Why Did Poland Order Nearly 50 South Korean FA-50 Fighters?

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According to Defense24, Poland has decided to order 48 KAI FA-50 light fighters from South Korea. These fighters will be used to train the country's air force pilots, as well as support F-16 fighters if necessary. In addition, if the FA-50 proves capable, Poland can order other Korean fighters such as the KF-21 Boramea.

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Even though FA-50s cannot completely replace F-16s, there are things Poland is currently doing with F-16s which can be replaced by FA-50s. This will free up those F-16s for more important roles.
Also, pilots trained on FA-50s can easily move onto F-16s as the transition time is very short. That was one of the main reason why FA-50(TA-50) was developed.


The FA-50 is a low-class fighter in Korea. This is not to say that LOW-class fighters are worthless fighters. Of course, the FA-50 isn't the best fighter. However, fighters have different missions and roles for each type. So the fighter must understand the HIGH-LOW concept. Operation and maintenance costs and aircraft maintenance are also important issues. Not all fighters can be configured as FA-35s because the FA-35 is the best, and not all fighters can be configured as FA-50s because the FA-50 is cheap. I am convinced that the FA-50 is a worthy fighter that can play some role in Poland's envisioned air force reinforcement.


FA-50PL version will have AESA radar which KF21 has. And modernized heavy weapon systems. It will be the most developed training jet ever and even some parts will be better than F16's ones. This is fact.


Your english has gotten a lot better. Great job dude.


Korea’s indigenous arms industry is on fire. The K2 MBT and this plane as well as the upgraded K-9 Thunder will be giving the traditional arms exporter some serious competition.


actually i'm surprised Switzerland didn't at least look at this bird!! it seems a good fit for them!


A blend of F 18 and F 16! Good for training and light attack at a very reasonable operating cost...


FA50 with AESA radar with long range AAM will able to shoot down Su35 able to see far from distance.


Do you really think Polish government didn't talked to Washington and Germany before making deal with S Korea? They were getting same crap as S Korea thus trying to work together to build its weapon systems within Poland facing real war next door. Poland history is similar to Korea facing Germany and Russia like S Korea facing China and Japan thus must able to build it's own weapon systems.


Excellent content and presentation! I’m glad I found your channel. Very well done.


Thai Gripen is older version while Philippines FA50 is newer version with new sensors and radar likely have better fire control systems. S Korea is known to have one of the best fire control systems in the world leading electronics. Recent dog fights between Thai Gripen and Philippines FA50 in Pitch Black war exercise prove that FA50 can shoot down other bigger opponents with right pilots.


It should make a good patrol and troop support fighter if nothing else. As mentioned the cost per flight hour is low and the procurement cost is low. It is a good, life multi-role platform.


KF21 flew supercruise and has frequency jumping EW, AESA radar and communication equipment superior to China and Russia and will likely pass the US technology since S Korea lead in electronics and IT tech. Javelin takes 30 seconds to cool its seeker to fire but S Korean Raybolt fire and forget ATGW takes 5 seconds proven by Saudi army in Yemen and cost less than half of Javelin. S Korean KP SAM has over 90% accuracy able to fight off EW but US Stinger have 70% accuracy.


It is much like the small BF-109 in WWII, but fast and can turn with the best. Never judge a fighter by it's size, when it has a top speed of 1150 MPH or Mach 1.5.


Actally f50pl will repkace su 22 and some role of mig 29 task what cant be fufiled by F50 pl will be doing f16 and F50 is great training plane because cocpit and some element looks and works like in f 16 and Poland are intrested for buy another f 35 or what is more posiłek for some f15FX because they cant buy new f16 and dosent want buy plane from another country beside USA or Korea (kf 21).


FA-50은 F-16과 부품 호환성 60%입니다. FA-50을 도입하면 F-16의 부품수급과 조종사 양성에 도움이 될 것입니다.


In Polish army there is a saying: military starts where logic ends. SERIOUSLY.


It's good to see S Korean weapons sold to defend a nation but same time sad to see countries have to build up their military again for safety in 21st century. We thought people grew up and done with big wars except N Korea.


Jedyny dobry powód to taki że Polska otrzyma lepszą cenę na czołgi i artylerię i/albo korzystniejszy transfer technologii. No albo też nie mamy po prostu pieniędzy . Przypominam że Polsce proponowany jest Eurofighter w najnowszej wersji z natychmiastowa dostawa. Natomiast samoloty fa, które będą się do czegokolwiek nadawać otrzymamy 2025-2028. Bo pierwsze 16 w wersji blok 10 nawet ze starymi Mig29 nie mają szans


Love the Koreyo-Polish accent of the robot narration.
