Why you should write everything down

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One thing that Tom recommends is to get a pen and paper and write everything down - every little insight, feeling, thought, confusion, frustration, revelation.
Writing everything down is a very powerful technique.
It can be so helpful to see the tricks of the ego.
Mind is very fickle. It forgets very quickly what it has learned. And it keeps you chasing.
Pen and paper can greatly enhance our thinking process.

This video was recorded live during a Satsang meeting with Tom Das and put together by volunteers.

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I was unsure what to title this video - any ideas? Or is the video title fine as it is?


I've been doing this practice for years, mainly just writing down insights, especially when they start pouring out. I know how quickly they can fade. They can shred like cobwebs or dreams in the morning if they're not written down. And also, the pen often seems like a wand that can conduct high insights, (that might otherwise flee away like foam on a wave), down to, as it were, the 'physical' level, (the gross waking state). And insight, when written, releases insight and then more insight, each insight unfolding to the next - but if they're not written down, then there might be an initial idea that fades and that will be it. I often get a sense of guidance coming through, as well, (as if I'm actually being taught be an unseen and compassionate force), when these incredible strings of understandings emerge and get deeper and deeper and then yet deeper - and again, this wouldn't happen without writing. I very appreciate the idea that Tom expresses that this practice does indeed, in a sense, stregnthen jiva... that has been a conflict for me...but as I consider the matter anew, I believe it must be the sadhaka jiva, (or sadhaka self that is prelude to the knowing of I am), that is stregthened, so no harm, no foul. I don't however, write on paper. I use 3" x 5" cards and staple the cards together or bind them with gumbands, often thematically. This has worked for me for years.


I just started to write everything down on paper and I get insights.
The ego must be different than something that is rational. I find myself learning.
Here's the weird part though. There is something choosing these things that finds it relevant.
Thank you Guruji.


I go through this and I write everything down. Journal a ton
Ive seen some pretty amazing synchronicities, and answers from my higher self.
Yesterday I felt amazing, high vibration, felt like the universe was so abundant and then today I felt like Crap! Defeated, felt like quitting, giving up on everything.
Why??!! How can one day be so diffrent from next. 🤷😢


Hi mate would you say krishnmurti has much value for self realisation compared to like of papaji ramana nisargadatta etc