Do's & Don'ts after a Dental filling - Dr. Suresh S

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Dental fillings are artificial substitutes for the lost portion of the teeth due to caries or trauma. There are 2 kinds of fillings, one is temporary filings, second one is permanent fillings, we chose the nature of the fillings depending upon the symptoms , pain sensitivity or the extend of the decay. Some of the teeth may have to go for root canal treatment or if the cavity is very small or minute it can go for permanent restorations. If the tooth undergoes temporary filings, there are certain precautions you need to take. The temporary filings material will take some time to set complete the strength parameters are les when compared to the permanent filling. So as soon as the temporary filings is given, do not try to chew anything hard on the temporary filling, second thing is try to avoid eating the sticky food, very hot food or very cold food. Since the strength parameters are very less for the temporary filing, there are chances of the material coming out or chipping out from your tooth structure. So don’t get panic, visit your dentist. So the dentist will replace with new temporary filing. Once the symptoms are healed, then we go for permanent fillings. Once the person loses tooth structure due to caries or trauma, there is slight impairment in the oral function, in the way we chew the food alters according to the extent of the cavity. So once permanent fillings is given on the tooth surface, don’t try to test the food with the new filling material. You need to eat slowly and don’t try to cut through the food because cutting through all the way through the food, there are chances of extra pressure on the tooth surface which usually leads to the pain or sensitivity. Post-operative sensitivity, it is very common for the patients experiencing sensitivity, it will diminish with time. If you feel that even alter the filling the filling, the tooth is coming in between, and you are not able to chew completely, the dentist will reshape the tooth structure. Again with the permanent filling, you need to avoid very hot or very cold food because certain materials are susceptible to temperature changes. Other than that there are no other specific instructions, you can brush regularly and maintain a very good oral hygiene.
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I got my tooth filled today, and its discomferting as hell😦😦


I got 10 fillings in a couple months, trust they’re not that bad. Let’s just say I needed it cause I haven’t been since I was 15 and now I’m 18. But it went all good, but don’t worry. The sting you’ll get from the shot is very small and then the rest you will have to keep you’re mouth open and you won’t feel nothing.

Filling is one of the procedures where they will tell you to not do a list of things after. Which you shouldn’t do, but if you smoked or something like that it wouldn’t be life threatening. The worst it does is delay the recovery or eliminate the point of getting filling in the first place. And most of the time you’ll actually be fine no matter what you eat or do after, just a luck game honestly. As far as pain you won’t have much, just take the Advil they prescribed the night of


Just had two fillings an hour ago mouth still numb - no pain though😁 but I’m starving and just want to eat 😂


Very Insightful, Always avoid chewing hard things it causes pain in filled tooth


Thank you my dentist/ hygienist didn’t give me this information.


I done my tooth filling 2hours ago so uncomfortable can i brush my teeth harder 🤧😷


Hi dr. I got dental fillings for two years now, is it okay to practice oil pulling?


Is composite filling temporary filling?


My mouth was bitter and tasted like blood afterwards


Very nice treatment ❤❤
My problem is clear


Thanks for sharing the video...

I have one question, I did filling 2 years ago... Now am getting slight pain while eating or chewing with that tooth... Can you please suggest what should I do?

Thank you


I got two fillings and RCT today It took a total of 1.5 hrs and I got a fever after a few hours. I ate porridge for dinner but still feel a little sluggish.


Can u smoke weed after? Im a stoner and need to smoke can i smoke


OMG...hope their NOT doing metal fillings in that sweet child's mouth...


Hi Doc, how many hours should I wait before I can eat after the tooth filling?


I accidentally chewed bubble gum on my filling, it caused a bit sensitivity just for seconds but i am scared. I will never repeat that mistake again . Doctor it's not that serious right ???


I was just eating ice scream n i thought there was a rock inside the ice cream. But i notice it was my filling came out. Does cold can make it pop out?


I just got my tooth filing today and one of my tooth is very sensitive and a little painful, but the other teeth is completely fine


Is it okay to do workout such as weight lifting after getting my filling?


I did the filling before 2 months and from that day my gum is swelling and on gum becomes blood type small gillat
