Cheap vs Expensive OFF-ROAD

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"Who’s ready for an almighty off-road showdown!

We’ve got our hands on one of the most renowned off-roaders around, the Land Rover Defender, and it’s going head-to-head against… a Dacia Duster!

Ok, just hear us out! Everyone knows that the Defender is a great car for off-roading. After all, the model we have here is powered by a 3-litre turbo Diesel engine with 300hp & 650Nm of torque. What’s more, it comes with loads of off-roading tech, including a central locking diff and air suspension!

However, it’s pretty expensive, costing from £84,000. In comparison, the Dacia Duster costs just £22,500! Sure it’s down on power, with its 1.5-litre turbo diesel only producing 115hp & 260Nm, but is it a better value buy than the Defender?

Well it’s time to find out! Stick with Mat over this series of 6 challenges to see whether the Duster is a better value purchase than the Defender!"

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Considering Duster is just 1/4th of the Defender price - it's really impressive performance in off-road


My honest opinion is that relatively cheap cars like Duster, Panda, Jimny, etc are best off-road, because you wouldn't be afraid of your car as much when you drive expensive ones, so you would personally perform better.


In Slovenia the mountain rescue teams use Dusters with off road tires. They just love them Dusters.


Tyres are everything with off road, I'm seriously impressed at the duster performing like that on road tyres.


When the Defender has been in the garage for 6 weeks and nobody has a clue what is wrong with it the Duster will still be chugging merrily along😁


The Defender may have won on points (and so it should at the price) but had the Duster been fitted with equivalent off-road tyres the result would have been even closer. Personally, I think the Duster is incredible value for money and an accomplished off-road vehicle to boot... 👍


I wonder what the Dacia would have performed like with the proper tyres. I love its sheer simplicity, to tell the truth.


The little Duster against a Chelsea Tractor, the car you will never use or see off road. Really impressed with the Duster.


Despite being both a Land Rover owner and “fan boy” you really do have to give Dacia credit for building a very capable 4ish car. They really are far more capable off road, especially with decent tyres fitted, than people give them credit for


I am proud for Dacia Duster as it is made in Romania my native country . At that price Dacia won by far in my opinion . Dacia has a number of models very popular in Romania and Europe as well being priced very affordable . Their pick up version is a huge success, too bad they stopped producing those models, my brother has one and at 300.000 km diesel is still priced as when he purchased it at around 7000 dollars almost 15 years ago . Amazing cars . Check also Dacia Logan, Dacia Sandero and Doker . Dacia was the name of my country 2000+ years ago and the Roman Empire had to wage 2 wars with huge armies to conquer Dacia . Among all models I think Dacia probably sell 1, 000, 000 units every year, I sure hope so . Bravo Romania !


If the duster was fitted with off road tires like the defender I wouldn’t be surprised if it would have performed even better!


As many have said, the Duster with proper off road tyres would've been more interesting. But I would like to see Duster with offroad tyres vs Defender with summer street tyres. Then it would've been more interesting (and close)!


So the Duster with no aids and crappy street tires made it through everything the Defender went through with all of the aids and off-road tires, but it was a little bit slower. Can you do this same test again with the duster having off-road tires and the Defender in regular street tires? I'd love to see those results.

Or I don't know, maybe give them both the same kind of tires and test it? This was not a fair test, but the Duster was impressive.


I'm a Land Rover nut but have a Duster 4x4 as my daily and it's absolutely thoroughly enjoyed that video!


"No skill required... just £84, 000.00" hahaha best line so far.


Very entertaining. Obscene price rules out the Land Rover, for its price the the Dacia is winner for me as its the only one that is a reasonable price & better reliability record


Impressive results for the Duster especially looking at the disadvantage in tires.


The Dacia Duster equipped with standard tyres performed as good as the Defender "in dry conditions " so to me the winner is the Duster hands down.


The defender is gonna be 22k pounds in a few years and 10 k repairs every year after that .
The duster can be repaired with the price of the defender’s wheels….


Honestly the Dacia is really impressive, between the two the Dacia is the obvious winner for me, you can near enough 4 of them for the price of that Defender and that sounds like fun days with a couple friends or buy one and use the remaining 60k to run it forever
