How to Heal Dissociation & Get Grounded in Reality I Bioenergetic Therapy for Self Healing [06/52]

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Ever felt like the world isn't real - or like you don't actually exist?

These are signs of chronic dissociation, and it's time we learn how to heal this reversible traumatic defence mechanism.

In this sixth episode of Inner Work Essentials offers an expanded introduction to somatic therapy - sometimes called body-based therapy - which I believe to be one of the most powerful ways to heal the body from childhood trauma and get grounded in reality as we move towards wholeness and health.

This episode explores a bioenergetic approach to healing chronic dissociation and depersonalisation via embodiment and grounding. I'll show you how to get grounded in your body, in addition to learning how to ACTUALLY love being a human with a physical body rather than faking your way towards spiritual bypassing or pseudo-wholeness.

Book Recommendation: The Voice of the Body, Alexander Lowen


Feel free to message me on Instagram!

00:00 "I don't feel real anymore..."
00:47 How to Heal Dark Trauma with Somatic Release
01:21 Book Recommendation: The Voice of the Body, Alexander Lowen
02:35 Grounding: How to Feel Safe & Secure in your Body
03:48 Feet & Legs: Laying Roots into your Flesh
05:34 What I Learned from my Grounding Journey (five years)
06:54 Reversing Dissociation: How to Fully Incarnate (via honest love)
08:00 You Can't Fake Love for a Body you Despise.
08:57 Bioenergetics for Dissociation & Disconnect
10:08 Next Steps: The Levels of Consciousness


Welcome to INNER WORK ESSENTIALS: the 52 episode series designed to provide you with an intense, diverse and holistic roadmap for full-spectrum self-healing and transformative self-education!

It's been a long time coming... with over 350 books researched in the last 27 months... but I'm overjoyed to FINALLY be sharing what I've learned about the Inner Working Landscape and how to do Inner Work at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Want to know where this series is heading? Read my teaching intentions below!


1) Provide the student with an informed and representative overview of multiple complementary therapeutic modalities to support their self-healing process; with special encouragement placed upon the auto-therapeutic application of particular healing modalities for particular problems at particular stages in their journey.

2) Nourish the intellectual and spiritual maturation of the student by familiarising them with the most exciting, challenging and credible concepts in developmental psychology, consciousness studies and transpersonal metaphysics; with central emphasis being placed upon comparative analysis of multiple complex theories.

3) Encourage an empowered and more authentic sense of individual self-expression as a combined outcome of the two previous intentions, plus the application of holistic lifestyle principles, self-educational practises, and foundational healthy habits.


On completion of this series, the student should expect to be:

1) Auto-therapeutic. The student will feel generally competent in their ability to select and self-administer the most suitable therapeutic modality on a full-spectrum basis: ranging from the somatic resolution of central childhood wounds to the everyday self-regulation of symptomatic stress responses such as anxiety and addiction.

2) Closer towards baseline integral consciousness (Wilber). Through their combined efforts of rigorous self-inquiry and critical engagement with recommended reading material, the student will have significantly developed their intellectual and spiritual maturity to a noticeable degree, in likely correlation with their depth of engagement.

3) Holistically Empowered. The student will enjoy a meaningful expansion of their physical, emotional, sexual, and creative expression as a result of their healing and expansion work. In short, they will be healthier, happier and feel more complete.

4) Self-educational. The student will have felt organically inspired to move beyond free video content and create a self-structured learning arc which takes maximum advantage of at least several dozen inner working books mentioned within the course. The student will consequently enjoy lifelong learning habits including: critical research skills, long-term focus, and the ability to know when to stop studying.


DM me for 1:1 consultations & private mentoring.

#dissociation #traumatherapy #somatictherapy
Рекомендации по теме

Two-minute squats every hour? I'm sure that was deeply grounding and healing. I think I know that client ;). I feel that having a body-based therapeutic process is life-saving. Healing unhealthy mental patterns through mental processes alone is not conducive or effective. At least, it is not as effective as body-based practices that literally heal the dynamics and energetic makeup of the body. I can attest that through these practices I have felt how energetic blockages within my body, traumatic memory patterns stored as tension in the flesh, have been tremendously transformed and healed to a great extent. In addition, having your services as such a humane and competent professional with deep and integral therapeutic and spiritual experience has been life-changing. I working with you 1000% to anyone reading this.


Dissociation is part of my daily life. I heard of the term but never really understood it until the last year. I notice it when I am listening to people talk and also I do lots of daydreaming.


