6 Reasons You Should Write Everything Down

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Today's live class is going to be on the 6 main reasons that I like to write everything down and why you should too. Join me today at 4pm CST.
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Its 8:37pm. Its after the live session.
I've been writing things down, but I've been skipping some days. Trying to get better organized has been a challenge. I realized I have a notebook for every area of my life, but I'm still not reaching some of my goals for 2023. I have art goals I want to reach and I have music goals I want to reach and I'm trying to take better care of my health and take better care of my finances.
I'm watching from Kingsville, Ohio 🎉 😀 ❤


in German we have a saying: through the hand into the head (Durch die Hand in den Kopf)


#replay I realize I cannot let anyone stop me from writing things down. Because writing things down brings me peace.


Great class. ❤I’m a paper planner and pen girl for life. 📝One thing that helps me when i’m not near my planner is an app called BrainToss. You can write or record whatever you want to reminder yourself or notes and BrainToss sends you an email. As long as your checking your emails, you shouldn’t miss it. As long as i’ve been a planner, I struggle with floating tasks and inboxes! And migrating tasks too much.


Thank you for the reminder that we can take time to rest. I always feel guilty if I am constantly not doing something and think it's a waste of time. Yesterday my body couldn't take it anymore. I needed to rest. It's hard keeping up with everything.❤


My husband gets frustrated when we have to pay a big bill. I tell him to be thankful we had the money to pay that bill.


I love your videos. You're my Sunday girl!


Yes, , My mine does not work as sharp as it use to. Write it down, Yes it remind my mine I need to do this and that. Well explained.


I can’t carry a book around everywhere and i don’t like apps so try to sit down every day and recall.


Alaina, I’ve been watching so many of your videos lately! Love your content and the way you teach. I’ve heard you talk about the “capture” notebook so many times, but now I realize that I need to add that to my system. Also, as a side note, there is neurological evidence that physically writing something down locks information in the memory far better than typing or using some app.


Alaina I appreciate you so much. Since i started watching your videos i have become a more organised person. God bless you always 🙏 ❤️


I found someone that thinks like me! I love everything about your channel!


Alaina you are truly anointed for you contribute, absolutely ❤️ your chanel!


Love the idea of notebook to carry. My actual planner is large and don’t want to carry everywhere and I don’t want a mini planner. Started one but it was too much.


This video is so inspiring. Im trying harder to write everything down. I used to think I didn’t need to write everything out bc I would remember if it was important.

But I learned that writing everything down helps me de-stress


Just started watching you since I just came across another one of your video. Totally appreciate what you are saying here, and try to write stuff down. But I’m so disorganized anyway, the information gets lost and forgotten anyway. Hopefully, I’ll find other videos to help me 😊


This was one of the most informative videos I have seen. Thank you!!


Have you done a video on how you script a video?


#replay I’m Rita from Lexington, Ky. You are so awesome! I used to write everything down and use a planner but I feel like I can’t get back on track because I’m all over the place with everything in my life. I’m a mother of two grown girls, an full-time worker, an entrepreneur where I sell items on ebay. I really need to get my life on track I want to retire in about three and half years and I want eBay to help with paying bills because I don’t make enough money with my full time job but I also want to be more organized. #Q Where would you suggest I start to get organized and get more consistent? Thank you for all your classes and videos! It just seem like you were talking about me in this video.


Hey Alaina! Your such an inspiration. I love to write... I've been writing for as long as I can remember but as I get older I notice my hands starting to crap up. Do you have any suggestions? I asked my doctor she suggested I stretch 😅😅😅
