Apollo 11 - Day 1 (Full Mission)

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Apollo 11 - Day 1 (Full Mission)

16th July 1969 - The countdown, launch, earth orbital phase, followed by the TLI and docking with the lunar module, ejection of the S4B and a TV broadcast.

This video will cover all of these events with air to ground/Flight Director Loops and onbioard crew tape audio with available film and photographs taken by the crew. The video starts with the crew having breakfast and ends at a GET of 14h 26m.

Video Timeline:
00:00:30 Breakfast
00:03:16 Suit Up
00:08:04 Walkout
00:21:55 At 39a
00:55:08 Hatch Closure
03:04:12 Liftoff
03:06:55 S1C SEP
03:13:20 Sll SEP
03:15:51 SECO
05:12:46 TLI
05:26:39 SLA SEP
05:33:15 LM Docking
06:54:54 TV

With grateful thanks to Robin, Pat, Ben, Stephen, Dwight, Britt, Vinny and Ed without whom this project would not have been completed or be so complete in coverage.

Thanks go also to the amazing subscribers to my channel who have encouraged and supported the channel for the past 10 years.

All Video/Audio/Photographs courtesy NASA

Other great sites to link to which I have sourced for information or material in the making of the series-

Facebook Groups

The following books were invaluable in the making of the series

Apollo 11 The NASA Mission Reports (Parts 1, 2 and 3) - Robert Godwin
Footprints in the Dust - Colin Burgess
A Man on the Moon - Andrew Chaikin
Carrying the Fire - Michael Collins
Failure is Not an Option - Eugene Kranz
First Man - James Hansen/Neil Armstrong
Forever Young - James Hansen/John Young
Last Man on the Moon - Eugene Cernan
Rocket Men - Robert Kurson
Man on the Moon - Peter Fairley
The Invasion of the Moon - Peter Ryan
Chariots for Apollo - Courtney Brooks/James Grimwood/Loyd Swenson
LEM Lunar Excusion Module Failiarisation Manual - Grumman
How Apollo Flew to the Moon - David Woods
Apollo - A Chronology 1 to 4 - NASA
Growing Up with Spaceflight - Apollo Parts 1 & 2 - Wes Oleszewski
Live TV from the Moon - Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Moonwalker - Charles and Dotty Duke
Digital Apollo - David Mindell
From the Trenches of Mission Control to the Craters of the Moon - Lunney/Bostick/Reed/Deiterich/Kennedy/Von Ehrefried/Boone/Stoval/

The Full Mission Series Production - An Explanation of the Process

Production began in February 2018 with the intention of release on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch day (subsequently the pre and post flight press conferences were added). Each video took between 1 and 3 months to produce, working about 10 hours a week.

Full Mission videos start with editing of the available audio for that particular day, sometimes split bewteen 3 tracks of audio (air to ground/flight directors loop/crew onboard tape). Once that process is completed the available TV transmissions or other associated video is positioned along with 16mm film taken by the crew. Photographs are placed in the mission timeline aprroximately near to where there were taken in the mission. Captions are then added to give pertinent information. The gaps that are left visually are filled with screen captures of the spacecraft from the Orbiter Space Simulator. Positions of spacecraft are approximated to what would have been seen on the mission, but during TLI, CSM RCS and SPS burns (LOI etc) the orientation is as near as I can get it to the actual (with sage advice from RW). Once these screen captures are in place the Apollo Guidence Computer (Virtual AGC) screens are captured. This involves setting the AGC time to the PAO announcements during the flight, screen capturing them and then transferring them to the timeline. Finally the title sequences are added.

Final editing of the whole video takes place with a run-through of the whole thing before the render of the video. Video sizes vary from 4 to 48gb.
Рекомендации по теме

As I watch this, I'm going to add notes with time links. I'm working from memory, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


If YouTube ever gives awards like Oscars or Emmys you sir deserve the Lifetime Achievement.


I was 10 years old when this happened. At that time in my young life the only thing more thrilling was when my dad came home from Vietnam.


I just wanted to post my condolences and RIP to Michael Collins who we lost yesterday, Wed, April 28 2021 at 90. 😪
I grew up with Apollo. I always get bummed when we lose one of her Astronauts.


Absolutely brilliant. Great effort, deeply appreciated - especially for those who were glued to a black-and-white TV for pretty much the entire mission.


That was just insane to hear them going faster than the height of Mt. Everest per second. Mind blown!


Started to watch the first video 50 years after the event. 8 hours will be a phantastic party for me. As a schoolboy I could not watch the lunar landing and the EVA, as I spent my holydays in a remote valley in Austria without TV reception. A lifelong trauma ;-) :-) :-) will be cured by watching each and every minute of this full mission series. Thanks for that incredible effort.


Over 1/4 million people have watched this me very happy indeed!


As someone who wasn't alive during that time but loves space history, this is great! thank you


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, as I go through all of your Apollo missions again, I love these, and the treatment of Apollo 11 is just a masterpiece. It should be running at the Smithsonian. I look forward to Apollo 16 too. A great start.