Bioenergetics is really something! I looked for it after (I guess) 2 years after ending a relationship of 7 heavy years of abuse. When I ended it I was so dismantled that I'd go for runs twice a day. It was a period when an intolerance to gluten was triggered too, so I lost more than 20 kg in 2 months. There was some deep bitterness and mistrust that I accessed with the bioenergetic therapist and the group sessions. I was fortunate to be assigned one of the most experienced therapists in the house, and she was amazing. Especially the breathing techniques were unbelievably efficient for me. Super powerful movement of energies. I was intrigued though, about the level of uncovering and peeling that one can achieve through only physical techniques. Because in this particular place I used to go, they preached the idea that speaking therapy, such as traditional psychology and psychotherapy, is useless and keep people running around their tales more than anything. I am too impregnated with all related to language to judge, but I don't think it's possible to dissociate man from language, even though it can't be the only source of self-knowledge and self-reference. You should have more background and accumulated knowledge to say anything about that.


As soon as you said that our energy gets chronically trapped, as you indicated the throat, the pressure in the head and being somewhere in the back behind the head, it made me think about my cervicsl dystonia and how it exactly presents that way.

It's a stress mediated disease that has no cure but, it can go into remission! It effects my cervical muscles where they get so tight they press against my cervical spine and put pressure on my spinal cord when I have a preticularily dense flare up where I get neurological symptoms such as ataxia.

But it also effects my throat muscles and I lose my voice like today. And puts pressure on my occipital bone and brain. That one is the worst. But because of my ptsd, back when it was out of control, putting me through an intense disassociation of my person and reality. So it's crazy how you describe it in such a way.

My illness started before my ptsd disassociation, but I haven't felt apart of myself my whole life. Took me just starting my healing journey to first discover that I hid myself away inside myself. The amazing part about that though was it happened just after my awakening, with what felt like my higher self guiding me to this very little girl locked behind a door before I even knew what an inner child was. I just held her in my arms as she cried in immense pain and told her I would never leave her and that I would always be there for her, when everyone else failed her.

The subsequent years of my healing journey found me accessing present states of conciousness to let go of the illusion of immense pain during the worst times of my illness. My journey has taught me all about my inner child, and the shadow, every spiritual teacher I could digest, and almost 3 years later finding you who put everything I learned and tied it all together lol.

Now I can spend easily the next 2 or 3 years with all the books you recommend and the practical applications you teach to use as a useful tool beside each and every reading material. I feel blessed that our energies aligned so I may find myself here resonating with your teaching. 🙏✨️

I have faith that one day I can go into remission. I already see myself there everyday. 🥰


The part where you said accpetance doesn't have to come before truly loving your body was so freeing to hear. I think the narrative of acceptance at all costs that's present today can be so damaging and limiting and that sometimes the voice that tells you to change (if it's coming from a healthy place) isn't damaging but actually life-saving. Took a moment to really think about what loving being in my body would mean for me and have come to the seemingly obvious conclusion that it would be inhabiting one that would allow full participation in the world without restriction and allow me to fully express myself physically that only comes from having a body that is strong, flexible and healthy! Thank you for allowing me to have this kind of insight and for such a great video <3


I watched this video a couple of nights ago and can’t shake it off. Your explanation of the feeling of disassociation made me cry. Nobody seemed to understand what I was saying - not even my therapist. Although the initial feeling was intense it didn’t really go away either. It was one of the most isolated experiences I have ever felt, not only in myself but with all those around me. And when I was in the intensity of that feeling (although I know you mentioned no gyms !) I without knowing was going to the gym for heavy squats and spin classes - my higher self knew what I needed even if I didn’t. Those exercises I think saved my life. 💜


Can't wait for the book to arrive, currently reading some summary about it and doing some Bioenergetics. Kudos to Alexander Lowen for bringing something like this to humanity. It is so much needed!


Incredible series and I love that you mention in the descriptions someone who is accessing these videos as a student ! A tremendous acknowledgement of gratitude for this body of work that you have made available through your scholarship. Thank you, thank you on behalf of myself and those I am sharing your vidoes with.


Thank you infinitely for this Gem Series, You Are Helping a Great Deal, Appreciated 👏🏻


Wow I’ve been on this self awakening and healing journey my whole life but more intentionally since 2015. So much has been healed but I feel like I’ve reached a very deep level which requires new perspectives and methods and I’ve never thought of the psychosomatic methodology to self healing. Thank you so much for your videos. I’m watching this series in order and I might not comment on each one but this series is like a gift from the universe to help me take my healing to the next level. Much love sent to you my soul brother ❤


This one spoke deeply to me! (Adds book recommendation to cart 🤭). Grateful for your videos Jordan X


Uhhh.... what a great conclusion at the ebd: selflove, acceptance to end the fleet. Well done. Thank you



1) Provide the student with an informed and representative overview of multiple complementary therapeutic modalities to support their self-healing process; with special encouragement placed upon the auto-therapeutic application of holistic healing modalities for particular problems at particular stages in their journey.

