Too Much Broken & Missing... Recovery Nightmare!

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So I got a call for a Chevy and everything kept breaking on it.

Watch MORR Videos:
Toyota 4Runner Gets Trapped At Gunlock Falls

Oh Wow, Morrvair Has A Major Design Flaw!

This Will Be The HARDEST Rescue Ever...

The Ultimate Competition… The Off-Road Games!

Can Someone Explain Why This Is Happening?

What Did I Do To The Bombi?!

I Failed....

Need a cool Hat, T-shirt, or Rope:
Matt's Off Road shirts, hats, hoodies, keychains and stickers!

Matt’s rope of choice 30
Matt's Recovery Rope by Yankum Ropes

Matt’s Straps, how we tie down our vehicles

Matt's Tools: Tool Burrito

Check out the Miller Multimatic 220:

Check out the Miller Arcstation:

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Rock Slide Engineering
Barnes 4WD
Yankum Ropes
Rock Slide Engineering
Flog Industries
Yukon Gear & Axle
Full Throttle Battery
Rugged Radio

Jeep Cherokee XJ bags, we use ours for first aid.

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Thanks for watching, from all of us at Matt's off-road recovery!

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That welded tie rod is now the strongest part of that vehicle.


This rescue makes me appreciate my dad. He was an old-time mechanic and every old car/truck I drug home he was excited as I was to get them up and running and making sure the things that mattered worked and were safe. He's been gone almost 25 years, but I couldn't have asked for a better father. More importantly, he helped make some great memories for a teenage kid that had big ideas and instilled a "you can do anything you set your mind too" attitude.


Yor repair was the strongest part of the tahoe. Great job


The great thing about having an old vehicle is all the knowledge and experience you get from the repairs.


When I was that kids age I was driving junk too. My parents made me work for anything I wanted to buy so I bought cheap beaters, wrenched on them, then wrenched some more. It’s a great way to learn a lot of things including not taking things for granted. A lot of kids these days don’t get these important lessons.


"You're going to hit that bush" Don't think it will hurt the paint! At least he was out there having fun with what he had.


The way Matt rubbed the Durango’s driver, front tire and his face afterwards you don’t even have to look at the tire to see that there’s cords showing


I kinda feel bad for that young man. He’s out there with what he has to work with, just wanting to explore a few trails but that vehicle (neither vehicle actually)is in no shape to be doing so. He could be doing much worse things with his life but he’s out there alone being adventurous. _Stay safe young man and good luck!_


I respect that kid for having fun with what he’s got.


That Chevy is a good candidate for an overhaul, I’ll never trash anyone for what they drive, I have been there and done that, I’ve been so broke I would almost have to walk, and I have been on the other end with some of the finest luxury cars available, I wish that kid all the luck in the world for a better vehicle


" it was like it was taken apart, and someone really it was put back together in a hurry "

*custumer stares at ground*


Watching you trust your kids, is a beautiful thing. I have a 32 y/o Marine Staff Sgt, and his "little" brother is 5 years his junior and is just as bad assed and capable. They compete like dogs, but will always, in the end, love and help each other. It's a wonderful thing to watch as a Dad. (Don't get me started on their sister, who is right between those two wonderful mutts. I worked with my youngest on many a construction site and also served in the Navy... I sometimes think I am not worthy of my kids.


The recovery cost more then both vehicles combined... what a piece of... art.


"Need to grab my Slag hammer" I fully expected Matt to pull out an old claw hammer 🤣


That young dude reminds me of myself when I was his age; had several old vehicles at the time and none of them could in any way be considered either reliable nor in good working order. I'd always be driving the most reliable one whilst I was working on the others and then when that one broke I'd switch to one of the others that I had at least got to the stage of running & driving somewhat, and then start the whole process over. Never occurred to me at the time to spend the money to buy just one lower-mileage & trouble-free vehicle as my daily driver...


I love how Matt gives his kids more and more resposibility - and they get more and more comfortably with the recoveries. 😎😎🤘🤘


It is debatable whether that should be classified as a Recovery, it is more in line with Trail clean-up.


That young man could benefit from Matts tutelage in mechanics, fabricating, welding etc....maybe have a show where you bring a viewers vehicle on, and have them repair along with your team??😉🤔


Growing up, all us at one time had a POS crap-box that we occasionally took where it shouldnt have gone. Those times still make me laugh!


I've been too busy at work to watch any MORR for like a month, this is the video I was on and I'm starting back here to catch up. Great one to welcome me back, love watching this channel.
