'Autistic People Freak Out with this..' - Jordan Peterson

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"correct me if you feel that I am wrong"

I like that, that's nice.


I didn't realize he was wearing a vest I thought his pants were up that high. Lmao


People please know the % of autistic persons who struggle with this is barely 50:50. Autism is a huge spectrum and it’s essential we don’t assume all traits affect all people.


I have high functioning autism. It’s not so much that things being out of place bother me, but say I was talking to somebody, my brain would often prioritise that imperfection over the conversation. It would then take me a few seconds to deal with it before returning to the conversation. It doesn’t haunt me though like it might for others.


I am a teacher, and I love working with autistic kids. It's very rewarding to see them find ways to manage stress and succeed.


That's what's so amazing about autism. We all have it a little different but can all relate to eachother in this manner.
I was diagnosed as a child with ADHD but after doing a lot of reading and searching I'm pretty confident I have autism as well. It's a shame that going and getting diagnosed or figuring out what's going on is so damn expensive


Yeah I straighten chairs and pictures. I think it's more of an "everything in its right place" feeling. Everything is aligned correctly.


The only reason things like this tend to bother people with autism is because "consistency" is a coping mechanism. Autistic people basically have super senses and they hurt. Thus they need coping mechanisms to deal with the pain.


When my bro moved in with me, he changed the order of utensils in the drawer. I had it: steak knives, butter knives, forks, then spoons. He put the spoons before the forks. I lost my shit. I was like " who the fuck says get the knives and spoons? Spoons go last." 😂🤣😂 apparently changing the order of utensils was my breaking point.


My son is very high functioning autistic. He’s in college now and doing great.


I used to struggle with severe autism when I was younger. Peterson describes it perfectly! My mom told me that if my chocolate milk was put somewhere different than it normally was, I would put it where it belongs, go upstairs, and do a “retake” per sé


I’m autistic and he’s right I cried when they touched my room


Have two teens with autism, my son is verbal and my daughter is non verbal. Both are aware whenever something is off. Life is a difficult structure and it took time for us as a family to really enjoy our children and we haven't been able to get support for them, I haven't worked in 16 years and my children's safety means everything to me. Listening to Peterson has helped me thru my hardships and I am content with life.


More Temple. Never get tired of Temple.
And where do I see this interview?


☺️. my Son is Autistic... We go into a grocery store an he will reorganize the cans an packages when they are out of order, or disorganized God Bless Him .... 🤗


I was hoping Jordan was going to give us tremendous insight into autism. Since he did not really nail it as I hoped, here is probably why: Autism is classified as a "spectrum" disorder because it can present very differently in each person who has it. Temple Grandin ( The lady in the video) mentioned something that even some people without autism notice. Autism is tough to nail down as a generality. It's different for different people.


How I am watching Jordan Peterson one second and then get fucking jumpscared by THE Temple Grandin.


I have High Functioning Autism. Specifically, I have High Socially Functioning Autism, which used to be called Aspergers Syndrome. For me, it's not that something is out of place. It's that it's out of place from where *I* left it/last saw it. If I moved it, it's no issue. If my wife moved it, even for good reasons, it gets my goat. I understand why she might have done so, but it is still irksome.


TEMPLE GRANDIN! How wonderful to see her response. A true heroine.


I over analyze the conversation hours, weeks months years later, trying to understand what was being said, or if I understood what was being said. Extremely analytical, but usually miss the intent of the conversation at the moment it was happening. Inanimate objects for the most part makes sense. But social interaction somewhere goes haywire. Maybe it’s part of the ADHD SCT or extreme analyzing of the situation, dyslexia auditory processing disorder. I don’t know if that’s in the spectrum. But it certainly causes communication issues.
