If you need a Good Opening for black, use this.

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Explore the strategic depth of chess with our latest video, "If you need a Good Opening for black, use this," focusing on the best black opening strategies, especially the Nimzowitsch Defense. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, understanding this powerful opening can significantly enhance your game.

Throughout the video, we dive deep into why the Nimzowitsch Defense is considered one of the best black openings in chess. We'll analyze key moves, strategic responses, and adjustments you can make to maintain control of the game. Our detailed breakdown includes expert commentary and annotations to help you understand the nuances and tactics of this formidable defense.

Moreover, you will learn how to counter common strategies used by white players, ensuring you are always one step ahead. The Nimzowitsch Defense not only provides solid defense but also sets up opportunities for aggressive plays if your opponent makes a mistake.

By incorporating this best black opening into your repertoire, you'll find yourself more confident in your games, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. We also include practice scenarios and tips on how to transition from the opening to the middlegame using the Nimzowitsch Defense.

Don't miss out on mastering one of the most dynamic and robust openings in chess. Subscribe for more insightful chess content and turn your game around with the best strategies for black!

0:00 Intro
0:12 If white plays 1.e4
5:07 If white plays 4.Nf3
8:57 If white plays 1.d4
10:04 If white plays the London System
13:10 If white plays 2.d5
15:33 Review
18:11 Outro

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No mention that 1. e4 Nc6; 2. d4 e5; 3. Nf3 transposes into the Scotch Game, a slightly unusual line (compared to the Ruy Lopez) that was at one stage a big part of Kasparov’s repertoire when he was world champion. It might even have been played in Kasparov-Karpov world championship title matches.

Some books suggest 1. e4 Nc6; 2. Nf3, when 2. … e5 simply transposes to a position White might have planned on playing anyway. 3. Bb5 and 3. Bc4 would be the most common next moves, I expect. Or even 3. d4, as mentioned earlier! Black can vary by 1. e4 Nc6; 2. Nf3 d6, but that’s not covered here either.

In the line with …Nc6-e7-g6, people have pointed out that an early Be3 by White prevents Black’s hoped for …Bc5 and can’t be harassed by …Nf6-g4 if Black is still shuffling around his other knight. White should have time for f3 and a later kingside pawn storm against those knight on g6 and f6.


It's interesting. The Nimzowitsch defence is a hypermodern opening. That means basically that you instead of playing directly, you play indirectly. You could say that instead of confronting your opponent head on, you play around the opponent instead. It's like flowing water. Where it cannot get through, it flows around. It's also slightly enigmatic and obscure, in that it being indirect it often confounds and confuses the opponent, and you can lure the opponent ot overextend himself, play around his attempts and defeat him by using his own play against himself.


By the way, there's a trap in this opening sequence: 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 Ne7 4.d6 cxd6 5.Qxd6? Ng6/Nc6! This defends the e4-pawn and gains tempo and initiative by subjecting White's queen to a discovered attack from the bishop on f8, necessitating another move. Playing 5...Nc6 instead of the common Ng6 in this trap allows Black to directly follow-up with a strong f5-break after White's queen moves back to the most commonly played d3-square, offering Black a slight edge and a robust center despite being pawn down in material. The only downside, is that people rarely play 4.d6 allowing this line, but on the other hand you don't have to be afraid of 4.d6 either, because you know what to play if white goes down this route.


I do like the timing in which you teach... There are so many other chess videos out there where you need to fast forward and rewind so many times because of nonsense fill words you get right to the point you have a engine bar on the screen I'm subbing bro.... But yep that's how you got myself good luck God bless my friend....


The moment you made 3 moves to NG6, I'd say I just castle to the queen side


I've tried this three times since watching your video. I think I like it.


I’ve been using this opening for a while now, and it helped me jump from 500 to 1000 in just 3 months. I love how flexible it is you can use it for both black and white and it really messes with your opponent’s mind. That moment when they have to choose between pushing or taking the pawn is such a psychological battle and most of the time they push. I used to play the Hippo too, but after learning this, I dropped it. The best part is saccing the bishop it almost always leads to a brilliant move, and the game’s basically over. You’ve added some fresh ideas that I can’t wait to try!


Tried this and lost to a 1250 rated player


I been playing this black opening and its amazing how the first 5 moves for white can all lead to the same board position. Its a good opening at the dog track level (~1300) because you want to take the game out of whites comfort zone where white moves pawns that are hard to defend. Even if the game transpositions into something different than the video, its also ok because black is not overextended. Nimzo has also taught me to learn the scotch game. Nice job with your explanation on the variations.


Wow.. really has made my black opening more fun (new player here)


the thing ab the nizmowitch is that no one sees it against e4, similar to how few people play the dutch, uncommon openings but if you know them and play them consistently you will know every position better than your opponents


I lost 100 rating points trying to make this work Still working on it I would like to master it


This opening is not good in a higher rated player because they are bad positionally. Try Pirc Defense instead if you want a systematic opening. It's much better than Nimzowitsch Defense.


Let’s watch……. OK some action by the master He plans and is moving his knights 4 time with his first five moves while the 300 rate is playing with his pawns….breathless action.


Played this vs a 925 player and lost…he got space freedom was crushed 😂


I think
1. e4, Nc6
2. d4, e5
3. xe5 Nxe5
4. f4 ...
is critical. I hoped you will cover that.


@1:56 Ng2 is a weird move compared to the normal Nf3 that attacks e5 and controls Nh4.
You can't base an opening on such a blunder from your opponent.
And even if I wouldn't notice that it is a blunder, I would never play Ng2 except to push f4 or in case of a annoying pin in Bb4 or Bg4, but this it's none of these 3 cases.


Great except if they play knight c3 at the very beginning none of this works, thank you for that experience.


i just tried this now and i won the game. thank you. this is me playing like this but dont know what i am doing😅. attack to the sides is my favorite!


What if white decides to push d6? Losing a pawn but in all cases black has one of the two bishops blocked while this gives white time to develop?
