API Automation using Python Requests Library | GET, POST, PUT, DELETE RESTful APIs Testing

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#python #api #apitesting

0:00 Introduction to API Testing with Python
4:00 How to install Pycharm IDE
8:00 How to Install Python on a PC
10:20 Python Virtual Environment Venv
14:22 How to install requests library in Pycharm
14:50 How to install Pytest library in Pychram
16:30 Website to Practice for Open API test
17:30 GET API Testing in Python
22:45 POST API Testing in Python
28:50 Response assertions in Python
36:04 PUT API Testing in Python
41:17 DELETE API Testing in python

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Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge.
Im learning from yr tutorials for my work as I have to work on Api automation using python.
So, pls keep making videos on new concepts for the same.
Thank you 😊


Sir even I have installed request module still it displaying no module named 'requests'


sir create pyresttest library video also
