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Is WFG Legit? My experience of Deception, Gas Lighting, Emotional Manipulation


+++ If you feel called to help support this work - here is a positive energy vibes donation:
Venmo: @Holli-McCormick
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I found myself reeled in by WFG, specifically Revolution here on the east coast. I was promised the ability to help people, to have financial freedom, and to make bank. I was never really into "money", and I'm really glad you bring up a more spiritual perspective, because no one really understands me when I say I really don't like the energy of money. I just figured I would need to change my perspective on the financial biz and money. It would be different from what I was used to, and sometimes pivoting leads to personal growth. I reluctantly went into it with an open mind, and part of me really kind of liked the personal development side of it... Law of attraction, vision boards, an enthusiastic and supportive team.

I got my license and then my intuition just started screaming at me. It didn't feel "right". I started feeling like I wasn't LEARNING anything, just being told to recruit. I started feeling like I was told to be a predator of sorts with friends and family and that made me super uncomfortable. I felt pressured and gaslighted for not recruiting, when all I wanted to learn was how to help families. The guest speakers started to really grate on me, the energy shifted and I just stopped. I stopped responding to my upline. I had every intention of sending a well worded email/text message, but I just find myself not wanting to put any energy into this at all.

For some people this might be right up their alley... People who thrive on selling themselves. People who have no qualms with pushing themselves on people shamelessly and with very little actual financial knowledge. To be honest, I'm so glad I'm out. I feel a weight lifted, and my conscience is clearer.


I just got off a zoom meeting and after I did I felt so sick. My anxiety was off the roof. I felt so uncomfortable. Something didn’t feel right and so I wanted to see others people’s opinions. And I stumbled on your video… I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS.


I am just starting with WFG, go for my final exams in a month. I find you have to be part of the right team to see the real picture of what we do. I love the team I am apart of, became family almost instantly. I find the higher earners that are in the US are a little more judgmental than the ones I have spoken to in Canada. My team is very transparent when it comes to answering questions and doesnt sugar coat everything. No pushing for recruits but explains how building a team for Your Business is a great way for growth. Full support from every level of the team ( Associates, MD's, SMD's, EVP's, etc)
Every business recruits, churches even recruit. But it all comes down to the team/people you are surrounded by in the business community.


Me: meets a cashier. Friendly a bit. Wfg: we will try to sell you for life.


Saw WFG 20 years ago, ran away. Pushing life insurance with investments, very poor product for most people. FFL is a better one, but still has issues. MLM's can be good if they focus on selling not recruiting and most of the money goes to Producer. Have not seen one yet. The Agency based model one is better if most of money goes to the seller not to the owners. IMHO


It’s risky and puts your reputation at stake. People may lose money and have less understanding and can get back to you.


I recently left WFG after 5 years. We should talk.


what people call "new thought" or "new age" spirituality is not new.
its just seeing a spike in distribution.


Someone referred me to him and he reached out to me and convinced me to join. He was very persistent. I asked him lots of questions. Most of his answers were vague and were not transparent. He invited me to a zoom meeting, I noticed most of the people were minorities, some are not fluently in English, let alone have very little knowledge about finance. I wonder how will they handle people ' life savings and what not. To me the company is legit but underneath it's a scam. I would be so nervous to be part of this company since I have no finance background. He told me there is a system which would train me in no time. Anyhow, the whole thing seems unethical and I don't want to end up like Madoff....!


He is the top in WFG and very successful. I guess it’s scam from the top


I feel bad for you and your concerns are so important and real, but i wish you put a little effort into organizing and preparing your thoughts. Just kinda disorganised and there is prattle.


Hi Holli,
Thanks so much for your video. Do you know Dan Charlier. I was referred to him by someone.


After Thanksgiving, I’ll be debating a current WFG rep on his podcast. I’d like to invite you to join me. Please if you’re willing, please let me know how we can connect offline


They don't like Hard core atheists..


How much u earned ? After getting license?


Sorry that you had a bad experience and poor leadership. That’s not the case across the board. I’ve seen agents who did the wrong things get terminated.