2) Nourish the intellectual and spiritual maturation of the student by familiarising them with the most exciting, challenging and credible concepts in developmental psychology, consciousness studies and transpersonal metaphysics; with central emphasis being placed upon comparative analysis of multiple complex theories.

3) Encourage an empowered and more authentic sense of individual self-expression as a combined outcome of the two previous intentions, plus the application of holistic lifestyle principles, self-educational practises, and foundational healthy habits.

*EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES (what you'll get from these videos)*

*On completion of this series, the student should expect to be:*

1) *Auto-therapeutic.* The student will feel generally competent in their ability to select and self-administer the most suitable therapeutic modality on a full-spectrum basis: ranging from the somatic resolution of central childhood wounds to the everyday self-regulation of symptomatic stress responses such as anxiety and addiction.

2) *Closer towards baseline integral consciousness (Wilber)* . Through their combined efforts of rigorous self-inquiry and critical engagement with recommended reading material, the student will have significantly developed their intellectual and spiritual maturity to a noticeable degree, in likely correlation with their depth of engagement.

3) *Holistically Empowered.* The student will enjoy a meaningful expansion of their physical, emotional, sexual, and creative expression as a result of their healing and expansion work. In short, they will be healthier, happier and feel more complete.

4) *Self-educational.* The student will have felt organically inspired to move beyond free video content and create a self-structured learning arc which takes maximum advantage of at least several dozen inner working books mentioned within the course. The student will consequently enjoy lifelong learning habits including: critical research skills, long-term focus, and the ability to know when to stop studying.


what a wonderful gift your work is. thank you for creating videos with such a worthy content! your videos have been my nightly lecture for over a week now, and I look forward to it every day. big thank you 🙏🏻


Great video! I can feel your enthusiasm, and its contagious, this will be the second book that i will purchase after watching your video's. A friend recommended your videos and, I LOVE them 😍 I have been practicing grounding for some years now and I'm sure yoga works in a similar way with many stong leg postures. But this is an added dimension of HOW they work, really fascinating 🤩 Thanks again 🙏🏽


This is exactly what I have been experiencing lately and falling into states of empty numb and dark nothingness no feeling or wish like I’m gone and I went on a trip and started to reapprear again but come home I slowly fell back into just sitting and staring at the wall and not feel bored .. than realization came that perhaps I disassociated and then your video popped up )) thank you 😊 🙏💖


I think I said it in the comments of the video about HSPs but I'm followed by vocational and job counselors who help us find what we want to do as studies and as a job but there's not only that. There are also sports educators who accompany us twice a week to engage in sport activities. This video resonates with me because I believe that sport is essential to well-being. I used to dislike sports, and especially teamwork sports, and I used to think that it was odd to be addicted and to enjoy it. That was until I realized how incredibly good it felt to run and to have fun for 2 hours. The sensation in the body is incredible! You feel inner peace, satisfaction and strength. I've compared that feeling to the one of weakness and sadness I've felt a long time, after not going out of the house and sitting all day in front of video games.

Nature and sport are two essential parts of happiness and I think that people are starting to realize that as nature is more and more present in the city and I feel like sport is more praised and recommended than ever. The contact with the soil is also fantastic; planting something fulfills a need for life, beauty and puts us in contact with the natural antidepressants contained in the soil.

Antidepressants gave me back the will to live and the sparkle of motivation but I realized that it's not a miraculous product, that the change will come from my own will. I'm so incredibly grateful to everyone out there who look out for me and give me alternatives, because I feel like my psychiatrist doesn't really know what to do and just does small talk and pill refills.

Two words : Sport and nature 🤗


Brother, I am exactly in this moment of my life. Perhaps it is a sign or milestone that i have made progress to get this far. Your words spoke truth to me and will definitely apply a more primal approach to connecting to my lower body. Will definitely read that book, too.
Thanks heaps!


I believe that as a truly loving couple, I.e, myself & my higher self, can be ‘healed’ by Not being apart. I have not the strength
to imagine that I could continue doing this on my own. Great videos Jordan ❤❤❤


Walking barefoot on the grass 💯💯 adore it. so simple and so life-changing simultaneously
