Signs Your Twin Flame Separation Stage May Be Ending - How to Tell Twin Flames are Coming into Union

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Have you been in the separation stage with your twin flame and wonder what signs might signify a reunion is coming? If you're experiencing any of these signs it may indicate a twin flame reunion is coming soon.

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I wish everyone here to reunite with their twin flame, 🔥 amen


I hope everyone reunites with their twin flame soon!


Yes we have been in no contact for past five months separated after meeting for the first time after a seven year online relationship. We are energetically in communication ❤️🙏🕉️


I’m seeing his name everywhere. I’m feeling calm and I let go. I’m also seeing 11:11, 222, 444, 111, 555


I have all of the above signs I love it so much i love telepathically communicating with my twin on a daily basis it's so awesome 🥰🥰🥰 like on the way into target a guy was playing a ukulele for example and i passed by him and he was singing something about "a brand new beginning you & me" 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I know that was my twin singing to me 🥰🥰🥰


I got many signs, and twin numbers everyday. I feel surrender for anything that can happen in the near future. But the most important is I pray constantly for my DM happiness, calming thought, and wisefull heart to continue our journey. We live in difrnt countries never met each other even once. But our bonds are so strong.


As I seen this video it was 111 comments..❤ hope everyone will reunite with their twin flame..🥰


We’ve been in contact since end of June with no running from either side letting the universe control everything


Thank you for this video. I have been separated from my TF for 2.4 months now, he is married to someone. However, the feeling of togetherness has never left me. We are in a no-contact zone, but I can still feel him. I have been practicing meditation for some years now, and recently I realized that I feel happier for no reason, I trust the universe and often spend time with nature for hours. it gives me immense joy to just stare at the sky and communicate in silence. Since last week I have been dreaming a lot about my TF (runner), it seems he is communicating with me. Last night, I dreamed that he was finding ways to reach out to me. He is confused about what means of communication should be used to reach out to me. In my dream, I felt his pain and anxiety about not being able to find it any way. I woke up disturbed but managed to align my energy again. I hope this is the sign that he wants or at least trying to come back to my life.


Yes!! I’m at peace all of a sudden and have seen his name literally EVERYWHERE! It’s driving me crazy as I’m trying to release him, even started to try dating someone else who is literally trying to already meet my family after 2 meet ups in one week. I just can’t invest in him though he’s a nice guy. Same cultural background too


Experiencing all of these and he is on his way...


I am seeing his name everywhere outdoors and online. On several occasions I'm walking on the high street and I look up and see his name. I'm seeing 222 frequently. I see hearts everywhere almost daily, I mean things that are not even heart shaped resemble the shape, for e.g. my shower gel foam becomes a heart shape, I spill water and the water takes on a heart form, I sit down at a bench, there is chewing gum stuck to the seat in the shape of a heart. 😆 I'm excited by what I will see next. 💝


Yes, but I won't allow myself to get too excited nor have any expectations. Besides, even if he does come back, in the back of my mind, I would still be wondering how long for this time. I don't want to open up to have to let go again.


Once again all above has happened to me and I was looking for answers from above during my meditation which I found my real self with strength, love, passion, inspirations and a reall highest happiness in life.


I strongly claim my union with my twinflame. Thankyou Universe ❤❤❤


I'm feeling most of these signs. Especially during meditation, and I see my person in my dreams too. The last week or so, I've been seeing my Higherself in one of his pictures. ( this life's image incarnation)
I can feel his emotions whenever I look at his pictures.
Thank you for uploading this video


When I think I gotta get going and get out of here and move on, the song Slow ride seems to play on the radio it's weird


Wow this is amazing and gives me a full understanding of the process and sent this to my twin. Love it 💫


Wow this video is awesome, ty for sharing this information.. I love him and he texted me to day.


Yes I am experiencing all of these. Thank You.