The definitive source for understanding the Apollo missions. A masterpiece! Thank you!


This is a must watch video for anyone interested in the Apollo flights, beautiful work Simon!


Very few posts on YouTube have value added from existing materials; your post has proven to be an exception. Great post: brought back so many memories.


Your archive material is truly amazing, thank you for posting these missions and for the time and effort you must have put in. I am hooked!


Apollo 11 - Day 1 (Full Mission)

16th July 1969 - The countdown, launch, earth orbital phase, followed by the TLI and docking with the lunar module, ejection of the S4B and a TV broadcast.

This video will cover all of these events with air to ground/Flight Director Loops and onbioard crew tape audio with available film and photographs taken by the crew. The video starts with the crew having breakfast and ends at a GET of 14h 26m.

Video Timeline:
00:00:30 Breakfast
00:03:16 Suit Up
00:08:04 Walkout
00:21:55 At 39a
00:55:08 Hatch Closure
03:04:12 Liftoff
03:06:55 S1C SEP
03:13:20 Sll SEP
03:15:51 SECO
05:12:46 TLI
05:26:39 SLA SEP
05:33:15 LM Docking
06:54:54 TV

With grateful thanks to Robin, Pat, Ben, Stephen, Dwight, Britt, Vinny and Ed without whom this project would not have been completed or be so complete in coverage.

Thanks go also to the amazing subscribers to my channel who have encouraged and supported the channel for the past 10 years.

All Video/Audio/Photographs courtesy NASA

Other great sites to link to which I have sourced for information or material in the making of the series-

Facebook Groups

The following books were invaluable in the making of the series

Apollo 11 The NASA Mission Reports (Parts 1, 2 and 3) - Robert Godwin
Footprints in the Dust - Colin Burgess
A Man on the Moon - Andrew Chaikin
Carrying the Fire - Michael Collins
Failure is Not an Option - Eugene Kranz
First Man - James Hansen/Neil Armstrong
Forever Young - James Hansen/John Young
Last Man on the Moon - Eugene Cernan
Rocket Men - Robert Kurson
Man on the Moon - Peter Fairley
The Invasion of the Moon - Peter Ryan
Chariots for Apollo - Courtney Brooks/James Grimwood/Loyd Swenson
LEM Lunar Excusion Module Failiarisation Manual - Grumman
How Apollo Flew to the Moon - David Woods
Apollo - A Chronology 1 to 4 - NASA
Growing Up with Spaceflight - Apollo Parts 1 & 2 - Wes Oleszewski
Live TV from the Moon - Dwight Steven-Boniecki
Moonwalker - Charles and Dotty Duke
Digital Apollo - David Mindell
From the Trenches of Mission Control to the Craters of the Moon - Ehrefried/Boone/Stoval/

If you would like to donate to this and future projects (any money donated will go towards purchasing hardware/software for use on these series) paypal.me/Lunarmodule5 - any donations are received with gratitude and thanks!

The Full Mission Series Production - An Explanation of the Process

Production began in February 2018 with the intention of release on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch day (subsequently the pre and post flight press conferences were added). Each video took between 1 and 3 months to produce, working about 10 hours a week.

Full Mission videos start with editing of the available audio for that particular day, sometimes split bewteen 3 tracks of audio (air to ground/flight directors loop/crew onboard tape). Once that process is completed the available TV transmissions or other associated video is positioned along with 16mm film taken by the crew. Photographs are placed in the mission timeline aprroximately near to where there were taken in the mission. Captions are then added to give pertinent information. The gaps that are left visually are filled with screen captures of the spacecraft from the Orbiter Space Simulator. Positions of spacecraft are approximated to what would have been seen on the mission, but during TLI, CSM RCS and SPS burns (LOI etc) the orientation is as near as I can get it to the actual (with sage advice from RW). Once these screen captures are in place the Apollo Guidence Computer (Virtual AGC) screens are captured. This involves setting the AGC time to the PAO announcements during the flight, screen capturing them and then transferring them to the timeline. Finally the title sequences are added.

Final editing of the whole video takes place with a run-through of the whole thing before the render of the video. Video sizes vary from 4 to 48gb.


Play at 6:17:48 AM (Eastern Standard Time) to sync up with the real time dates of the launch.


Can’t believe I only now (2021) just found this series. I followed the NASA podcasts at the time recounting the the pains of: Gathering the original audio tapes, restoring the magnetic media itself, then rebuilding the two-of-a-kind 30-track reel-to-reel player!
So glad you, and at least one other, did something with all that! And did such an excellent job! And shared all this meticulous, accurate work!
I am terribly grateful!


Great work. History owes you a debt. I saw the launch from Irving, TX 50 years ago tomorrow morning.


You have well-accomplished a noble public service by making these historic moon mission broadcasts conveniently available for all to enjoy. Thank you lunarmodule5.


I watched many many documentaries about Apollo. This is more informative than all. Raw material in the correct order. Very cool. It's amazing what these guys did in 1969. Only about 60 years after the first plane: the moon. Amazing
